Sweetie - a fruit with three names

Sweetie - a fruit with three names
Sweetie - a fruit with three names

Thanks to the efforts of Israeli scientists, a citrus variety known as sweetie, oroblanco or pomerite was developed. This pomelo / grapefruit hybrid has a sweeter flavor and stays green even when fully ripe. Sweetie, or a variety of grapefruit, was bred by the University Experimental Laboratory in 1984 in Riverside, California. The extraordinary fruit is the result of long-term research by scientists from Israel, who dreamed of making it sweet and delicious. However, for a long time sweetie (from the English "sweet"), he also grinds, was inferior in popularity to his "older brother" grapefruit, most likely due to the sufficient amount of waste from the fruit. The photo below shows his thick skin.

Read about the beneficial properties of the pomelo

It also has the name Oroblanco, from Spanish “oro blanco” is translated as “white gold”. And also its third name - pomelite, in Latin - "Pomelit".

Oroblanco, which belongs to citrus fruits, "loves" warmth, therefore, the cultivation of this fruit occurs mainly in countries with hot tropical climates. It can be found in Japan, India, China, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Israel, Hawaii, and South and Central America.

Remarkably, the sweets remain green even when fully ripe. Citrus has a smooth and shiny thick rind, which is separated from the pulp by a creamy layer. If you remove the peel, then a kind of fatty layer will remain on the hands. The fruit is quite heavy, even small fruits have sufficient weight.

Sweeties are eaten like grapefruit, split in half. The pulp of the fruit is added to salads, after having cleaned it from the film and peel. The taste goes well in dishes with seafood, mushrooms, vegetables and chicken.

The composition of oroblanco: vitamins and calories

Composition, calorie content
Composition, calorie content

Vitamin C is contained in sweets in exactly the same amount as in grapefruit - 45 mg. Thanks to the "ascorbic acid", this citrus can be attributed to the most effective products for the treatment and prevention of colds. Oroblanko contains a large number of trace elements (magnesium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, potassium), antioxidants and essential oils. It contains vitamins B6 (read which foods contain vitamin B6), B5, B2, B1, folic acid and special enzymes that help break down fats and proteins, so sweets are an excellent dietary product. Calorie content per 100 g - 58 kcal:

  • Proteins - 0.7 g
  • Fat - 0.2 g
  • Carbohydrates - 9.0 g

Sweets: useful properties

Scientists have concluded that sweets, due to their low calorie content, are useful for overweight people (for comparison: the calorie content of grapefruit is 52 kcal). It will help you always stay in good shape and get rid of toxins, toxins and bad cholesterol. Moreover, the fruit normalizes blood pressure and heart function, therefore, it will have undoubted benefits for patients with cardiovascular diseases.

Sweetie, oroblanco, pomelite - useful properties
Sweetie, oroblanco, pomelite - useful properties

Pomelite can help with edema and restore water-salt balance in the body. It is also a great antidepressant. Eat a piece of this wonderful fruit and the feeling of chronic fatigue and depression will disappear as if by hand! Citrus fruit improves memory and has a beneficial effect on the body, especially if it is freshly squeezed juice - healthy and invigorating. It will improve the condition of the gallbladder, liver and gastrointestinal tract.

In cosmetology, sweets also show their amazing and useful properties. On the basis of juice and pulp, you can make rejuvenating masks, which have a nourishing, moisturizing effect on the skin of the face.

Grind: harm and contraindications

Sweetie, although a sweet fruit, belongs to citrus fruits, which means it can cause allergies. Another harm it poses for those suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, - frequent use causes irritation of the intestinal and stomach mucosa. For the same reason, it should be strictly limited in the diet of patients with enteritis, cholecystitis, acute nephritis, intestinal inflammation, duodenal ulcer, colitis and gastritis.

For the rest, sweets, like other fruits, are sunny food, which is given by nature and their benefits are undeniable!
