How to take care of Zephyranthes at home?

How to take care of Zephyranthes at home?
How to take care of Zephyranthes at home?

Distinctive features, origin, agricultural technology in the cultivation of zephyranthes, flower reproduction, pest and disease control, interesting facts, species. Zephyranthes (Zepheranthes) is part of the Amaryllidaceae family, which includes monocotyledonous representatives of the flora (the embryo has only one cotyledon). Previously, this floral compound was included in the order of Liliales, but today, according to the APGII classification system, it has been transferred to the order of Asparagales. Natural growing conditions are found in the lands of South and Central America, as well as on some islands in the western Indian Ocean. In these regions of the planet, a tropical climate prevails, which is so suitable for zephyranthes.

The people of the humble representative of this family are called "water lily" or "home daffodil" because of the similarity of flowers with the above flora samples. But there is also a completely unattractive name - "upstart", since the flower-bearing stem sometimes appears even before the leaves of the zephyranthes and lengthens right before our eyes. And then it is already crowned with a beautiful star-shaped flower. The scientific name originates from two ancient Greek words: "zephir" meaning "west wind" and "anthos" translated as "flower". And we get a rather romantic name - the flower of the west wind. All this became possible because in Ancient Hellas they were well aware of the properties of the western night breeze, which flew very unexpectedly and gave people a refreshing coolness after midday heat. Naturally, this blessed wind bore the name - Zephyr, which became a household name for the flower because of the speed of its growth.

For the most part, Zephyranthes are not as prominent as their family counterparts - Eucharis, Narine, Clivia, Valotta, or the like. And for some flower growers, this plant is gently placed in an obscene vessel and pushed into the farthest corner of the window sill. All this is due to the fact that a modest specimen of the green world does not bloom for long and without its buds looks rather inconspicuous.

The plant has an ovoid or rounded bulb, which reaches 2–5 cm in diameter. It is sometimes covered with a dark, dense peel. The leaf plates are elongated, belt-like or lanceolate in outline. They can grow up to 30 cm in length, but the width rarely exceeds 1–1, 5 cm. That is why the foliage resembles onion feathers in its appearance. The color is the same - rich bright or dark green. Sometimes the leaves appear later than the flower-bearing stem grows.

The flowering process begins in mid-spring and can last until July. It is at this time that the rainy season begins in his native lands. During this period, the peduncles begin to rapidly stretch, and after 1–2 days a flower forms at the top, which with its outlines resembles a bright six-pointed star or a funnel. The color of the petals directly depends on the variety of zephyranthes. The size of the flower's diameter in the open state can vary from 5 to 12 cm. It’s a pity, but the life of the flowers is short-lived - only two days, but a new bud is blooming to replace the faded flower "star". Therefore, it seems that the process of "popping out" of flowers is endless. After flowering, the fruit begins to ripen in the form of a box.

To date, breeders have bred a large number of hybrid plants that do not give sexual offspring. These species begin to open their buds, mainly at night, filling the air around with a delicate and pleasant aroma. So the plant attracts moths and various insects that take part in pollination.

Zephyranthes growing rules, care and planting

Zephyranthes in a pot
Zephyranthes in a pot
  1. Lighting and location selection. Most of all, the "upstart" likes to grow in diffused lighting - on the windows of the western or eastern orientation. But it will not be bad for the zephyranthes on the north window, you just need to carry out additional lighting. On southern windowsills, shade from direct sunlight.
  2. Content temperature should fluctuate between 19-23 degrees, but for wintering, the thermometer is lowered to 8-14 degrees.
  3. Air humidity when growing "indoor daffodil" is kept within moderate limits, but "water lily" can also bloom and grow with dry air in the room. If the summer temperature rises, it is recommended to carry out daily spraying of the foliage, being careful not to fall on the flowers. Use only soft and warm water.
  4. Watering carried out with the beginning of the activity of spring growth. Moisturize often, but in moderation. The soil in the pot should always be slightly damp. The water is soft and warm.
  5. Fertilizers for zephyranthes used only from spring until the end of flowering. It is recommended to use a universal mineral dressing for flowering indoor plants, you can take the drug "Agricola" or with a similar effect. Regular feeding every 14 days in the warm season.
  6. Transplantation and choice of substrate. There are recommendations to change the pot and the soil in it once a year with the arrival of the spring months, but many growers are waiting for the bulbs to grow, and the proposed capacity will not be enough for them. It is in the latter version that it will be impossible to wait for flowering, and the plant looks ugly. If it is decided to carry out a transplant, then they wait until the end of flowering and planted in low but wide bowls. The width is selected depending on the number of "babies" growing next to the adult bulb. A layer of drainage material is laid at the bottom. The substrate is used with neutral acidity, light and nutritious. You can independently mix soil from leaf and sod soil with the addition of peat and river sand. All parts of the components must be equal. A little phosphorus fertilizer or humus is sometimes added to it. If the neck of the bulb is long, then it does not go deep, but if it is short, then it is covered with soil either half or more. After transplanting, it is recommended not to water the "water lily" for several days, in order to avoid rotting of the bulbs.
  7. Zephyranthus winter rest. When the time comes for the "domestic daffodil" begins to shed the foliage and the inflorescences wither, this means that the plant is preparing for "sleep." It is required to remove the pot with it in a dark place and practically stop watering. The substrate is only slightly moistened to prevent the bulbs from drying out. With the arrival of spring, when leaves and flower stalks begin to form, the "water lily" is again placed in a sunny place and watered. The temperature during winter maintenance is maintained in the range of about 10 degrees, this will guarantee subsequent successful growth and flowering.

How to propagate zephyranthes at home

Zephyranthes white
Zephyranthes white

It is fashionable to get a new plant "water lily" by planting daughter bulbs or sowing seeds.

If it's time to transplant zephyranthes, then you can combine it with the reproduction process in order to cause less injury to the plant. This operation is usually performed during the winter rest period. By this time, next to the mother's bulb, you can see a lot of "babies", up to 15 pieces. "Home daffodil" must be removed from the pot, carefully separate the young bulbs and plant them in prepared pots, on the bottom of which a layer of drainage material is already laid and a suitable substrate is poured. 8-10 pieces of "children" are placed in one container. If the variety has bulbs with a short neck, then it is recommended to plant them, deepening only half of its volume or a little more. When the neck is elongated, it is not deepened.

With seed reproduction, it will take three years to wait for flowering from the moment of planting the seed. Seeds are sown immediately after they are harvested, otherwise their germination capacity disappears over time. But this method is rarely used. Seeds are poured onto the surface of a light sandy-peat soil, laid in a container. Crops are covered with plastic wrap or glass to create conditions for a mini-greenhouse. The container is placed in a warm place with diffused lighting. It is necessary to ventilate every day and if the soil is dry, then moisten it with a spray bottle with fogging spraying. As soon as the sprouts appear, the shelter is removed, and young "domestic daffodils" begin to accustom to the conditions of the premises.

Zephyranthes Pest and Disease Control

Young sprouts of zephyranthes
Young sprouts of zephyranthes

Of the pests that annoy the plant, spider mites, whiteflies, amaryllis worms and scale insects can be distinguished. If symptoms of damage are noticed, then insecticidal treatment will be required.

If the plant is frequently flooded, the bulb may begin to rot. In this case, the "home daffodil" is removed from the pot, dried well, examined for rot and, if it is not there, planted in a new pot with a suitable substrate.

In the case when zephyranthes do not have flowers for a long time, this is a consequence of a violation of the temperature regime or humidity level during cultivation - when during the dormant period the thermometer indicators were increased, and the substrate is frequently flooded. If the level of illumination is low or the dose of fertilizing is exceeded (or insufficient), then it will also be difficult to wait for flowering.

Interesting Facts About Zephyranthes

Zephyranthes flowers
Zephyranthes flowers

It is required not to forget that this cute flower is a poisonous plant, so it is advisable to take this into account when placing a pot with marshmallows in children's rooms or where pets have access to it.

The Greek name for the wind, not only brought the name to the flower, also in ancient times the delicate and thinnest fabric was called "marshmallow", and in our time, we can talk about the most delicate delicacy - marshmallow.

Types of Zephyranthes

Yellow zephyranthes bloom
Yellow zephyranthes bloom
  • Zepheranthes atamasco or as it is also called Zeferantus Atamas. The native habitat is in the United States. The bulb is ovoid, with a diameter of only 1.5–2 cm. The leaf plates are linear-lanceolate, painted in a dark green color. In the spring, elongated flowering stems appear, which are crowned with pinkish or white flowers. With full dissolution, the diameter of the flower reaches 8 cm. When grown as a home culture and with proper care, it can delight with its flowering from mid-spring to August. Wintering should take place at a temperature of 16-18 degrees, sufficient lighting and occasional watering.
  • Zephyranthes grandiflora (Zepheranthes grandiflora) can bear the name of Zephyranthes pink, differs in large forms. The bulb has rounded or oval contours and measures 3-5 cm in diameter, the neck is short. When planting, it is recommended to deepen it completely. The outlines of the leaf plates are belt-like, with a dark emerald color. In length, they can approach 40 cm, with a centimeter wide. During flowering, elongated flowering stems are formed, on which flowers with a funnel-shaped shape and petals of a bright pink color are placed. Inside there are bright orange stamens. In width, the flower can reach 8 cm in size. The flowering process extends from April to July.
  • Zephyranthes white (Zepheranthes candida) or it can be found under the name Zephyranthes of Snow White. He reveres the lands of Argentina with his native territories and is distinguished by the small size of the bulbs, only 3 cm in diameter and an elongated neck. The leaf plates have narrow and elongated shapes, very much like onion feathers. The leaves appear at the same time as flowering. The length of each such leafy feather reaches 30 cm. Each peduncle is crowned with a single white, but sometimes with a delicate pinkish tint, a flower that opens up to a diameter of 6 cm. The flowering process occurs in mid-summer and can last until October. The temperature during winter hibernation is 10-12 degrees.
  • Zephyranthes golden (Zepheranthes aurea) naturally grows in Peru. The bulbs can reach a diameter of 3 cm. The leaf plates are close to 30 cm in length with a centimeter wide. This variety begins to bloom at the beginning of the winter period. The emerging flowers have yellow petals and can open up to 8 cm across.
  • Zepheranthes lindleyana considered the most beautiful variety. The size of its bulb is close to 4 cm in diameter. Leaves are elongated with a width of up to one and a half centimeters. The color of the leaf plates is dark green. The flowering process occurs in mid-summer. Delicate pink flowers appear with a funnel-shaped corolla that opens up to 7 cm in diameter. The plant loves when it stands in a well-lit place and when growing, they use top dressing, but only brought in with the onset of spring and while there are flowers.
  • Zephyranthes versicolor can be found under the name Zephyranthes multicolored. The diameter of the bulb is approaching three centimeters, and its surface is covered with a dense film of dark color. The leaf plates are linear in shape, reaching a length of 30 cm. The color is saturated bright green. The flowering process can be observed in early to mid-winter. Flowers appear, opening up to 5-7 cm in diameter. The color of the corolla is whitish on the inside, on the outside it is set off by a reddish-greenish color scheme. Feels good in rooms where moderately warm or cool thermometer readings are maintained. The native habitat is in Brazilian territories. Leaf plates usually appear later than flowers.
  • Zepheranthes robusta can in literary sources be called Zeferantus the powerful, Gabrantus the powerful or Narcissus of the home. The leaf plates usually measure 30 cm in length, rather thin, resembling the feathers of an onion, When flowering, light pink flowers are formed. In nature, it grows in Brazil and Argentina.
  • Zepheranthes andersonii also bears the name of Habranthus tubispathus. When it appears, the flower deviates slightly to one side, has copper-red petals at the edge, and inside they have a beautiful bright yellow hue. There may be a pattern of purple veins on the surface of the petals. In nature, it grows on the lands of South America.
  • Zepheranthes minima the owner of a miniature size, its height rarely exceeds 9-10 cm. The shade of the flowers is pale pink.
  • Zephyranthes citrina came to us from the tropical lands of America. The flower petals are distinguished by a beautiful and rich golden-yellow color scheme.
  • Keened Zephyranthes (Zepheranthes carinata). The buds of this species have petals of a bright pink-red hue; inside, at the base of the corolla, there is a yellow color scheme. Native territories fall on the tropical lands of Central America and the Caribbean islands.
  • Zephyranthes tubular (Zepheranthes tubispatha). It grows naturally in Colombia and Venezuela, as well as on the western islands of the Indian Ocean. The flowers are large in size with white, greenish-pink or mauve petals.

For more information on planting, growing, caring for and reproducing a zephyranthus flower, see the following video:

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