Embroidery on paper: MK and step-by-step photos

Embroidery on paper: MK and step-by-step photos
Embroidery on paper: MK and step-by-step photos

Embroidery on paper is done with threads or ribbons. For the base, you can use regular or perforated cardboard. MK and step-by-step photos will teach adults and children alike.

Embroidery on paper is made from available materials. In this case, you will use plain or perforated cardboard. The latter can be bought or made by hand.

DIY embroidery on perforated cardboard - diagrams

You can even embroider icons on this natural material.

Embroidery on perforated cardboard
Embroidery on perforated cardboard

You can do a similar job if you take:

  • perforated cardboard;
  • threads;
  • an appropriate needle;
  • scissors;
  • tape for edging work.

Perforated paperboard is a thick paper that has identical holes spaced at the same distance from each other. You can buy this or do it yourself, then you will need to take needles of two sizes.

Mark the back of the cardboard. To do this, you will need to draw horizontal and vertical lines using a ruler and a pencil. In the resulting squares, make 10 holes in each. Use a small needle for this. Use it to make holes inside each square, and mark its outer perimeter with a thicker needle.

Three sheets
Three sheets

Here are some helpful tips to help you embroider on perforated cardboard:

  • for embroidery on perforated cardboard use needles number 26 and 24;
  • if dirt appears on a paper base, you do not need to wash it off with water, use an eraser for this;
  • embroider a canopy or first attach the base with buttons to the slats;
  • if suddenly the cardboard is torn, glue these two edges with tape or put a piece of paper here and connect the break with stitches;
  • before starting work, wash your hands thoroughly so as not to stain your future art picture from threads;
  • if you want to decorate New Year's toys made of cardboard with threads, then embroider them first from the seamy side, then from the front side;
  • if one side of the cardboard is smooth, then embroider on it, and if they are both the same, then you can do it from either side;
  • if the paper is wrinkled, iron it with an iron; when you are done embroidering, pull the thread to the back, secure here;
  • you can make a border of the finished work by gluing the tape along the edges.
Embroidery on perforated cardboard
Embroidery on perforated cardboard

Make a card with perforated cardboard. To do this, fold it in half, decorate the front part. Apply the selected drawing here in advance and start creating. You can first make the background white, and then embroider flowers on it.

Embroidery on perforated cardboard
Embroidery on perforated cardboard

And to make a Christmas tree toy in the shape of an angel, you first need to draw it on the seamy side of the cardboard and cut it out. Now you need to embroider this paper blank on both sides.

Embroidery on perforated cardboard
Embroidery on perforated cardboard

You can use not a whole cardboard blank, but make a figurine from several parts. Then you will attach them to each other with glue and thread.

You can take a sheet of perforated cardboard, but only embroider a certain part of it. In this case, this is the mask of a girl with ostrich feathers. Then glue the tape around the edges for a complete artistic masterpiece.

Embroidery on perforated cardboard
Embroidery on perforated cardboard

Mostly on perforated cardboard they are embroidered with a cross. The same method will create a beautiful bookmark. Look at the embroidery diagram. First you need to cut a strip out of cardboard, then transfer the presented pattern to it.

Embroidery scheme
Embroidery scheme

You can see what colors are used for this. Begin embroidering in the middle, gradually working towards one edge. Then do it from the center to the opposite edge. It remains to glue a strip of the same width made of velvet paper on the back side, and the bookmark is ready.

Here are some other perforated cardboard stitches you can use when you master the cross stitch. You can apply this pattern by making a cross not in 4 adjacent holes, but through one. That is, the cross will be created in a 3-by-3-hole square. Various types of stitches are also suitable for embroidery on perforated cardboard. Embroider with satin stitches with vertical, horizontal stitches, as well as laying them obliquely.

Embroidery scheme
Embroidery scheme

See which hoop frames are suitable for this type of work. You can buy them or make them yourself. The main thing is that there are 2 horizontal strips at the bottom and the same at the top, and they hold a sheet of cardboard.

Embroidery hoop frame
Embroidery hoop frame

Using a variety of stitches, you can embroider three-dimensional embossed fabrics. Try to make a mural for a child. To do this, you need to make horizontal and vertical stripes in the middle of such a picture with the help of threads, which will become the window frames. Inside it is a New Year's landscape. Therefore, there must be a tree or part of it. In each sector of the window, you can create a specific item. Since the embroidery is for children, let it be toys for a child. Around the window, embroider with white and red threads to create bricks.

DIY embroidery on cardboard
DIY embroidery on cardboard

If you wish, take a few sheets of cardboard and connect them so that then you get a house. But first you need to embroider on each side of it, and only after that, using glue and threads, connect the parts to make a house. From such material excellent postcards are obtained, inside which you can place some kind of figure. When you open this folding thing, this figure will appear before you.

You can embroider not only on perforated, but also on ordinary cardboard. This activity is also calming, helps to get beautiful work.

Read also about amazing colored paper crafts

Embroidery patterns on cardboard

Learn how to sew stitches. If you want to embroider a flower, then first draw it, and then make uniform holes in the middle with a needle. Then you will embroider here.

If you like the isothread technique, then use it in your work. See how you can make a triangular, square, or four and eight corners. First you need to draw one of these elements, and then make punctures with a needle. Now, looking at the isothread pattern, you can embroider these elements.

Diy embroidery on cardboard
Diy embroidery on cardboard

If you need to fill the circle evenly, see how it's done. First draw a circle, then make holes on it at the same distance. Now you need to connect two opposite threads so that over time you get segments of the same length.

Diy embroidery on cardboard
Diy embroidery on cardboard

If you want the distance between these rays to be greater, then make the segments more extended.

See what shapes you get, and their appearance depends on the length of the stitches. The longer the length, the smaller the inner circle and vice versa.

Diy embroidery on cardboard
Diy embroidery on cardboard

You can also embroider on paper using satin ribbons.

Embroidery on cardboard with satin ribbons
Embroidery on cardboard with satin ribbons

To create such artwork, take:

  • a sheet of cardboard;
  • cutter knife;
  • awl;
  • satin ribbons - narrow and wide;
  • scissors;
  • floss threads;
  • needles;
  • glue stick;
  • paper;
  • a box of chocolates.

First, draw a sketch of the future masterpiece on paper.

Sketch of a masterpiece on paper
Sketch of a masterpiece on paper

Then prepare ribbons to decorate these elements later. Each stitch in your diagram will look as if it is a straight segment, which has points on one side and on the other. Mark them and pierce them with an awl to make small holes. A cutter will help you make a hole in the center of each flower.

Now place the created paper template on the cardboard and make holes already on this thick paper product.

It's time to get the ribbons with which you will decorate your work. All workpieces must be of the correct length. Sew the bottom edge of each side with fine stitches, seam first on the needle.

Now one ribbon needs to be threaded through the hole cut out on the cardboard. Slide its tip down 7 mm and glue from the wrong side with glue stick.

Satin ribbon blank
Satin ribbon blank

Pull on the pre-sewn thread to gently gather this piece. Then pass the other end of this tape into the same hole and also glue it on the back side.

Blanks from satin ribbons
Blanks from satin ribbons

Secure the folds with thread and a needle.

In the same way, attach two more flowers that are located under this one.

Blanks from satin ribbons
Blanks from satin ribbons

Use thin ribbons to make the petals. Insert the first one into the needle and pass it through the hole made. Glue the tip from the inside out.

Blanks from satin ribbons
Blanks from satin ribbons

Make the same loop on the other side, and then a third.

Decorate the rest of the flowers in the same way. And use the green ribbon to make the leaves. Also thread it into a needle and secure the tip on the back with glue. Proceeding in the same way, embroider the leaves in all three colors.

Satin ribbon embroidery
Satin ribbon embroidery

Now take a floss of the same shade and start creating stems from these threads, twisting them.

Satin ribbon embroidery
Satin ribbon embroidery

Now you need to perform stamens in each flower using threads of a different shade. Also use pre-created holes for this.

When you have completed this step of the work, finish embroidering on the paper. Glue satin ribbons around the edge of the cardboard. Then you can fix the work in a candy box, which will act as a frame. You can also decorate it with satin ribbons. Such a great job.

Satin ribbon embroidery
Satin ribbon embroidery

If you have small children, then they will also be able to embroider with ribbons. For this you will need:

  • sheets of thick colored cardboard;
  • awl;
  • narrow ribbons;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • colored paper.

First, cut out the appliques from paper and glue each one on your specific sheet. Depending on the pattern, make dots at a certain distance. If it is a whale, then the points will be above its head, and one on it. Then the child can create a fountain. If you need to make the sun, make holes, arrange them so that then the segments of the ribbons turn into rays. Also, the holes will help create the body of the caterpillar, the tail of the fish.

Cut the tape to the correct size. Both tips need to be glued so that you can then insert them into the holes made with an awl. They must be sufficient for the child to be able to thread the ribbons here. Here is such a children's embroidery on paper.

Collage of children's embroidery
Collage of children's embroidery
Children's picture
Children's picture

First, make a pencil sketch on a piece of cardboard. If these are waves, then draw 3 rounded lines.

Step-by-step master class of embroidery on paper
Step-by-step master class of embroidery on paper

Now puncture these lines. Then show your child how to insert the thread into the needle, tie a knot at the end, and start embroidering on paper.

Step-by-step paper embroidery workshop
Step-by-step paper embroidery workshop

Have him threaded the back of the needle so that the knot is on the wrong side. Then you need to cover all the lines with thread.

Step-by-step master class of embroidery on paper
Step-by-step master class of embroidery on paper

Decorate the sun, sailboat in the same way. It remains to make a frame and attach the work here. The good thing about embroidery on paper is that it develops creativity and if some stitch does not work out, the thread can be removed. And in the case of embroidery on fabric, this is more difficult to do.

If a child is doing the work, then it is better to make holes with a nail. Then they will turn out to be more significant, and it will be easier to embroider.

Then you can decorate the previously drawn work with threads. See what kind of car and butterfly will turn out.

Step-by-step paper embroidery workshop
Step-by-step paper embroidery workshop

The following scheme will help you to make such a machine using cardboard and thread. Holes are already marked on it as they should be located.

Master class of embroidery on paper
Master class of embroidery on paper

You can teach your child to sew on buttons. Let him attach it to the cardboard, and add the missing features with threads. Then he can turn the button into a chick.

Together with the children, you will make his mother a bird out of fabric. It is necessary to cut a flap to the size of her body and glue it to thick paper. Then it remains to make the edging of the body from threads, as well as the beak and legs of the bird from this material.

Master class of embroidery on paper
Master class of embroidery on paper

This is how paper embroidery is created. Here's how to do it using perforated cardboard:

Check out the isothreading technique, which will also allow you to make embroidery on paper:
