Muscle twitching after exercise: reasons

Muscle twitching after exercise: reasons
Muscle twitching after exercise: reasons

Find out why after a stressful load, the nervous system gives impulses that lead to involuntary muscle twitching. The human body can be compared to a large biochemical factory in which all the processes are interconnected. Well-coordinated work of the body is possible with stable and calm work of all systems. However, in life it is extremely difficult to achieve such calmness, and sometimes even impossible. In various situations, for example, after playing sports, people notice how their muscles begin to spontaneously contract. It is quite obvious that this can cause a variety of emotions, ranging from surprise to panic. Today we will tell you why muscles twitch after training and in other situations.

Why muscles twitch: reasons

Arm muscle problem
Arm muscle problem

To answer the question of why muscles twitch after exercise, you need to understand the mechanism of muscle contractions. By and large, the muscles pulsate in every person. Muscle twitching, also called fasciculation, is familiar to many. Moreover, this effect can manifest itself in any part of the body.

Do not be afraid of this phenomenon, because scientists consider it normal. Fasciculation occurs when a single motor neuron transmits a signal to contract to the muscle associated with it. Here are the main causes of muscle twitching:

  • physical or psychological overstrain of a long or short-term nature;
  • deficiency of magnesium or several other nutrients in the body;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • exposure to toxic substances causing severe chemical stress.

If you want to know why the muscles twitch after training, but at the same time you do not have pain, cramps or spasms, then you may not give this phenomenon much attention.

Why do muscles twitch after training?

Muscle bodybuilder
Muscle bodybuilder

Often, beginner athletes, and sometimes experienced ones, notice a kind of beating of the muscles under the skin. Some of them do not understand why muscles twitch after training and consider this a negative phenomenon. We have already said above that such muscle pulsation is possible with severe physical fatigue. To achieve high results, athletes have to use heavy loads.

One of the reasons for muscle twitching may be insufficiently high-quality warm-up or the athlete's load progresses sharply. It is also possible that the stretching exercises were not performed after completing the session. To eliminate muscle twitching after training, we recommend not only to stretch them qualitatively with the help of special exercises, but also to do massage.

Psychological stress can also be one of the main causes of fasciculation. For example, an athlete can become very agitated before a competition and after that he will find that some muscle on his body is pulsating spontaneously. If we talk about ordinary people, today stress is pursuing us everywhere.

At work, various problems may arise, family affairs are not going well, or an important exam is ahead. There are a lot of reasons for psychological stress, and it is quite obvious that in such a situation fasiculation can appear. Sometimes this phenomenon goes away unnoticed, but sometimes it can cause sleep disturbances. If this happens due to stress, then the situation may worsen, because not everyone knows why muscles twitch after training.

If you notice that a muscle is pulsating on your body, then you can take the following actions:

  • take a walk in the fresh air before bed;
  • drink a cup of chamomile tea or just a glass of warm water with a spoonful of honey in it;
  • Learn breathing exercises that will relieve stress (today, many people still do not believe that simple breathing exercises can be very effective in a particular situation).

Proper nutrition and fasciculation

Athlete food
Athlete food

Even in ancient times, people knew that proper nutrition can prevent and even cure many diseases. You must remember one truth - if an illness has come, then you need to change your diet; if positive results were not obtained after that, change the whole way of life; only if it does not help again, you should consult a doctor.

If you have any deviation from the normal state of the body, exclude the following foods from your diet:

  • containing chemical additives;
  • sugar;
  • reduce your salt intake;
  • alcoholic drinks, as well as black tea and coffee.

Particular attention should be paid to the amount of magnesium, vitamin D, potassium and phosphorus in your diet. Let's find out what this requirement is related to:

  1. Phosphorus the body is needed to coordinate the reactions of the nervous system and ensure the performance of the muscles. An excellent source of this micronutrient is marine fish breeds and dairy products.
  2. Magnesium has a vasodilating effect and helps relieve spasms. Coffee, alcoholic beverages and diuretics accelerate the utilization of the substance. Magnesium is found in cocoa, whole grains, oatmeal, and sesame seeds.
  3. Potassium necessary for the smooth operation of the so-called cell pump. Various potassium salts are found in fruits and vegetables.

Vitamin D helps to accelerate the assimilation of all of the above substances, but at high concentrations, calcification of blood vessels can occur. You probably know that vitamin D is synthesized in the body under the influence of solar ultraviolet radiation. Sources of this vitamin are yeast, oily fish and algae.

We answered your question why muscles twitch after exercise. I would like to say once again that when fasciculation appears, you should not immediately rush into panic and run to a doctor for help. This behavior only worsens the situation, because there are enough stress in our life.

Can muscle twitching be dangerous for the body?

Tired athlete in the gym
Tired athlete in the gym

We have just told you why muscles twitch after training. However, fasciculation can be easily confused with a nervous tic. If the first phenomenon, as we already know, is normal, then a nervous tic is considered a disease. Under a nervous tic, doctors understand spontaneous muscle contractions, which are of an arrhythmic nature. It can be permanent or temporary. The second type of nerve tic can be caused by severe stress or a pinched nerve. In turn, permanent is formed most often with a deficiency of nutrients after previous illnesses.

Let us note several of the most common types of nervous tics and hyperkinesis:

  1. Grinding of teeth.
  2. Short-term twitching of the muscles of the limbs.
  3. Twitching of the wings of the nose.
  4. Head shaking.
  5. Nervous tics during sleep, caused by hyperkinesis.

Also, a nervous tic can be local or generalized. If everything is quite simple with a local one, then with a generalized tic several muscle croup begins to contract simultaneously.

Among the main reasons for the appearance of a nervous tic, the following should be noted:

  • deficiency of some microelements;
  • head trauma;
  • strong psychological stress;
  • pinched nerves;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia or neuralgia.

Since doctors most often refer to a nervous tic as a disease, in the absence of actions aimed at treating it, the following consequences are possible:

  • increased muscle tension and pinched nerve;
  • when the cause of the development of the disease is vegetative-vascular dystonia, then as a result, blood circulation may be impaired;
  • with excessive physical exertion, a nervous tic can cause seizures and even partial loss of limb mobility.

Why do the muscles of the limbs twitch?

In everyday life, the muscles of the limbs have a serious load. As a result, physical strain can be the main causes of involuntary muscle twitching. Also, do not discount the psychological stress. We have already said why muscles twitch after training.

Sometimes this phenomenon is observed for several days and then disappears. In such a situation, it makes no sense to worry and seek help from a doctor. If muscle twitching is observed for a long time, then in such a situation it makes sense to visit a neurologist or psychologist.

Why are the shoulder muscles twitching?

This phenomenon can also occur after excessive physical exertion. Quite often, it is observed not only in athletes, but also in people whose profession is associated with constant physical exertion, for example, loaders. With frequent manifestations of fasciculation in the shoulder area, the reason may lie in potassium deficiency.

You can get tested and check the concentration of this mineral. If it is small, then the reception of special complexes will solve the problem. But if the muscles of the left shoulder often twitch, then they can be associated with a violation of the heart. We recommend that you consult a cardiologist or therapist.

Why are the wings of the nose twitching?

Twitching of the nose and involuntary "sniffing" are often explained by strong feelings. We recommend contacting a psychologist, as many people rarely pay attention to their psychological state. If such a tic is rarely observed, then sedatives can help, as well as breathing exercises. If the legs twitch due to overextension of the facial muscles, then massage will help you get rid of this phenomenon.

Why is the head twitching?

Head tremors can be benign or negative. In the first case, a person practically does not experience discomfort, and it is not associated with ailments. For example, in adolescence, a benign head tremor can be caused by changes in the work of the endocrine gland.

However, the causes of tremors can be quite serious and directly related to diseases, for example:

  • multiple sclerosis;
  • cerebellar ailments;
  • strong psychological stress;
  • the use of large quantities of alcoholic beverages or drugs.

Why do legs tremble in a dream?

The brain works seven days a week and lunch breaks. Even during sleep, some areas of our brain are quite active. Scientists call spontaneous twitching of the legs during sleep Simmonds' nocturnal myoclonus. We hasten to reassure everyone, this phenomenon does not pose any danger to health. Most often they do not cause discomfort. However, it also happens that a person wakes up from twitching of the legs. In such a situation, we can already talk about Ockbom's syndrome. The cause of its development is neurosis, as well as disruption of the subcortical part of the brain. If you have a sleep disorder due to spontaneous twitching of your legs at night, see your doctor.

When and why muscles twitch involuntarily, see below:
