How to treat a split personality

How to treat a split personality
How to treat a split personality

Split personality and the reasons for its occurrence. The article will give advice on the treatment of this disease using existing techniques and drugs. Multiple personality disorder is a mental illness that requires some treatment from a specialist. Such a dissociative pathology is quite rare, allowing two persons to coexist in the mind of a person. The multiplied ego state interferes with living a full life both for the patient himself and his immediate environment.

What is a split personality

Split personality as a pathology of consciousness
Split personality as a pathology of consciousness

The described pathology has a second name, which can be voiced as the splitting of the inner consciousness and the syndrome of multiple perception of one's own "I". With this diagnosis, one person is replaced by another, which is accompanied by serious mental disorders. This phenomenon changes the parameters of one's own identity, which can lead to psychogenic amnesia.

The splitting of the personality occurs in stages, creating an opportunity to identify the disease at the initial phase of its development. Loss of personal perception of oneself as an individual is accompanied by a double reaction to society. With this pathology, a person with an active stage of turning on the first internal "I" is not able to remember his behavior in a different phase of the functioning of the nervous system. It is believed that multiple personality disorder is schizophrenia. However, no psychiatrist will confirm this statement, because we are talking about completely different pathologies. In schizophrenia, the patient hears voices and sees unreal objects that form in his imagination in the form of hallucinations.

Causes of a split personality

Stress as a cause of multiple personality disorder
Stress as a cause of multiple personality disorder

A similar disease begins to progress with the following factors-provocateurs of its formation:

  • Severe stress … In some cases, negative emotions force the human psyche to create additional protection against their influence. At the same time, a second personality may arise in the minds of people, which is able to illusoryly resist the created circumstances. Especially often this factor happens with individuals who have experienced psychological or physical abuse.
  • Increased emotional stress … Psychiatrists point out the growth trend of this disease for the sounded reason. There is an opinion among the people that nerve cells are not restored. Symptoms of multiple personality disorder can usually be seen in people who are prone to emotional breakdowns or in workaholics with busy work schedules.
  • Weakness … Unwillingness to take responsibility for their actions and inability to plan further life activities leads to the formation of a second "I" in the minds of such people. As a rule, the emerging image-substitute seems to the patient to be a more powerful person, capable of solving emerging problems.
  • gambling addiction … In some cases, computer entertainment can play a cruel joke with a person. Quite often, overly keen on "virtual" persons begin to identify themselves with the selected network characters, who seem to them to be superheroes.
  • Sect influence … People who find themselves in such informal organizations cease to be aware of themselves as an independent person. Their own “I” begins to function in parallel with the special one that is artificially created in the minds of the next victim by the leaders of “spiritual” communities.

The formation of a split personality sometimes occurs through the fault of the person himself, who refuses responsibility for his own destiny. The risk group for the onset of dissociative disorder is increasingly being replenished by weak-willed and weak-willed individuals who protect their own peace at the expense of themselves.

Manifestations of a split personality in humans

Memory blackouts as a manifestation of a split personality
Memory blackouts as a manifestation of a split personality

A person with a similar problem can be identified by the following criteria:

  1. Lack of logical thinking … People with this disease cannot adequately assess their actions. The bifurcation of consciousness creates a certain blockage in the ability to analyze cause-and-effect relationships in such individuals.
  2. Memory losses … A person with a split personality often does not remember the obvious events that happened to him in the recent past. He begins to live a life that is not his own, which may end in hallucinations and a substitution of values.
  3. Frequent mood swings … People with this problem are emotionally unstable in most cases. They are able to go from exuberant fun to a state of deep depression in a short period of time.
  4. Unpredictable behavior … Split personality is a time bomb that can explode at any moment. A person with an inadequate attitude to his own "I" quite often performs actions that no one expects from him.
  5. Depersonalization … Experts say that the perception of the outside world in this state is not disturbed. However, there is a loss of the feeling of oneself as a person in society with all the ensuing consequences.
  6. Strange conversations … If a person has a loss of his own identity, then he begins to use the pronoun "we" in conversation when describing personal plans for life. At the same time, he can change the intonation of his voice, which gives the impression of a dialogue between two surreal persons.

Attention! At the initial stage of the progression of a split personality, the patient does not pose any threat to himself and his close environment. However, in the absence of treatment, a person can turn into an asocial person who will need to be isolated from people.

How to get rid of a split personality

When deciding to get rid of an existing problem, you must remember the consequences of an irresponsible attitude to the state of your nervous system.

Medication for multiple personality disorder

Antidepressants for treating multiple personality disorder
Antidepressants for treating multiple personality disorder

In some cases, taking medications can have a long-term nature of their use. In case of violation of the understanding of one's own identity, experts prescribe the following medicinal substances:

  • Antipsychotics … They are usually prescribed as a prophylaxis for a disease such as schizophrenia. However, with a split personality, Haloperidol, Sonapax and Azaleptin will also help, which reduce delusional disorders and eliminate the manic state.
  • Antidepressants … The causes of multiple personality disorder are often to be found in the depressed state of the person after suffering stress. In this case, the doctor can prescribe a course of taking "Prozac", which, at a fairly affordable price, is able to eliminate manifestations of depression and unwillingness to plan for their future. The analogues of this drug are "Fluoxetine" and "Portal".
  • Tranquilizers … Self-medication in this case is categorically contraindicated. After a general examination of the patient's condition, the doctor may recommend Clonazepam, which has an anxiolytic effect. However, it is not recommended for use in protracted depression with suicidal tendencies.
  • Nootropic drugs … With retrograde amnesia, which leads to a split personality, it is necessary to undergo treatment with Piracetam, Aminalon or Nootropil. Such medicines improve the patient's memory and stimulate his brain activity.
  • Accompanying complex … While taking medications prescribed by a specialist, the use of B vitamins and nicotinic acid preparations is often recommended. During this period, it is also useful to use funds such as "Trental" and "Pentoxifylline".

Before prescribing (on an individual basis) certain medications, it is necessary to undergo a full examination to identify certain diseases. It is necessary to exclude the possibility that the patient has such pathologies as schizophrenia, tumors in the brain, mental retardation and epilepsy.

Help from psychologists for dissociative disorder

Psychologist help with multiple personality disorder
Psychologist help with multiple personality disorder

In combination with taking medications, it is recommended to undergo the following rehabilitation course:

  1. Introspection … In very rare cases, the patient admits to having any problems regarding his mental state. When you realize that you have a pathology, you can try to write on a piece of paper all the symptoms that disturb a person. With the list drawn up, it is necessary to visit a specialist so that he initially sees a complete picture of the ongoing disease.
  2. Abstraction method … If people show in themselves all the signs of depersonalization, then the cyclical cloning of their own "I" should be urgently stopped. You need to clearly realize your preferences and capabilities, while simultaneously destroying pseudo-images in the subconscious.
  3. Self-affirmation strategy … There are three types of such therapy, in which constructive and compensatory approaches to resolving the problem of a split personality are considered. At the same time, you do not need to radically change your idea of human well-being. If people prefer to be janitors or builders, this does not at all characterize them as inferior individuals without ambition.
  4. Family psychotherapy … Relatives can speed up the rehabilitation process for a person they care about. Collective training is effective only if the patient with a split personality does not have a support group from the immediate environment. In a different situation, family classes under the guidance of an experienced counselor have proven to be excellent.
  5. Cognitive psychotherapy … Treatment for multiple personality disorder involves converting signals that are generated in the human brain. With this technique, the sources of dissonance are determined with a logical inconsistency of the patient's personal perception of the surrounding reality. Based on the information received, the psychologist determines the treatment regimen for his patient.
  6. Hypnosis … The closure of additional personalities is quite effectively carried out with the sounded method of getting rid of the splitting of the inner consciousness. The specialist, introducing his patient into a trance, programs him regarding the rejection of unnecessary images that block the manifestation of a person's own “I”.

Prevention of the formation of a split personality

Avoiding alcohol as prevention of multiple personality disorder
Avoiding alcohol as prevention of multiple personality disorder

In order not to create a situation that trouble has come - open the gate, you must take the following protection measures against this pathology:

  • Examination by a specialist … Some people clearly remember that it is recommended to visit the dentist every six months, forgetting about the need to regularly monitor the state of their nervous system. At the same time, it is not necessary to become a permanent visitor to the psychiatrist's office, but at the slightest alarming signs of a split personality, it is imperative to seek help from a professional.
  • Avoiding stress … It is practically impossible to get rid of conflict and dangerous situations for the psyche to the maximum. However, any person can mitigate the effects of stress. Having studied your reaction to certain things, you need to stop communicating with some people and limit visiting places that are uncomfortable for the nervous system.
  • Refusal from uncontrolled intake of medications … Some people diagnose themselves so that they can begin treatment on the advice of friends or on the Internet. Such groundless therapy can not only negatively affect the human digestive organs, but also, with the accumulation of certain chemicals in the body, change its consciousness regarding society and its presence in it.
  • Rejection of bad habits … Conversation with green devils is a well-known topic for many anecdotes. However, in practice, such a vision of leisure can lead to depersonalization due to drug addiction or alcoholism.

How to get rid of a split personality - watch the video:

When solving the problem of how to treat a split personality, it is necessary to seek help from a psychiatrist. Independent actions in this case can lead to the progression of the disease and the placement of the patient in a closed institution.