Unusual syndromes in psychology

Unusual syndromes in psychology
Unusual syndromes in psychology

Definition of the psychological syndrome as an independent pathology in the modern world. The most common types and a brief description of the implementation of each. Methods of general prevention and control of such conditions. Syndromes in psychology are any types of disorders that manifest themselves as disturbances in the emotional state of a person. In the subsequent, one of them or several combined can provoke many unpleasant consequences. The main manifestations are various symptoms that indicate a violation of the mental health of the individual.

Description of syndromes in psychology

Impairment of intellectual abilities in psychological syndrome
Impairment of intellectual abilities in psychological syndrome

This area of medicine deals with the study of many pathological conditions of the human body. A striking representative of them is a violation in the functioning of the sense organs. The deceptive perception that arises in this case can provoke the formation of various syndromes.

Their development is characterized by an acute onset and a colorful clinical picture. Some also cause impairment of intellectual abilities. Decreased cognitive functions associated with thinking and other properties of higher nervous activity. This condition cannot be called a disease, but it may well lead to it.

Many psychological syndromes can be harbingers of future problems in this area. Or act as a complex of symptoms of a disease. Therefore, their presence is very important for the diagnosis of many conditions.

The most unusual psychological syndromes

The human brain every minute synthesizes a very large amount of information, which also tends to be pathological. As a result of these processes, scientists around the world diagnose new manifestations of emotional disorders in people every day. Modern psychiatry already demonstrates a great variety of them. They all have their own characteristics and specific features, by which they are easy to distinguish. Some psychological syndromes are known by their loud name, while others are characterized by very interesting manifestations.

Van Gogh syndrome

Self-amputation and Van Gogh's Syndrome
Self-amputation and Van Gogh's Syndrome

It's no secret that many generations have admired the name of this great artist. But there are people who try to over-express their fanaticism. With such a strong emotional manifestation, a similar state can very often occur.

His characteristic feature is the desire to be like his idol in everything. That is, to cut off your ear. A person obsessed with such thinking is ready to commit any crazy act. Some try to seek help from surgeons. They pursue them pending an agreement to carry out such an operation.

Others, more desperate, try to do everything on their own. There have been cases when such people were caught with a knife in their hands or other cutting object. They practically achieved their goal, not understanding what harm they could do to themselves.

The treatment of such a syndrome is quite successful and does not require long-term courses.

Little boss

Concierge Boss Syndrome
Concierge Boss Syndrome

Many will smile upon hearing such a name. After all, it's not a secret for anyone that the theater begins in the hangers, and a watchman is in charge of the residential building. Many people understand that these people do not do global work. But they agree because of their unwillingness to fall out of favor.

The essence of this syndrome is that a person with a low-prestige position overestimates his importance to society. He instills this idea into himself, trying in every possible way to convince others of it. This has a positive effect on performance, such people do their job perfectly well. All their attention is focused on the performance of their official duties.

But excessive scrupulousness leads to pathological pickiness. They try to show everyone their need, come to work faster than everyone else, and leave last.

In everyday life, such people are rarely called sick. Most perceive them as earned or write off on intolerance of character.

French brothel syndrome

Girlfriends French Brothel Syndrome
Girlfriends French Brothel Syndrome

This name is slightly inconsistent with the manifestations of the syndrome. Many expect more overt symptoms from him. But in reality, this is just adjusting the menstrual cycle to the woman's environment. That is, among women who spend any period of their lives together, menstruation will occur almost simultaneously.

The emergence of such an incredible fact is still a mystery to many researchers. It is believed that a similar phenomenon is observed due to the influence of pheromones that every woman secretes. Moreover, according to some internal characteristic, each of them has its own strength. The lady who has the most powerful supply of these substances is called the main one. Accordingly, the menstruation of the other girlfriends will shift under it.

Today, such a phenomenon is not considered rare, many girls often meet with it. For some, this syndrome can even occur in the family circle, where there are several representatives of the fair sex.

Paris Syndrome

Paris syndrome in a girl
Paris syndrome in a girl

For the first time, such a condition was described by the Japanese scientist Hiroaki Otoi, who devoted his entire life to working as a psychiatrist in France. It was there that he faced the emergence of acute psychoses among tourists who came from his homeland. After a few days of traveling around the country, they experienced a deep emotional shock.

As Hiroaki later found out, everything happened due to the fact that reality did not meet expectations. Paris is still a city of love for all inhabitants of the world. The associations that arose among tourists were associated with peace and quiet, friendliness and benevolence of the townspeople. But after the first walk, they were disappointed in their dreams. Noisy streets, crowds of tourists who are knocked down, wonderful landscapes were hidden behind hundreds of advertisements and homeless beggars.

Not everyone could withstand such a collapse of invented realities. For many, this turned into the development of psychosis with acute delirium. People literally went crazy. Many have acquired persecution mania, panic attacks.

The only way to stop such a violent reaction of the nervous system was to move home. After leaving the city, finding themselves outside of this turmoil, people returned to their normal existence without any consequences of this syndrome.

Bystander effect

Bystander effect in road traffic accidents
Bystander effect in road traffic accidents

The name of the syndrome emphasizes the range of people in whom it manifests itself. The second name was the name of the scientist who first scientifically confirmed it - Genovese.

Every person who watches the evening news, or at least once witnessed an incident, noticed the crowd of people around the victim. But the surprising fact remains that none of those present even tries to help him. Even in response to cries for help, people hesitate to approach and take any action.

This behavior was described by Genovese. He noted that such a reaction is not an accident, but a psychologically justified fact. The thing is that people from what they see fall out of reality and look at what is happening as if through glass.

Therefore, if you are in trouble and need someone's help, you should not go to the crowd. Psychologists advise to concretize your phrases in any way and direct them to certain people.

Adelie syndrome

Adele's syndrome in a girl
Adele's syndrome in a girl

It got its name in honor of the first girl who succumbed to his influence. She was the daughter of Victor Hugo, a famous French romantic writer. At a certain period of her life, the girl met an officer of the English army - Albert Pinson. From the very first minutes, the young lady found in her head the idea that this man is her destiny. She literally pursued him throughout his entire subsequent life.

Despite the fact that the couple did not have a serious relationship, Adele unreservedly continued to believe in her dreams. It got to the point that she went for him on trips, military campaigns. At the slightest opportunity, she seemed to be his wife and beloved woman. However, Albert was never able to love her. The daughter of a famous writer devoted her entire life to persecuting a man, but she never achieved his inclination. In the end, the girl went crazy.

Similar cases occur quite often in the modern world. The unrequited love syndrome is becoming the meaning of life for many women and even men. It is almost impossible to rid a person of him without outside qualified help.

Alien hand syndrome

Impaired motor function in alien hand syndrome
Impaired motor function in alien hand syndrome

Many of us have often seen in films or cartoons how a person talks with his naughty hand. This syndrome denotes almost the same thing. With it, people cannot control this part of their body. They are literally fighting for the right to perform this or that action.

Outwardly, this behavior looks very strange. But there are also cases when people only inform others that they have such a problem. Or they simply blame her for the troubles that happened.

This syndrome is characterized not only by a violation of the emotional state of a given person. The motor center is also affected. Over time, performing elementary movements on request can become an overwhelming task.

This pathology does not lend itself to self-correction. All attempts by a person to somehow rectify the situation can only worsen his situation and lead to worse consequences. Even with attempts to provide qualified medical care, the syndrome is difficult to correct. Often such people keep this pathology with them almost forever with the possibility of its recurrence.

Chinese restaurant syndrome

Girl's Chinese Restaurant Syndrome
Girl's Chinese Restaurant Syndrome

This abnormal body reaction was first described back in 1968. One of the Chinese tourists described the strange things that happened to him while visiting a restaurant in the United States.

A person who finds himself in a Chinese restaurant in America, after a while, notes a deterioration in health. He describes it as a numbness of the body that begins in the cervical region of the back of the head and extends to the arms and trunk.

In parallel with these changes, several more reactions occur. In the body, the sympathetic nervous system is activated, which raises the heartbeat to tachycardia, increases sweating and causes facial flushing.

There is still no intelligible reason that could associate the occurrence of this syndrome with visiting Chinese restaurants. For some time this role was attributed to a substance called monosodium glutamate. But the veracity of such a theory was never confirmed.

Munchausen syndrome

Hypochondria as a component of Munchausen syndrome
Hypochondria as a component of Munchausen syndrome

Quite a common pathology among people of modern society. It is most commonly seen in females, but it can also be seen in males.

The basis of this syndrome is hypochondria. This disorder manifests itself in the form of an alleged excessive soreness of a person. Such people often complain of a deterioration in well-being, the presence of any pains or pathologies. That is why they knock down the thresholds of various medical institutions almost every day or constantly call an ambulance to their homes. An interesting fact is that none of the prescribed treatment methods help them.

On the contrary, the general state of health, according to them, is only getting worse. In search of a cure for their invented pathology, they can spend months and even years. As a result of such mania, not only the person himself suffers, but also the people around him, relatives and friends.

One of the varieties of this syndrome is its modification - delegated Munchausen. In this situation, the obsession with excessive pain is attributed to children by the parents. In most cases, this concerns mothers. These women, due to excessive custody of their own child, practically go crazy in search of any disease in him.

The presented pathology takes almost the first place in the list of syndromes in psychology that are more common than others. And the patient almost never can cope with it without outside help.

Jerusalem Syndrome

Jerusalem syndrome in a man
Jerusalem syndrome in a man

Almost every believer dreams of getting to the holy land. Pilgrimage to these places is considered the most blessed and desirable among people. But many tourists who still managed to make such a trip cannot withstand the influence of the energy of these places.

Modern psychology tells about cases of psychosis in such people. After spending several days in Jerusalem, there is a pathological development of delirium. People come up with the gift of prophecy or healing. It seems to them that it was they who became blessed to accomplish an important mission - the salvation of the world.

Such a person is very easy to recognize from the outside. Yesterday he was quite sane, but today he has changed beyond recognition. He also has acting traits. He merges so organically into the role of a preacher that sometimes you even want to believe him.

Unfortunately, such people, after a short time, already become practically insane. Aggressiveness and violence are added to delusional ideas. Ultimately, they all end up as psychiatric emergency patients diagnosed with acute psychosis.

Duckling syndrome

Duckling syndrome in a man
Duckling syndrome in a man

The essence of such a disorder will seem to many to be invented, because after seeing a person with his presence, one can easily think about simulating symptoms. The point is that people behave like newborn ducklings. A striking characteristic of their condition is the presence of childish naivety and simplicity.

They return to their previous activities, preferring to watch cartoons and cute fairy tales. It is very difficult to imagine such a person at work or solving any adult problems. Such activities become uninteresting to them. Infantilism leads them to a misunderstanding of their place in society.

Whatever happens, they avoid responsibility and serious decisions. The condition is treated quite simply and involves the use of several types of therapy at once, including medication.

Stendhal syndrome

Stendhal syndrome in visitors to the Uffizi Gallery in Florence
Stendhal syndrome in visitors to the Uffizi Gallery in Florence

Perhaps the most interesting case of them all described. It is named after this great writer who first tested it on himself. He described these feelings in his works after visiting the art museum in Florence. It was about an incredible reaction of excitability that arose in response to what he saw.

It is these symptoms that this disorder manifests itself in today. People who find themselves among many beautiful works of art experience a very strong nervous system excitement. This manifests itself in the form of a rapid heartbeat, increased sweating, a feeling of lack of air and, ultimately, fainting. Consciousness disorders occur quite often.

Even delightful landscapes of nature or music can evoke a similar reaction. Many scientists explain this behavior as a result of an overabundance of impulses that come from the senses. As a result of this effect, the general condition is disturbed.

The disease is practically not amenable to correction. These people can be helped by sedatives and psychotherapy. In most cases, they are advised to limit visits to such exciting places.

Alice in Wonderland

Alice in Wonderland Syndrome
Alice in Wonderland Syndrome

Almost every second person is familiar with this young girl, after whom this syndrome was named. They did this because it is her fate that people are experiencing in real time.

A person with such a disorder from time to time suffers from a distorted perception of reality. Some of the objects of the environment seem to him too small, while others are too large. Therefore, the second medical names for the disorder are conditions of macro- and micropsia.

Because of this pathological effect, people cannot distinguish fiction from reality. Sometimes it seems to them that they are inside their imagination. And after a few seconds they talk about something completely different.

The complexity of the situation also lies in the fact that in some cases it is possible to join hallucinations. For such people, life becomes completely unbearable. The condition requires immediate hospitalization and specialized care.

Sleeping Beauty

Sleeping beauty syndrome in a girl
Sleeping beauty syndrome in a girl

In this case, the name speaks for itself. The main problem and manifestation of this syndrome is excessive sleepiness. For each person, it is individual, but still redundant.

People with this problem are required to devote a considerable amount of time to sleep. On average, this figure is about eighteen hours. Most even get used to such a need and adjust their daily routine to it.

It is also important to know that if such a person does not get enough sleep, then one should not expect kindness from him in behavior. He will behave irritably and aggressively. Even with a strong desire, he can rarely control this feeling. That is why it is still trying to allocate the required number of hours for sleep.

Gourmet Syndrome

Gourmet syndrome in men
Gourmet syndrome in men

The presence of such a problem in the mental state of a person does not bother everyone. Many people even like it, and some consider it to be their innate trait. The fact is that people with this syndrome prefer only gourmet and expensive food. They are ready to spend their last money to try some overseas dish. They are not attracted to home cooking, but the expensive unknown yummy is very attractive.

Such a gourmet can spend money on a small piece of trendy cheese, purchase tomatoes of the best varieties, or order a bottle of wine from Amsterdam. His actions are not always clear even to the closest people. They are, in fact, the first to be embarrassed about this.

Gourmet people rarely pay attention to their peculiarity. Basically, these are only those whose pocket can not afford to pay for any whim.

What are syndromes in psychology - watch the video:

The listed types constitute only a small part of all syndromes of psychological disorders. In fact, there are thousands of them. Moreover, every day new modifications appear. People with such characteristics are already much more common in modern society, but they still need various types of assistance.
