How to identify the archetypes of men

How to identify the archetypes of men
How to identify the archetypes of men

The main archetypes of men and how to define them. The article will offer three classifications of the concept with the characteristics of each type of the stronger sex. The archetypes of men are the definition of character and behavior patterns based on research in analytical psychology. To study your inner "I", which is often hidden at the subconscious level, you should familiarize yourself with the work of specialists in this area.

What is an archetype

Archetype as the prototype of the mind
Archetype as the prototype of the mind

An archetype (archaic remnant) is a prototype that is based on certain symbols from mythology and dream plots. In his pioneering work, the German anthropologist Adolph Bastian pioneered the term “elementary idea”.

Subsequently, the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung changed the wording, giving it the name "archetype". It was he who began to assert that the so-called archaic remnant is a block that is built on the basis of the subconscious and unconscious mind.

If we decipher this statement, then any individual already at birth has a certain model of “search”, “mentor” or “hero” at the subconscious level.

How to identify the archetype of a man

When familiarizing yourself with the voiced question, first of all, it is worth paying attention to the research of Carl Jung. It was on the example of the work of this psychiatrist that other famous psychiatrists developed their concepts.

Archetypes according to the theory of Carl Jung

The rebel as the archetype of man according to Jung
The rebel as the archetype of man according to Jung

Based on the concept of "animus" (life principle in a man), a specialist from Switzerland created the following system for defining the archetype for a strong half of humanity:

  • Innocent … A man with a similar archetype is a weak-willed person who is not able to independently coordinate his own life. Comfort, stability and maximum peace are the credo of such representatives of the stronger sex.
  • Orphan … Nice Guy is the second name for the voiced male archetype. To have such a friend means to gain support from him at any moment. Such people do not like to sit in one place and strive to learn everything new. Respect for others, lack of desire to assert themselves at someone else's expense and worldly wisdom make these men decent citizens of society.
  • Warrior … The very name of this archetype suggests that it implies that its representatives have willpower, heroism and some ambition. Since childhood, male warriors have been distinguished by leadership qualities. At the same time, they direct their energy in a positive direction, wanting to help literally everyone and everyone. They make wonderful family men who become reliable protection for their loved ones.
  • The keeper … This archetype is the personification of compassion and altruism. Such men put personal needs on the last plane, devoting all their time to helping others and all of humanity in general.
  • Wanderer … Rebel souls belong to this archetype of men. A constant search for oneself and a change of scenery is a distinctive model of the Wanderer's behavior. In addition, he has an irrepressible thirst for reaching new heights, without fear of any experiments.
  • Rebel … Men with this archetype will always go against the established way of life. They usually do not agree with the world order in general, so they can be safely called revolutionaries. In some cases, such emotional impulses border on aggressiveness, but with this lack of rebels, they are excellent candidates for successful businessmen.
  • Lover … Male ladies' man can act both openly and go to the goal in secret ways. For them, the main thing is to achieve sensual pleasures, which does not at all characterize them as bad people. Usually, having reached adulthood, they completely devote all their free time to their family and are loyal to their soul mate.
  • Creator … Creativity and originality are the basis of the behavior of such men in society. In any field of activity - art, construction or business - they will show themselves as extraordinary personalities. Creators are able not only to become rationalizers, but also, if they wish, are able to make this world a better place.
  • Ruler … The most prominent historical figures belong to this archetype. Such men were born in order to coordinate not only their lives, but also to decide the fate of entire nations. Such an influence on the masses can take place both in a positive and in a negative way.
  • Magician … An analogy of this archetype is the manifestation of the feminine principle in the form of the Witch. The magician is able to feel the laws of the universe, therefore he has a well-developed intuition. Among spiritual mentors, it is not uncommon to find men with this archetype.
  • Jester … People with a voiced model of behavior have a large number of friends, because they are very easy to communicate and do not impose their opinion on anyone. Sometimes they can even be called lazy people, but they are not unambiguously stupid. The jester is never in a hurry, and it is impossible to force him to do what he is not predisposed to.
  • Philosopher … This archetype of men lives in the name of knowing the truth, and not for the improvement of their own life. The main occupation of the Philosopher is contemplation, therefore there are many ascetics among such people. He can also be called an intellectual and to some extent even a psychologist, because he knows how to listen to his interlocutor.

The decision to classify the archetypes of men according to Jung as one hundred percent characteristic of a person will be unambiguously erroneous. Each aspect sounded has its own advantages and its own obvious disadvantages of people.

Archetypes according to the characteristics of Shinoda Bohlen

Apollo as the archetype of a man according to Bohlen
Apollo as the archetype of a man according to Bohlen

The experts took into account the classification created by Carl Jung. Subsequently, the famous American psychiatrist Jean Shinoda Bohlen invited her colleagues to consider their characteristics of the main archetypes of men, using as a basis the galaxy of ancient Greek gods:

  1. Zeus … This archetype is very close to the Ruler described by Carl Jung. Zeus men have a domineering and sometimes difficult character. However, their desire to reveal aggression towards another person is often held back by the wisdom they fully possess. In family life, they can cheat on their soulmate, which was also characteristic of Zeus.
  2. Hermes … Such men cannot be confused with anyone, because they are trying to turn their lives into an endless holiday. They very often become adventurers and thrill-seekers. Women regularly pay attention to Hermes men because they radiate eternal youth and fun. However, keeping ladies' men close to you is very problematic, because most of all they prefer freedom.
  3. Hephaestus … An honest hard worker and an exemplary family man is a man with a voiced archetype. Problems with such a son, spouse and father will never arise, because his whole life is an open book for close and dear people. He will never succumb to illusions, because he soberly evaluates his own and other people's actions.
  4. Dionysus … Such men are called eternal children, because most of their actions are irrational. It is very difficult to be offended by them, because Dionysos are completely friendly people by nature. However, it is worth remembering the irascibility of such men, therefore, when choosing them as life companions, you should seriously think about it. They will become loyal to their soul mate only if they meet the woman of their whole life.
  5. Apollo … Clarity of thought and accurate knowledge of ways to achieve one's goal are the main aspects of the behavior of men with this archetype. Typically, Apollo men are workaholics, which is inherent in businessmen, office workers, and knowledge workers.

Jin Shinoda Bohlen claims that any man can combine a combination of one archetype with another. If a representative of the strong half of humanity has a combination of Zeus + Hermes, then this usually leads to the most unexpected consequences. As a result, two principles will fight in a person in the form of striving for freedom and determination to achieve power. However, Shinoda Bohlen insists that even in a calm Hephaestus, a vengeful Poseidon can occasionally wake up if someone dares to offend a member of his family.

Archetypes from the perspective of astrology

Humanist as the archetype of men in astrology
Humanist as the archetype of men in astrology

Fans of determining the character warehouse and behavior model according to the horoscope will be interested in the following classification of male archetypes:

  • Warrior … Astrologers believe that it is Aries who correspond to this type, because their element is Fire. In this case, we will talk about the Warriors born under this zodiacal constellation, who have perseverance and exceptional strength. They are sometimes capable of acting thoughtlessly, but they often become energetic entrepreneurs.
  • Shepherd … Astrologers usually refer to this archetype as men who were born under the constellation Taurus. By themselves, such men are balanced and good-natured personalities. In rare cases, they can show such qualities as idleness and lack of a sense of proportion. The Shepherd archetype excels as a true friend and as a service worker.
  • Researcher … Gemini is the best fit for this male archetype. They are always on the lookout and full of new ideas. It is for this reason that Researchers prefer to work in information structures. However, they often become victims of internal conflicts and their own irresponsibility.
  • Poet … Astrologers attribute to this archetype the qualities of impressionable Cancers. Such men have a very rich inner world and a subtle mental organization. They do well as social workers or in the arts.
  • King (lord) … The Leo man is a born leader, therefore, from childhood, he shows his organizational skills. Sometimes he is too self-confident, but he will not regret anything for his beloved woman. Since Kings love to take everything from life, they are looking for an appropriate field of activity.
  • Scientist … The voiced male archetype is rightfully given to the Virgo men. Usually these are realists and very reasonable people who know how to keep their word. Scientists plan their lives carefully, so they prefer professions with a scientific bias or the requirement for accuracy and focus.
  • Artist … Libra men are usually referred to this archetype. They are often bohemian people, so they love communication with the crowd and are very confident in their creative abilities. At the same time, artists make good diplomats, designers and hairdressers.
  • Magician … Fearless Scorpios have rather expressive mental qualities and a penchant for risk taking. Many alchemists in ancient times were born under this zodiac sign. Magicians love to try their hand at those professions that border on the no-go zone for men.
  • High priest … A certain self-confidence of Sagittarius allows them to pretend to be a voiced archetype. They are often prone to exaggeration, but they are quite generous and benevolent. They make excellent missionaries, judges, prosecutors, and salespeople.
  • Patriarch … Men with this outlook in most cases are very disciplined and are people of action. The type is most suitable for Capricorns, who are best at showing themselves in politics and public service.
  • Humanist … It is Vodoleev that astrologers and psychologists attribute to this archetype of a man. Such representatives of the stronger sex are great friends, because they value both their freedom and the interests of the people around them. Professions where innovative technologies are studied are a field of activity for Humanists.
  • Predictor … Men with a similar archetype are primarily to be found among Pisces. It is they who are prone to mysticism and sometimes have the gift of a medium. Consequently, Fortunetellers often find themselves in psychology and professions where it is necessary to create an impression.

What are the archetypes of men - look at the video:

Trying to understand yourself, deciding how to define the archetypes of men, should be based on scientific data from scientists. If you want to expand your knowledge in the sounded area of analytical psychology, it is recommended to directly familiarize yourself with the works of Carl Jung and Shinoda Bohlen.
