The effect of alcohol on muscles

The effect of alcohol on muscles
The effect of alcohol on muscles

Alcohol negatively affects the entire body, including the muscles. Learn how alcohol affects weight and body shape and how to reduce its harmful effects. It is an obvious and proven fact that alcohol is harmful to the muscles. Today we will look at the effect of alcohol on muscles, and more specifically on muscle mass and muscle relief. This is what is most important for athletes.

Alcohol and relief

Different types of alcohol
Different types of alcohol

Alcohol violation of the fat burning process

Athlete training with dumbbells
Athlete training with dumbbells

One of the many problems associated with alcohol is obesity. Alcohol promotes the deposition of fat cells in the subcutaneous layer. When alcohol is processed in the body, complex chemical reactions take place, and to a greater extent this is associated with vodka. It is enough to drink a couple of glasses, as the process of fat burning will slow down by an average of 70%, and this will last for 9 hours.

In the intestines, alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream and enters the liver, where its primary processing takes place. A special enzyme, alcohol dehydrogenase, is responsible for the processing of alcohol in the body. During the processing of alcohol, a very toxic substance is released - acetaldehyde.

The processing of alcohol requires a lot of energy and in this case it is no longer necessary to burn excess fat that continues to accumulate. This is the first negative effect of alcohol on muscles.

High calorie alcohol

Alcohol bottles
Alcohol bottles

Alcohol is a high-calorie substance. There are 7 calories in just one gram of alcohol, which is very close to fat. It should be noted that the calories available in protein compounds, fats and carbohydrates are very different in the degree of assimilation from alcoholic ones. Alcohol calories are immediately converted to fat. To this should be added sugar, which is found in almost all alcoholic beverages, and increased appetite.

Alcohol causes female obesity

Glass of beer
Glass of beer

Most spirits contain phyto-estrogens of plant origin. This is associated with an increase in the belly of avid beer drinkers. Thanks to these phyto-estrogens, fat cells are primarily deposited on the thighs and abdomen, as in the female body.

Alcohol and muscle mass

An athlete drinks a protein shake after a workout
An athlete drinks a protein shake after a workout

Alcohol consumption lowers the level of essential hormones

Man holding a glass with alcohol
Man holding a glass with alcohol

Alcohol inhibits the synthesis of IGF-1, testosterone and growth hormone. For example, after alcohol enters the body, testosterone production is reduced by a quarter. The situation is even worse with growth hormone. It has been found that it is actively produced during sleep. It is also known that alcohol disrupts the rhythm of sleep, and the synthesis of growth hormone can immediately drop by 70%. IGF-1 production falls by 40% and remains at this level for two days after drinking alcohol. The negative influence of alcohol on muscles is quite obvious.

Alcohol slows down the synthesis of protein compounds

Bodybuilder Performs Dumbbell Press
Bodybuilder Performs Dumbbell Press

When alcohol is consumed, the synthesis of protein compounds is reduced by an average of 20%. The main fault in this belongs to cortisol, which at the time of drinking alcohol begins to be actively produced by the body. It is also important to note that not only the production of new protein compounds slows down, but the decay of already created ones also occurs.

Alcohol consumption is the cause of mineral and vitamin deficiencies

Synthetic multivitamin supplements
Synthetic multivitamin supplements

When alcohol is consumed in the body, there is a large lack of vitamins, especially A, B and C, as well as minerals - iron, calcium and zinc. All of these substances are essential for muscle contraction, relaxation and recovery. Of course, this is very bad for muscle mass.

Dehydration of tissues due to alcohol consumption

The athlete drinks water
The athlete drinks water

Alcohol dramatically dehydrates the entire body, which leads to a slowdown in all metabolic processes. It also contributes to the onset of weakness, a feeling of hunger, etc. The energy supply decreases and the endurance decreases.

Alcohol helps to reduce glycogen in the liver, and this is the main source of energy. It is no longer worth talking about the effect of alcohol on muscles.

Alcohol facts

Alcohol in a glass with ice
Alcohol in a glass with ice

Perhaps not all athletes know that if, when drinking alcohol, you have reached the stage of mild intoxication, then one workout is, as it were, skipped. If the stage of intoxication is high, then it takes about two weeks to restore muscle tissue. Power indicators will also significantly decrease. It should be noted that even when drinking small amounts of beer, almost every athlete will experience stagnation in progress and a decrease in muscle tissue volume.

It has already been said above that alcohol is processed thanks to the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase. Scientists have found that this substance directly depends on the place of birth of a person. The inhabitants of the southern regions of the planet, its level is higher than that of the northerners. So we can talk about the presence of greater protection from the effects of alcohol, for example, the Spaniards than our compatriots.

How to reduce the negative effects of alcohol

People holding bottles with alcohol in their hands
People holding bottles with alcohol in their hands

It is certainly easier for amateurs. They may not adhere to a non-alcoholic diet and sometimes allow themselves to drink alcohol. The best choice would be quality red wine, in the amount of one glass once or twice a month. You can also slightly reduce the effects of alcohol on muscles by following a few simple rules:

  • Alcohol should be a good snack for foods rich in protein, such as meat or poultry.
  • You should also eat a protein product at night.
  • For breakfast, proteins are again needed, as well as calcium, phosphorus and iron.
  • Drink plenty of water during and after drinking to stay hydrated.
  • It is better to refrain from visiting the hall for a couple of days after drinking alcohol.
  • You need to take about 500 milligrams of vitamin C at a time.

By following these tips, you can slightly reduce the negative effects of alcohol on muscles, but it is best to try not to consume alcohol. It causes serious damage not only to the muscles, but also to the entire body.

Learn more about the effects of alcohol on the bodybuilder's body in this video:
