How to make a shower in a bath

How to make a shower in a bath
How to make a shower in a bath

In a traditional bath, it is customary to use a bucket-waterfall, but modern ideas about convenience involve equipping it with a shower. Guided by the attached recommendations, you can independently install a shower in the bath. Content:

  1. Shower design
  2. Water supply
  3. Heating water

    • Stove
    • Gas
    • Electric
  4. Shower installation

It is difficult for a modern person to manage in a bath without a shower. When going to the steam room, it is more pleasant to stand under the warm jets of the shower, and not to splash out of a bucket or basin. In addition, it is not difficult to build a shower cubicle. In this article we will tell you how to make a shower in the bath with your own hands.

Bath shower design

Washing room with shower and bucket in the bath
Washing room with shower and bucket in the bath

When drawing up a project for a bath with a shower, it is very important to choose the right place for the sink. The shower cabin can be installed anywhere in the bath, of course, except for the steam room. But there is one important nuance - for technical convenience, it is recommended to mount it as close as possible to the main water points. Otherwise, it will be necessary to carry out additional work on the installation of pipelines, the maintenance of which may become more complicated.

If the room has a concrete floor, you can install any cabin you like or make your own pallet. If the floor is wooden, it is recommended to install exclusively purchased models. Of course, you can make a pallet yourself, but the concrete base on such a floor will not have a rigid support, so it will probably crack over time.

If you do not plan to supply hot water to the shower, you can simply install a "bucket-waterfall" made of wood. The only thing that needs to be done is to provide a special tap so that the bucket is filled with water.

Water supply for a shower in the bath

Bath water supply scheme
Bath water supply scheme

When considering how to make a shower in a bath, it is important to think about the method of supplying water. You can bring the bath to the central water supply or create your own (for example, from a well or a well). To create a water supply system, it is necessary to bring a branch from the pipes to the bath and provide for a water supply for heating.

If you decide to heat the bath only with a stove, it is recommended to install a storage tank for water. This can be done on a rooftop or under a ceiling. The shower is usually placed next to the firebox.

If you plan to use well water, it is important to take care of the pump to create pressure. It is also necessary to increase the weak pressure in the plumbing system.

Bath shower
Bath shower

There are three types of pumps, each of which corresponds to a specific water supply system:

  • Surface … Water is supplied to a height of up to seven meters. But they can be used in an existing water supply system to provide constant pressure.
  • Submersible … They are used for the flow of water from wells, streams, reservoirs, rivers, lakes and other shallow sources.
  • Deep … They can supply water from very great depths. These options are great for wells with small bore diameters.

Water purification filters play an important role in the shower water supply system. This is especially true for the supply of water from sources located outside. There are two types of device - coarse and fine filter. For a shower in the bath, it is recommended to install both the first and the second. The coarse filter traps sand, algae, debris and other large objects. The fine filter retains the smallest particles of sludge and other inclusions.

Methods for heating water in a shower bath

If the bathhouse is located in the house, a hot water boiler from the heating system of the whole house can be used to supply warm water. But there are other options as well. Consider three types of heating water for washing. Regardless of the selected heating method, water is supplied to the mixer tap and mixed with cold water there.

Stove heated shower water

Portable tank in the bath
Portable tank in the bath

It is used in the absence of other generators of thermal energy. This method is very fond of fans of old bathing traditions. Furnace heating involves the use of a special tank (remote or built-in), in which water is heated by burning wood. From the tank, water is distributed to the shower.

Gas heating for water in the shower

Shower cubicle in a bath from a bar
Shower cubicle in a bath from a bar

If your home or bath is connected to a central gas supply system, you can use a gas heater to heat the water, which is a familiar gas water heater. She will be able to quickly heat water. Before installing this type of heating, you must make sure that the bath room meets all standards for the installation of gas appliances.

Electric heating of water for a bath

Electric water heating circuit
Electric water heating circuit

Electric water heaters can be instantaneous or storage. Flow-through options are simple compact devices that are installed next to the mixer. They have no storage capacity, but the water jet heats up quickly as it passes through the heating element system. The disadvantage of this type is too high energy consumption.

Storage heaters are especially relevant in areas where there are frequent power outages. This is due to the fact that the storage tank works on the principle of a thermos and can maintain the assigned water temperature for a long time. The disadvantages of this type of heaters are the high price and bulky dimensions. Considering the options for a shower in the bath in the photo, you are unlikely to find a storage tank in the same room with a shower. The device itself is mounted in a utility room or in the attic.

Instantaneous electric water heaters belong to a group of devices with increased danger. If any mistakes are made during their installation, the risk of short circuits during operation will greatly increase, which can lead to dire consequences for health.

Features of installing a shower in a bath

Installation of a shower tray made of tiles
Installation of a shower tray made of tiles

For heating and water supply, copper, polypropylene and metal-plastic pipes are used. Copper pipes are quite expensive and difficult to install, so polypropylene and metal-plastic options are considered much more popular. Experts recommend using metal-plastic pipes - they are easy to install, flexible, flexible, durable and not afraid of corrosion.

For the drainage system, it is necessary to provide a concreted pit through which used water will flow through the hole in the floor, and then be discharged into the pit. To do this, it is necessary to equip a special ladder in the floor and attach a pipe with an accumulating pit to it.

Booth wall cladding
Booth wall cladding

Let's take a look at the step-by-step process of creating a pallet:

  1. It is important to know that the drainage is carried out at the stage of creating the floor screed. In this case, all pipes for water drainage will be reliably hidden inside the floor.
  2. Install a shower drain and drain pipes on the subfloor. It is important to accurately calculate the depth of the future pallet, the thickness of the floor screed and the height of the drain grate. Otherwise, it may turn out that the lattice will be too high above the floor level, or vice versa - it will drown in the screed.
  3. Lay the roofing material vertically on the walls in two layers. Then make a floor screed. Do not forget to calculate the angle of its slope so that water can easily penetrate into the drain. When the screed is ready, finish the walls. Install the formwork at the intended place of the shower. For this, it is recommended to use boards 4 cm thick. Make sure that the formwork is securely fixed between itself and the wall.
  4. The concrete should be poured taking into account the creation of the enclosing wall of the pallet and the slope of the bottom towards the ladder. After a short period of time (when the concrete has not yet fully set), install additional formwork to pour the enclosing walls.
  5. Install the upper sealing sleeve into the drain and fill the walls with concrete. After a day, remove the formwork and apply the final screed. Make an approximate tilt towards the ladder - the tilt will be adjusted with the tile adhesive during tiling. Wait until the concrete is completely dry and do a good waterproofing. Cut off the remnants of roofing material around the edges.
  6. Place the tiles in the created pallet. For this, it is recommended to use moisture-resistant glue and moisture-resistant elastic grout for joints. Then you can start finishing the rest of the surfaces.

And finally, we present a video about a shower in a bath:

Now you know what the procedure for installing a shower in a bath is, and what is required for this. Following all the instructions and recommendations, you can build a shower cabin without the involvement of specialists.
