Ceramic thermal insulation Korund

Ceramic thermal insulation Korund
Ceramic thermal insulation Korund

What is Corundum insulation, how it is made, what varieties exist, technical characteristics of the material, advantages and disadvantages, features of do-it-yourself application.

Advantages and disadvantages of Corundum

Thermal insulation coating on a wooden surface
Thermal insulation coating on a wooden surface

The heat insulator is able to completely fill the micropores of the treated surface. In this case, the concentration of the polymerized material is 80%. In addition, Korund coating thermal insulation has the following advantages:

  • Excellent heat retention … One millimeter of heat-saving paint is comparable in efficiency to 50 millimeters of roll insulation, for example, mineral wool.
  • Ease of application … Corundum is applied like a regular paint with standard tools: brush, roller, spray gun. It does not emit harmful substances, therefore it does not require respiratory protection.
  • Protects surfaces from destruction … Metal coated with Corundum will not rust, wood will not rot and dry out under the influence of atmospheric agents, plaster, brick, concrete will crumble and crack.
  • Does not attract microorganisms, insects, rodents … The surfaces covered with this insulation will not rot or mold.
  • Lightness of the insulation layer … The weight of the Korund insulation is incomparable with the traditional roll coating. Such insulation will not exert any load on the load-bearing walls and foundation. Therefore, liquid ceramic insulation can be applied even to unstable and fragile structures.
  • No seams and cold bridges … Corundum allows you to create a durable seamless coating through which cold cannot penetrate into the room.
  • Environmentally friendly and durable … Throughout the entire service life, the material does not emit any harmful substances. Therefore, it can be safely used to insulate residential buildings, as well as houses where allergy sufferers live.
  • Does not affect the geometry of the room … Unlike bulky traditional thermal insulation, Corundum will not affect the size and shape of the building in any way.
  • Can serve as an independent finishing layer … Pigments can be added to the thermal paint, which allows it to be used for wall decoration without additional decorative coatings.

This liquid ceramic insulation also has certain disadvantages. First of all, this is a relatively high price. Corundum appeared on the domestic market not so long ago, so for now its cost is quite high. However, this drawback is leveled by the fact that the thermal paint is characterized by a long service life and perfectly retains heat. Also, among the shortcomings, one can single out the rapid solidification of the material. Therefore, you need to work with him promptly.

Criteria for choosing insulation Korund

Stirring thermal paint Corundum
Stirring thermal paint Corundum

The rights to the Korund trademark belong to Fulleren NPO in Russia. The company also has a number of official distributors, for example, TeploTrade LLC, ServisInvestProekt CJSC, Trading House Korund Southern Federal District LLC and others. Never buy from dubious sellers.

The optimal state of insulation Corundum is a paste-like suspension of white color. Standard packaging - plastic buckets of different sizes. The packaging must contain information about the manufacturer. The price of Korund thermal insulation may differ depending on the type of material and the place of sale. On average in Russia, the cost of liquid ceramic insulation is as follows:

  1. Corundum Classic - 375 rubles per 1 liter;
  2. Corundum Antikor - 435 rubles per liter;
  3. Corundum Winter - 540 rubles per liter;
  4. Corundum Facade - 400 rubles per 1 liter.

Brief instructions for applying thermal insulation Korund

Application of thermal insulating paint Korund
Application of thermal insulating paint Korund

To apply thermal paint, you will need standard painter's tools - brushes, roller or spray gun. With the help of a sprayer, you can get the best quality of application and low consumption of thermal insulation Korund.

The average thickness of one layer should be about 0.4 mm. Each subsequent layer should be applied only after the previous one has completely dried. When working with a roller or brush, the average material consumption is about 0.5 liters per square meter. We apply thermal insulation Korund, following the following instructions:

  • Pour the paint into a large container and mix it thoroughly so that the mixture is completely homogeneous. To do this, you can use a drill with a special attachment. You need to set the speed to medium so as not to destroy the structure of the ceramic spheres.
  • We clean and degrease the surfaces on which we plan to apply Corundum. If it is metal, then we clean off the top layer of rust. We use gasoline, kerosene or solvent as a degreaser.
  • We begin to apply heat paint to completely dry surfaces. The first coat should be the minimum thickness as it is considered a primer.
  • If you use a spray gun or roller to apply Corundum, then joints and hard-to-reach places will have to be brushed anyway.
  • If you use Corundum brand "Winter", then work can be carried out at a temperature not lower than -10 degrees. For other types of liquid thermal insulation, the optimum application temperature is +20 degrees.
  • It is recommended to create no more than three layers of insulation for optimal results.
  • It usually takes about a day to completely dry all layers. If hot pipes were painted, then polymerization occurs much faster.

Heat insulator Corundum on surfaces looks aesthetically pleasing, and therefore can be used as a finish. If you are planning additional painting or plastering of surfaces, then it is quite possible to do this on top of layers of thermal paint. Watch the video review of Corundum:

Corundum is the latest invention of Russian scientists in the field of thermal insulation. The material is widely used for insulating buildings for various purposes, pipelines and other objects. It is an environmentally friendly and reliable ceramic liquid thermal insulation.
