How to identify the archetype of a woman

How to identify the archetype of a woman
How to identify the archetype of a woman

What is an archetype and its role in a woman's life. What are the female archetypes: according to Jung, according to Gina Bohlen, according to the signs of the zodiac and the degree of personal growth. Their positive and negative sides. The archetype of a woman is a “program” inherent in her that determines her life, namely, the perception of the world, life position, main priorities. It is rooted not only deeply in the subconscious, but also in the past of a person. That is why psychologists offer several versions of the main archetypes associated with divine mythical characters, astrological aspects, personal "roots", etc.

The concept of the archetype of women

Different images of women
Different images of women

Psychologists define the concept of "archetype" (from the Greek arche - beginning, typos - image) as a model of behavior, "mode" inherent in us by nature. That is, it is an unconscious component that forms our conscious attitude to the world and to everything that happens in it.

The father of this concept is considered the luminary of depth psychology, Carl Jung, who suggested that in each of us there is a part of the accumulated and experienced by our ancestors, a certain primitive image. That is, an image formed from the collective unconscious, which for centuries has been “stored” into myths, fairy tales and legends. That is why the archetypes of women according to Jung have a fabulous, mythical basis (Princess, Muse, Witch, Amazon).

According to Jung, each of us is already born with a full set of archetypes that “turn on” in certain situations or circumstances. Very often they pop up in our dreams, suggesting the most correct way out of a problem situation. Thus, archetypes can greatly facilitate our life if you know how to use them, that is, use them consciously.

The archetypal basis of female behavior is used today by other psychologists, highlighting their archetypes, as well as astrologers who use them to characterize the signs of the zodiac.

How to identify the archetype of a woman

The archetype of the fairer sex can be called her inner principle, intuition. It is believed that a woman who knows how to listen to herself is able to achieve exactly what she needs in life and not follow someone else's opinion or imposed stereotypes. Female archetypes have their pros and cons, and you need to know them in order to turn their power into productive channels.

Archetypes of Women by Carl Jung

Carl Jung identified 4 female archetypes, which he further subdivided into light and dark sides. Each of these behavior scenarios can provide a lot of bonuses or make life much more difficult.

1st archetype (light side) - Princess

The archetype of a Princess in a woman according to Jung
The archetype of a Princess in a woman according to Jung

A representative of the fair sex with this archetype is usually associated with the concept of an excellent student, Juliet, a girl, a little lady, a gentle creature. She is loved by her parents, largely depends on their opinion and the opinions of other people. She is deprived of her independence, therefore she prefers to solve her problems with “someone else's hands”.

Often these are girls who study well at school, institute and set high goals for themselves. They have an idealistic perception of the world and strong family values. They prefer purely feminine attributes (pink colors, cute accessories, heels, etc.) and beautiful courtship. They dream of a prince on a white horse.

The princess is emotional, sensitive, dreamy. Loves everything beautiful, animals and the world of plants. She adheres to ethical and aesthetic standards, prefers melodrama and comedy with a "happy ending", easily becomes a fan of media persons.

The refinement and sensitivity of the Princesses makes them capricious because of the need to constantly receive attention to themselves and at the same time naive and gullible.

A princess is a cutie who knows how to serve herself and take attention. This is her strong point.

1st archetype (dark side) - Mean Girl

The archetype of Tearing off a woman according to Jung
The archetype of Tearing off a woman according to Jung

The reverse side of the Princess can have two behavioral options: a plump donkey that lives in dreams of a prince, or a rip-off that takes everything from life. At the same time, they also have something in common - all the same daydreaming, romance, dependence on someone else's opinion (albeit carefully hidden) and the lack of authority of parents, adults, elders.

Emotionality here acquires a pronounced character and turns into hysteria, tearfulness, frequent mood swings, and suicidal tendencies. Capriciousness turns into bitchiness and the belief that everyone owes her.

Personal relationships are still idealized, but with a bias towards unhappy love. Therefore, “problem” options are chosen as objects of passion - married men, men with a big difference in age or status, idols. At the same time, it is quite acceptable to be in constant search, not counting partners and not being limited by moral principles and platonic relationships.

The denial of the hierarchical perception of relationships is manifested in outrageous behavior and manner of dress. At the same time, Mean Girl tries very hard to be like a famous person - an actress, a top model, a pop star, etc. Can go to extremes and indulge in "all bad".

Mean Girl is an attention-grabbing challenge girl. This is her most important bonus.

2nd archetype (light side) - Muse, Priestess

The archetype of Muse in a woman according to Jung
The archetype of Muse in a woman according to Jung

A woman with this archetype is often called fatal. She awakens in a man all the purest and noblest, inspiring deeds and creativity. They write poems and dedicate songs to her. Men remember such a girl all their lives, even after a short meeting. They intuitively try to get better, so her partner quickly makes progress in any field.

The priestess combines all the best feminine qualities - sensuality, intuition, charm, wisdom. She can have healing skills and literally transform the space around her. Everyone loves her, it is impossible to take offense at her, it is impossible not to give gifts and not pay attention to her. At the same time, she knows how to remain inconspicuous and unobtrusive, attracting attention to herself tactfully and when she needs it.

A muse is a mystery woman who chooses a partner for herself according to only one known principle. She is not necessarily attractive in appearance - her beauty is deep, inexplicable, magnetic. Her world is her man, but she will never become his slave and will not belong to him completely.

The priestess is a woman who perfectly knows the art of loving and being loved at the subconscious level. This is the advantage of the archetype.

2nd archetype (dark side) - Witch

The archetype of the Witch in a woman according to Jung
The archetype of the Witch in a woman according to Jung

The image of this archetype is Cold Bitch, Snow Queen, Vamp Woman. Possesses magical power over men, but not creative. The witch uses them to achieve her selfish goals - material gain, satisfaction of physiological needs or psychological whims (revenge, intrigue, self-esteem, etc.). Without any regrets or remorse.

The witch considers herself to be the center of the universe, where a man is just a tool to achieve a goal. She is smart and cunning, charming, outspoken, sexy and at the same time can be cold and calculating. She changes images according to her goals. The polarity of her feelings can drive men crazy. Next to the Witch, they lose their heads and are able to commit the most insane acts - murders, suicides, intrigues, scandals and even wars.

A witch is a person who clearly knows what she wants and how to get it from a man. This is her strength.

3rd archetype (light side) - Huntress

The archetype of the Huntress in a woman according to Jung
The archetype of the Huntress in a woman according to Jung

A female hunter is a representative of the fair sex with an active attitude in life. She is successful on her own and does not count on men. Moreover, the Huntress often enters into competition with them, because she does not consider herself a weaker sex and does not divide matters into purely male and purely female.

Freedom and independence of the Huntress often pushes her to loneliness or rearrangement of priorities in favor of a career. That is why they prefer the role of a fighting friend or lover in personal relationships. They subconsciously choose weak men, losers. Due to the constant employment of the Huntress, her children are early independent.

Women of this archetype are active, decisive, rational, and often successful. They keep their feelings and emotions to themselves. They go through life with the motto "I myself!"

A huntress is a woman who is able to make herself and independently solve any problem. This is her trump card.

3rd archetype (dark side) - Amazon

The archetype of the Amazon in a woman according to Jung
The archetype of the Amazon in a woman according to Jung

The reverse, shadowy side of the Huntress, who does not just compete with the man - she seeks to suppress, humiliate, destroy him. Most often, such "characters" as the Strict boss, the Business lady, the Feminist, the Woman politician, the Divorced woman who achieved everything herself, fit the description of the Amazon. She denies any emotions, because she considers them weakness. Restrained, secretive.

An absolute priority for the Amazon is a career, which is why it looks accordingly, preferring a strict, business style in clothes.

In the personal life of such a woman, if there are men, then not for long, or those who agree to completely and unquestioningly obey her. She considers all males to be weak and unworthy of even attention. Not like love and care.

The Amazon is a strong woman who sets high goals for herself and achieves them. Without anyone's help. This is her strength and the principle of life.

4th archetype (light side) - Mistress

The archetype of the Mistress of a woman according to Jung
The archetype of the Mistress of a woman according to Jung

The Mistress's priority is the family and everything connected with it. She provides comfort, home warmth, love and care.

The hostess is cordial, curious and sociable. She cooks well, does needlework. Loves animals, children, flowers. Has its own territory, on which it establishes its own rules.

Patient, accurate, prone to selfless sacrifice. Faithful, caring, perceives a man as a support, support, so she quickly gets married.

The hostess is a woman who has enough love and care for everyone. This makes it attractive.

4th archetype (dark side) - Terrible mother

Archetype of a Terrible mother in a woman according to Jung
Archetype of a Terrible mother in a woman according to Jung

The other side of the Mistress can be expressed in two ways: Hypermama, who simply suffocates with her guardianship, or the Cold Queen, who generally ignores her children and does not miss the chance to accuse them of absolute ingratitude.

The same ambivalent attitude can be towards oneself, towards home and towards others. She can carefully monitor herself and wage an endless fight against germs in the house, with ostentatious hospitality to invite guests to demonstrate her perfectionism. Or maybe not at all get hung up on such "trifles", be stingy and lead a secluded life.

A terrible mother often lives on memories and loves to teach life, is prone to manipulation. She often adheres to a conservative outlook on life and is offended if she is not listened to or criticized. Prone to overcontrol.

She sees a small child in her man, so she treats him like a mother.

A terrible mother is a woman who knows how to hold on to power and manipulate people.

Archetypes of Women by Gina Shinoda Bohlen

The archetype of Artemis in a woman by Bohlen
The archetype of Artemis in a woman by Bohlen

Since childhood, many of us have imagined ourselves as one of the mythological beauties, trying to imitate her in adulthood. Therefore, psychologist Gina Bohlen divided the archetypes of women according to the "divine" principle.

The main female archetypes of goddesses are:

  • Aphrodite … Sensual, sexy, romantic, attractive woman. Often falls in love and lives with feelings, without looking ahead. Loves children and raises them in love and comfort. Gravitates towards creativity and towards "difficult" men who have a difficult character or prioritize a career. Spontaneous and sociable. This archetype manifests itself more often during the period of falling in love, but it can also prevail initially. To achieve complete harmony, Aphrodite needs to learn to say "no" and not make hasty decisions in difficult situations.
  • Persephone … This is a woman who prefers passivity and other people's opinions. It is important for her to get the approval of her mother. Knows how to adapt well to circumstances. Prefers routine work that does not require management and initiative. In her personal life, she is shy, innocent. She often marries, yielding to the onslaught of a man or parents. Doesn't like to make decisions. The tips for Persephone are as follows: Grow up, learn not to be afraid of commitment, and hear your feelings.
  • Artemis … A strong, purposeful, independent, free-spirited woman. Loves activity - sports, travel, rivalry and arguments. She is principled, sometimes even to the detriment of her feelings. Needs communication, relationships, but due to a lack of emotionality and sensitivity, he often builds boundaries. With the opposite sex she does not accept games "in love", coquetry - she perceives him as a partner. Therefore, he avoids marriage and prefers men with common interests. The path of development of Artemis is to feel the feminine principle in oneself and not suppress it.
  • Hera … A woman who does not represent herself outside the family. She is a homemaker, wife. Moreover, the legal status of the latter is especially important for her. It is he who gives her a sense of prestige, fulfillment. Hera is loyal and faithful, able to follow her husband "into fire and into water." She adores her man, but at the same time can be absurd and scary in anger with others. She prefers rest with her family, therefore she does not have girlfriends, especially unmarried ones. Jealous, very afraid of breaking up. She is emotionally cold with children. Hera's advice: go beyond the role of a wife, engage in self-development, not be afraid of the destruction of an unsuccessful marriage.
  • Demeter … This is a woman who is endowed with a strong maternity instinct. She successfully realizes her need for custody, upbringing in the family or in the professional field of pedagogy, medicine, psychology, and the legal profession. She is reliable, attentive, caring, practical. With pain he accepts the growing up of children. Sometimes stubborn, with great difficulty accepts the need to reprimand someone. In a relationship with a man, he does not make a choice, but more often takes the attention of a partner and obeys. The front of self-improvement for Demeter: pay attention to yourself, learn how to calmly let children go into adulthood.
  • Athena … An intelligent, practical woman who knows her own worth. She tends to analyze her life and improve it (and herself as well). Strives to be the best, has a subtle intuition. She does not accept dreams - she prioritizes common sense, intelligence and clear goals. Therefore, he chooses men with the same qualities as partners - strong, purposeful, ambitious. Friendship with women does not go well with Athena, since she is far from traditionally female themes and views. Problematic "zones" of Athena to develop: femininity, maternal instinct, the ability to care.
  • Guest … A holistic, self-sufficient woman with a very developed ability to feel people. This is a classic housewife. Her rich inner world replaces her communication with other people, so she is truly comfortable alone or in a very narrow circle of people. She does not interfere in the affairs of her man and does not like it when he interferes in her household affairs. Often religious, spiritually developed. Ways to improve Gesta: developing social skills, going beyond the inner world, using their empathic abilities for the good (psychology, medicine, healing).
  • Hebe … Forever young, carefree woman. She does not accept the fact of aging, so she fights against it all her life - with the help of anti-aging procedures, image, clothing style, sports, diets. She requires attention to herself and confirmation of her beauty. Surrounds himself with girlfriends with the same archetype. Hebe is calm with representatives of the opposite sex, does not feel violent passions, as well as for children and their presence. She gets married either for profit or for mood. Dislikes restrictions and personal responsibility. Front of work for Geba: the ability to calmly accept your age, feel others and take responsibility.
  • Tyche … This is a woman who seeks to control everything and everyone. Her moods and decisions are spontaneous and not thought out, sometimes completely devoid of logic. Can disguise his craving for power and control under the lightness and cheerful disposition. She lives only with emotions, which become for her the main criterion for choosing an environment and making decisions. Often she herself cannot justify her choice or her behavior. With men, she can behave coldly and cynically, or, conversely, often and emotionally fall in love. An excellent manipulator, can be envious and bitchy. What Tyche needs to work on: learn to live your own life, and leave the lives of others alone, respect someone else's opinion.
  • Nemesis … A principled, sometimes cruel woman who lives "by the rules" and tries to punish everyone who violates them. Often deeply religious or conservative, straightforward in judgments, very responsible. He is constantly in search of the ideal of a man, while he sees only shortcomings in them. Distrustful, not prone to friendly relations. Restrained in relation to emotions and feelings. The list of areas that Nemesis needs to work on: flexibility of thinking, femininity, gentleness, the ability to listen to oneself and accept reality as it is.

Each woman has several goddesses at once, each of which can manifest itself in a certain life situation. Therefore, it is important to know all the pros and cons of each of them and skillfully use them to make your life more fulfilling and comfortable.

Archetypes of women by astrological horoscope

The archetype of the Writer in a woman according to the astrological horoscope
The archetype of the Writer in a woman according to the astrological horoscope

Astrologers also note a certain commonality of behavioral scenarios for different signs of the zodiac. Therefore, the system of how to determine the archetype of a woman according to the astrological principle includes the features of each of them.

The main female archetypes by zodiac signs:

  1. Aries - Amazon … She is active, unbridled, independent, passionate. She prefers bright colors, active pastime, sports, unusual shapes and any experiments. It can be spontaneous, straightforward, open and at the same time irritable, impatient, unceremonious. Not afraid of conflict and struggle.
  2. Taurus - Mother Earth … Beautiful, sensual, kind, trusting, calm, devoted. Loves everything natural, antiques and luxury. Can be envious, stubborn, lazy, selfish. In a relationship, she is jealous. Has a lot of prejudices.
  3. Gemini - Writer … Intelligent, wise, well-rounded. Loves space and light colors. Open, sociable, flexible, quick-witted, friendly. Can be superficial, fickle, boring, cold, bitchy. A good conversationalist. In a relationship, she is playful, likes to flirt.
  4. Cancer - Mother … Romantic, caring, talented, sensitive, flexible. She loves everything feminine - heels, ruffles, lace and romantic style. Knows how to feel people, has a developed intuition, appreciate the family. Can be touchy, morose, vengeful, lazy, self-pitying. In a relationship, she is tender, cozy, devoted.
  5. Leo - Queen … Self-confident, warm-hearted, strong, influential, optimistic. Loves luxury, jewelry, expensive furnishings. Possesses charisma, generosity, friendliness, ability to provide support. Among the weaknesses of the archetype, pride, arrogance, ostentatiousness, extravagance, ignorance, and selfishness are noted. In relationships, she is seductive, dynamic, playful.
  6. Virgo - Mistress … Caring, economical, reliable, practical, modest. She loves everything practical, simple and functional. She can be trusted, she has good organizational skills. Usually calm and disciplined, but can be fussy, critical. Appreciates cleanliness and comfort very much. In a relationship, she is calm and restrained, but sometimes she allows herself frivolous actions.
  7. Libra - Dancer … Attractive, sensual, open, honest. Prefers aesthetics and harmony in everything, loves elegance and design art. Strengths - kindness, patience, warmth, calmness; weak - coldness, indecision, achieving harmony at any cost. Can live in a world of illusions, but adapts well to the environment. In a relationship, she is flirtatious, light and seductive.
  8. Scorpio - Shaman … Passionate, mystical, devoted. Loves contrasts and dislikes inhibitions. Knows how to carry away and remain calm even in the event of a storm inside. At the same time, she is prone to excessive control and manipulation, envy and prudence, various addictions. Jealous, emotionally unpredictable. In a relationship, she is passionate and seductive.
  9. Sagittarius - Supreme … Self-confident, liberal, cheerful. Loves travel, comfort and nobility. Trusting, optimistic, prudent, can be foresight and supportive. At the same time, vanity, arrogance, arrogance and prudence are not alien to her. In relationships, she is active, loves experiments.
  10. Capricorn - Wise … Responsible, hardworking, honest, objective. She prefers classics and elegance. Conscientious, simple, able to listen and give advice. Can create strong and lasting relationships. Cons of the Wise - arrogance, coldness, intolerance, coldness, severity. Keeps his emotions to himself, does not like sentimentality. Including in personal relationships, where he manifests himself as a deeply sensual nature and prefers security.
  11. Aquarius - Philosopher … Witty, independent, individualistic. Loves everything original, unusual, unique. Has a developed imagination and sense of humor, is optimistic and liberal. The weak "link" of the Philosopher is eccentricity, coldness, frivolity, insolence. In relationships, she is open, playful, but not too passionate.
  12. Pisces - Fairy … Devoted, sensitive, sacrificial, disinterested, changeable. Loves blurry and flowing forms, symbolism and perfection. Can inspire, empathize, feel, charm. Fairy's weaknesses are dependence, helplessness, naivety, impressionability, addiction and idealization. In a relationship, seductive, sensual.

Archetypes according to the degree of development of the feminine principle

The archetype of a Geisha in a girl according to the degree of development of the feminine principle
The archetype of a Geisha in a girl according to the degree of development of the feminine principle

This classification of female archetypes is based on the degree of a woman's personal growth, that is, each of them represents a step, a level of her maturity. At the same time, it is possible to move to the next, higher one only when only positive qualities have been mastered from the previous one. Therefore, it is very important to follow the sequence here.

The ladder of archetypes according to the degree of personality maturity:

  • Witch … This is the first rung of the archetypal ladder that gives a woman strength and secret knowledge. Such a girl is intelligent and discerning. Depending on how she uses her capabilities, she can live in different ways. So, if she manages to curb her Ego and correctly realize her strength, the world around her will only benefit from this. She will be educated, competent and adequate; she will be able to effectively realize herself in healing, psychology, medicine, pedagogy, and science. If she does not find application for her intellect and gets bored, then the world will receive an insidious schemer and gossip, an evil sorceress in all her manifestations.
  • Amazon … This archetype defines a militant principle in a woman. She is brave, freedom-loving, active and reliable. In its positive form, the Amazon gives women self-sufficiency, independence and competitiveness. However, she can criticize weak men and treat them arrogantly. The negative features of this archetype are manifested in the form of feminism, a developed spirit of competition and workaholism.
  • Geisha … The archetype of a diplomatic, attractive, versatile woman. She looks after herself and knows how to show herself. The positive pole of the Geisha is femininity, aesthetics, grace, the ability to speak beautifully and create comfort, possession and control of one's body, knowledge of art and politics. The negative pole is the use of your data to gain power over men (for selfish purposes or simple revenge), in the most extreme case - for the sale of the body.
  • Mother Wife … At this stage of her development, a woman is already capable of creating strong alliances and procreation. She is ready to love, care and patronize. In her positive hypostasis, the Mother Wife becomes a partner to her husband, accepting him, supporting and inspiring. She raises children consciously, creating the most favorable conditions for their development. The negative hypostasis - Hypermath - will strangle with her guardianship and control, first the husband, and then the children.
  • Queen … The first of three mature female archetypes that endows a woman with self-esteem and nobility. At this stage of her development, she is able to realize her value as such - the value given to her from birth. If the Queen manages to develop this archetype in a positive way, she will be socially realized, harmonious, wise, generous and successful. The ability to manage your energies will attract prosperity, luck and beauty into her life and the life of her environment. If this does not happen, she can turn into the Snow Queen - cold, aggressive, tough and domineering.
  • Fairy … This is the Queen who has managed to embrace and develop her function of dignity and generosity. She is spiritual and successful and knows how to share these qualities with others, is able to heal, solve problems and make the world around her better and more joyful. The fairy is active, kind, creative, inspiring. You want to admire her, you want to learn from her. As such, the Fairy archetype does not have such a negative pole, with the exception of the desire to help others at the expense of oneself.
  • Goddess … This is the pinnacle of the development of the feminine principle and feminine integrity. She is a woman with absolute power and clear goals. Moreover, it seems that everything revolves around only so that these goals are fulfilled. She is confident and light, but at the same time infinitely caring and patient. Her love is unconditional, and her help is disinterested. The goddess is whole, independent and talented. She is harmonious and creative. There are no hopeless situations for her, and all the circumstances for her always develop in the best way.

A woman is a multifaceted and amazing creature that can harmoniously combine several archetypes at once. However, the development or degradation of her feminine principle still depends on the man who is nearby.

How to determine the archetype of a woman - watch the video:

Female archetypes can be different and are combined in a woman in different ways. It all depends on whether she wants to take them into service, to take them correctly and with a constructive purpose. Only in this case does she have every chance to enjoy a full life and find out what female happiness is.
