Diy fresh puff pastry

Diy fresh puff pastry
Diy fresh puff pastry

Baking made from unleavened puff pastry turns out to be much tastier if you cook it yourself, rather than using a frozen store-bought semi-finished product. Step-by-step recipe with a photo. Video recipe.

DIY ready-made unleavened puff pastry
DIY ready-made unleavened puff pastry

Recipe content:

  • Ingredients
  • DIY step-by-step cooking of unleavened puff pastry
  • Video recipe

Unleavened puff pastry in Soviet times was used to make baked goods: tubules, volovanov, “tongue” cakes and Napoleon cake. Today we are used to buying ready-made puff pastry in stores. Therefore, very few people cook it on their own, tk. the process is very long, tedious and requires adherence to certain technologies. But all this negates the fact that industrial manufacturers are saving on food by using cheap substitutes, which is significantly inferior to homemade dough. You can understand this only when you try to make unleavened puff pastry with your own hands.

When kneading homemade puff pastry, some subtleties should be taken into account. The most important thing is that it loves a low room temperature - 15-17 ° С. If such a room is not available, then I recommend keeping all the dishes with which you will work in the refrigerator. And when you touch the dough with your hands, pre-wet them with cold water. The good thing is that you can do a lot of dough, because it is perfectly stored in the refrigerator for 3 days and in the freezer for 3-6 months at a temperature not higher than -18 degrees. In this case, the dough is not subject to re-freezing.

  • Caloric content per 100 g - 558 kcal.
  • Servings - 700 g
  • Cooking time - 2 hours


  • Flour - 400 g
  • Eggs - 1 pc.
  • Drinking water - 150 ml
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp
  • Citric acid - 0.25 tsp
  • Butter - 300 g

Do-it-yourself step-by-step cooking of unleavened puff pastry, recipe with photo:

Butter diced into medium cubes
Butter diced into medium cubes

1. Cut butter at cool temperature into slices and place in a bowl.

100 g flour added to butter
100 g flour added to butter

2. Pour in 100 g flour, which is sifted through a fine sieve.

Butter with flour turned into small crumbs
Butter with flour turned into small crumbs

3. Use a knife to chop the butter and flour to make small crumbs.

An oil ball is formed, which is wrapped in polyethylene and sent to the refrigerator
An oil ball is formed, which is wrapped in polyethylene and sent to the refrigerator

4. Collect the oil with your hands, forming a round ball. Wrap it in cling film and refrigerate while you work with the other ingredients.

The remaining flour is sifted through a fine sieve
The remaining flour is sifted through a fine sieve

5. Pour the rest of the flour into a clean, dry bowl by sifting it through a fine sieve.

Water is combined with egg, salt and citric acid
Water is combined with egg, salt and citric acid

6. In cold water, add an egg from the refrigerator, a pinch of salt and citric acid. Stir with a fork to get a homogeneous liquid.

Egg mass is poured into a bowl of flour
Egg mass is poured into a bowl of flour

7. Pour the egg mass into a bowl of flour.

Unleavened puff pastry is kneaded by hand
Unleavened puff pastry is kneaded by hand

8. Start kneading the dough with your hands.

Unleavened puff pastry ball shaped
Unleavened puff pastry ball shaped

9. Knead it until you form a round elastic ball.

Unleavened puff pastry is rolled out into a thin layer and a butter ball is laid out on it
Unleavened puff pastry is rolled out into a thin layer and a butter ball is laid out on it

10. Using a rolling pin, slowly and smoothly roll the dough into a rectangular shape and place the cooled prepared piece of butter in the middle.

The dough is tucked up, covering the oil layer
The dough is tucked up, covering the oil layer

11. Fold up the free edges of the dough.

The dough is turned upside down
The dough is turned upside down

12. Cover the lump with flour dough in the form of an envelope and turn the seam side down.

Unleavened puff pastry rolled out with a rolling pin
Unleavened puff pastry rolled out with a rolling pin

13. Use a rolling pin to roll out the dough into a rectangular shape.

Unleavened puff pastry is folded four times and sent to the refrigerator
Unleavened puff pastry is folded four times and sent to the refrigerator

14. Fold the dough in half again into quarters or with an envelope. Wrap it in plastic and refrigerate for 1 hour.

Unleavened puff pastry rolled out into a thin layer
Unleavened puff pastry rolled out into a thin layer

15. After this time roll out the dough again in a rectangular layer.

Unleavened puff pastry folded four times
Unleavened puff pastry folded four times

16. Roll it in half several times, wrap it in a bag and put it back in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Unleavened puff pastry rolled out into a thin layer
Unleavened puff pastry rolled out into a thin layer

17. After the procedure, repeat: roll out the dough with a rolling pin.

Ready-made unleavened puff pastry folded with your own hands in a convenient shape
Ready-made unleavened puff pastry folded with your own hands in a convenient shape

18. Roll it up, wrap with plastic foil and refrigerate for 1 hour. Repeat this procedure 7-10 times. The more you roll out the dough, the more layers there will be in it, which will have a positive effect on the quality of baking. The finished dough should be smooth and elastic.

See also a video recipe on how to make unleavened puff pastry.
