Insulation Shelter

Insulation Shelter
Insulation Shelter

What is Shelter insulation, how and from what it is made, what are the varieties, technical characteristics of the heat insulator, pros and cons, selection criteria and features of DIY installation.

Shelter's merits

Shelter insulation structure
Shelter insulation structure

This insulation material has a number of advantages that contribute to the growth of its popularity in the domestic construction market. Let's consider them:

  • Good thermal insulation properties with low thickness … The thickness of a standard Shelter is only 50 millimeters. This layer guarantees excellent protection against cold and freezing. At the same time, walls can be insulated both from the outside and from the inside - this material will practically not "eat up" space.
  • Protection of walls from getting wet … Since the Shelter polyester insulation does not absorb moisture and quickly gives off excess moisture to the outside, the walls will not get wet and deteriorate under the influence of water. Therefore, even saunas and baths can be insulated with this material.
  • Convenient transportation … Shelter has a low specific weight. Prolonged squeezing or squeezing does not violate the geometry of the insulation. It quickly regains its original shape.
  • Ease of installation … Insulation is easy to install. This does not require special skills or tools. In addition, Shelter does not emit dust, its fibers are not brittle and absolutely safe even in contact with unprotected skin.
  • High environmental friendliness and hypoallergenicity … The material does not contain any harmful chemicals that can cause allergies or impair health. Shelter is recommended to insulate even such environmentally friendly buildings as wooden log cabins.
  • Versatility … The heat insulator has a whole range of varieties. You can choose Shelter to suit your needs.

Disadvantages of Shelter insulation

Insulation by Shelter at the stage of building a house
Insulation by Shelter at the stage of building a house

If you decide to opt for this particular insulation, then it is worth considering certain disadvantages that are inherent in it:

  1. Relatively high price … Like any other new generation synthetic insulation material, Shelter is quite expensive. However, for a high price, you will receive high-quality, environmentally friendly material that you can easily install on your own, without hiring a professional team of builders.
  2. Water vapor permeability is lower than that of organic insulation … According to this indicator, synthetics cannot surpass natural materials. However, under certain conditions, this can also be an advantage.

Shelter insulation selection criteria

What Shelter looks like
What Shelter looks like

In Russia, the rights to manufacture this heat-insulating material belong to EcoStroy. Therefore, when choosing insulation, keep in mind that the name of any other brand on the package is unacceptable.

Almost all types of heat insulators are produced in the form of mats measuring 600x1200 millimeters. They must be packed in a branded package with the name of the EcoStroy company. One package contains 6 plates.

Also, the material can be made in the form of a tape of various widths and lengths. Insulation manufacturer Shelter EcoStroy indicates that a high-quality heat insulator has a light beige or white color. It does not change color over time or during storage. The price of Shelter insulation may fluctuate depending on its type. On average, it is:

  • Shelter EcoStroy Standard - 3130 rubles per cubic meter;
  • Shelter EcoStroy Standard 25 - 3500 rubles per cubic meter;
  • Shelter EcoStroy Light - 2875 rubles per cubic meter;
  • Shelter EcoStroy Premium - 4500 rubles per cubic meter;
  • Shelter EcoStroy Facade - 11,600 rubles per cubic meter;
  • Shelter EcoStroy Acoustic - 6500 rubles per cubic meter;
  • Shelter EcoStroy Master - 3000 rubles per cubic meter;
  • Shelter EcoStroy Sauna - 5550 rubles per cubic meter.

Shelter Brief Installation Instructions

Mounting Shelter on the wall
Mounting Shelter on the wall

This insulation should be attached to a special frame made of metal or wood. The step of installing the lathing elements must be calculated based on the width of the Shelter insulation mats. We carry out the installation according to the following instructions:

  1. To ensure a reliable fixation of the Shelter, we install the crate with a step of 58 centimeters, taking into account the width of the mat 60 centimeters.
  2. The thickness of the lathing posts must match the thickness of the heat insulator mat.
  3. The optimal thickness of the Shelter laying for the floor is 20-25 millimeters, for the walls - 150-200 millimeters. Considering that the width of the insulator is on average 50 millimeters, it is recommended to lay it in several layers.
  4. If the roof is insulated, then the EcoStroy shelter is laid outside the house. In this case, you must first lay a layer of vapor barrier.
  5. You can connect parts of the insulation to each other using a construction stapler. It is not necessary to fix it to surfaces. The main thing is that it is tightly packed in the crate.
  6. If the walls in the building are higher than 2.5 meters, then we divide the frame into parts using an additional partition. So the material will not fall out, but will stick between the bars or profiles only due to its elasticity.
  7. For a more reliable fixation of the Shelter, for example, on the facade, you can use adhesive tape, which is designed for polyester fibers. Insulated surfaces can be sheathed with finishing materials: facade - with siding, internal walls - with plasterboard.

Watch a video review of Shelter insulation:

Shelter is a new generation heat insulator manufactured in Russia. It is safe and environmentally friendly, so it can be used to insulate any frame and wooden living quarters. The characteristics of Shelter insulation allow it to be used even in harsh climatic conditions.
