Find out what protein companies there are that produce KSB protein and casein protein in quality no worse than expensive sports nutrition. Today we will talk about the benefits and feedback from athletes about the protein of the viper. This type of sports food is produced by the Tekhmolprom enterprise located in the Ukrainian city of Gadyach. The enterprise has mastered the production of several types of whey-type protein mixture and micellar casein. Note that many athletes were initially very skeptical about this product, but now you will learn how the situation is with this from this article. Also note that whey-type protein blends are called KSB.
Properties and application of protein KSB 70

It should be said that the manufacturer of the viper protein speaks very flatteringly about the properties of its product, which is completely understandable. First of all, from similar products of competitors, KSB 70 is distinguished by its extremely low cost. A kilo of the product costs only 600 rubles. You probably won't be able to find a cheaper protein.
At the same time, the manufacturer does not use any aromatic additives and, as a result, the product has a simple milky taste. According to the manufacturer KSB 70, their product has the following properties:
- The balance of cholesterol is normalized.
- The performance of the immune system improves.
- The process of muscle tissue hypertrophy is accelerated.
- It has anti-catabolic properties.
- Promotes the growth of physical parameters.
- The speed of regenerative processes increases.
- It is a great tool to combat overtraining.
The size of one serving of the supplement is 40 grams. It contains 28 grams of protein compounds and 7 grams of carbohydrates, and the energy value is 132 calories. Carbohydrates in the product are represented by lactose, and the manufacturer is silent about the presence of fats. According to the labeling, supplements in its composition should contain 70 percent of protein compounds, but some athletes voice a different figure - 50%. Confirmation of this can be found on specialized forums.
According to the manufacturer's recommendation, the supplement should be taken two or three times throughout the day to obtain good results. If you have a lesson planned, then this should be done once immediately after the completion of the training, and the second - according to the situation. On days off from work, the product can be consumed during breaks between full meals.
Since there are no aromatic additives in KSB 70, you can use honey, jam, dried fruits, etc. To prepare a cocktail, you will need to dilute one serving in 300 liters of liquid. Note that the additive cannot boast of high solubility and it is best to use a shaker to stir the powder.
To increase the effectiveness of the product, KSB 70 should be taken in combination with creatine, micronutrients, amines of the BCAA group, etc. if your body does not accept lactose, then you should refrain from using viper protein, since milk sugar is present in the product. Speaking about the features of the protein of naggers and the reviews of athletes, it is necessary to mention the not very flattering opinions of the builders regarding the purity of the supplement. Sometimes they even talk about the presence of small lumps of dirt in the product, although it is quite difficult to believe in this. In general, athletes speak of the product as a protein of slightly below average quality.
Properties and application of KSB 65

This product of the Tekhmolprom company contains 65 percent of protein compounds. The additive is made on modern equipment from high quality ingredients. Sufficiently good quality of protein can be confirmed by state certificates of conformity. In addition, it should be said that only domestic components are used in the production of all Tekhmolprom products. For this, the company has built its own raw material base near the city.
This is undoubtedly a positive fact, since the manufacturer has the opportunity to control the entire technological process from the very beginning. The enterprise also has its own laboratories, in which not only product quality control is carried out, but also new additives are created. This can also indicate the good quality of the entire series of KSB proteins.
Since the manufacturer has its own raw material base, it is able to use only fresh milk containing the maximum amount of all nutrients. This is what makes it possible to achieve the high quality of the final product. The manufacturer claims the ability of KSB 65 to accelerate the growth of muscle tissue, effectively suppress catabolic reactions and the presence of fat burning properties.
Note that the product is produced both with and without aromatic additives. Thanks to this fact, each athlete will be able to choose the taste of KSB 65 for himself. A few words can be said about the composition of the product. The size of one serving of KSB 65 is 40 grams. It includes 26 grams of protein compounds, 8.8 grams of carbohydrates and a fairly low fat content of 0.68 grams.
As with any protein blend, you need to dissolve one serving in a glass of liquid. Throughout the day, depending on the specific situation, you can take from one to three servings of the supplement.
Properties and application of micellar casein KMB 65

As you already understood, the micellar casein produced by Tekhmolprom was named KMB. At the moment, only a product containing 65 percent protein compounds is being produced. You can also opt for a flavored or natural milk flavor.
This additive is produced using low temperature ultrafiltration, which allows a high degree of purification of the final product. The production technology allows you to preserve all the nutrients, and the biological value of the supplement remains at a high level in comparison with cheaper types of casein.
As you probably know, the main difference between casein and whey-type protein compounds is the speed of absorption by the body. Whey proteins in the digestive system are broken down into amines as quickly as possible, and therefore supplements of this type are advisable to use before or after training.
Casein is different and will not be as effective at this time. Casein is able to provide the body with amines for several hours. In addition, it is able to evoke a feeling of fullness. Thus, the optimal time for taking KMB 65 is the evening before bedtime or at those moments when you will not be able to eat for a long time. This will suppress catabolic processes and protect muscle tissue from destruction.
At the same time, you can take casein after training. However, unlike whey-type protein compounds, it does not have an anabolic effect. If whey proteins are able to activate regenerative processes in muscle tissues after training, then casein, due to its ability to supply amines to the body for a long time, will support regenerative processes. Also, casein can be very useful during weight loss. During this time, athletes use special nutrition programs that have a low energy value. This can cause the activation of catabolic processes. By consuming casein, you can suppress them. At the same time, the product has a low calorie content and it will not be difficult for you, when introducing it into the diet, to maintain the necessary calorie intake to fight fats.
If we talk about the advantages of KMB 65, then here are some of the main ones:
- It has a long absorption period, which allows it to supply amines to the body for a long time.
- Contains all important amino acid compounds.
- High content of protein compounds.
- Accelerates regenerative processes in muscle tissues.
- Made from high quality components.
We have already talked about the time of the most effective use of casein, but we will repeat it again - before going to bed and during long breaks in food intake. To prepare a cocktail, you need to dissolve a portion of the product in a glass of liquid. One to two servings should be consumed throughout the day, depending on the situation.
About the results of the Gadyach protein test: