Bath outside decoration

Bath outside decoration
Bath outside decoration

The external decoration of the bath is necessary to increase the service life of the building, give it an aesthetic appearance and increase the operational characteristics. Among the abundance of options offered, it is important to choose the most suitable one.

Finishing the bath outside with siding

Bathhouse decoration with siding
Bathhouse decoration with siding

This method is ideal for brick buildings. Installation on wooden baths is undesirable, since the material will interfere with the natural ventilation of the wood. For cladding, we need: siding panels (from 150 rubles per piece), docking parts, boards or slats 5 * 8 cm for the lathing, brackets, vapor barrier film (optional), insulation (optional), waterproofing (preferably isospan).

We perform siding work in the following order:

  • We attach a vapor barrier layer to the wall to protect the heat insulator from condensation.
  • We build the crate. To do this, we nail the slats 5/8 cm to the wall at a distance of up to 30 cm.
  • We put a layer of heat insulator between the profiles and leave a distance of 1-3 cm to the siding.
  • We cover the insulation with a waterproofing agent. Isospan is considered the optimal material.
  • We fix the starting bar with self-tapping screws or galvanized nails and mount the corner pieces.
  • Install the siding sheets in the corner and starter planks.
  • We assemble the panel from bottom to top, joining each part according to the ridge-to-groove scheme.
  • We fix the finishing bar last. We insert the finishing element into it from below.

Siding does not require special maintenance, easy to clean. And if you wish, you can easily repaint it.

Finishing the bath outside with a block house

External cladding of a bath with a block house
External cladding of a bath with a block house

Several types of this material are used for cladding buildings:

  • Natural … Made of deciduous and coniferous wood.
  • Metal … For its manufacture, galvanized steel is used.
  • Acrylic … Based on polymer resin.
  • Vinyl … It is smelted from PVC powder.

Baths can be decorated with any type of block house. In addition, for this you still need: self-tapping screws, kleimers with a height of 6-7 mm, insulation (the best option is mineral wool), lathing timber, vapor barrier membrane, waterproofing agent, antiseptic impregnation, fire retardant.

Before starting the cladding process, you need to treat all the wood with an antiseptic and fire retardant. Next, we carry out the work in stages:

  1. We attach the vapor barrier film horizontally with an overlap of 10-15 cm. We fix it with staples and a construction stapler.
  2. We also install the crate in a horizontal position. We fasten it to a wooden base using screws or nails. We fix the brick wall with frame dowels into the pre-drilled grooves.
  3. We put insulation between the bars.
  4. We attach a waterproofing device with a construction stapler with staples.
  5. We build the second crate on the main frame clearly vertically.
  6. We sheathe its surface with block house elements from the bottom up in a horizontal position.
  7. We fix the panels with clamps.
  8. After finishing the finishing, we hide the heads of the screws. To do this, we use wood paste from sawdust and PVA, ready-made plugs or the remains of a block house.
  9. We trim the corners with plinths, and window and door openings with cashing elements.

Finishing the bath outside with warm plaster

External finishing of the bath with plaster
External finishing of the bath with plaster

This method is used for buildings with a solid foundation. Most often, brick baths are finished with a cement-sand mortar. For wooden structures, it can be used only after caulking all the cracks. For effective insulation and aesthetic cladding, we need the following materials: timber for lathing 3 * 5 cm, dowels, "umbrellas", polystyrene, construction adhesive for expanded polystyrene, plastic reinforcing mesh, base for "warm plaster".

We perform cladding work in the following sequence:

  • We fill the crate. For this we use bars 3-5 cm thick.
  • With special dowels - "umbrellas" we attach the insulation panels in a horizontal position. The seams should not be aligned.
  • We lay the second layer of heat insulator vertically. We fix it with glue for expanded polystyrene.
  • We cover the structure with a reinforcing plastic mesh.
  • Apply a layer of "warm plaster".

This finish is not whimsical to maintain and has a long service life.

External cladding of a bath with clapboard

Finishing the bath outside with clapboard
Finishing the bath outside with clapboard

Such material is considered less reliable because it is damaged due to weathering. For cladding a room with wooden or plastic clapboard, you need to stock up on brackets, mineral wool mats, dowels, construction glue, guides, waterproofing film, clapboard.

We carry out finishing in the following sequence:

  1. We install the brackets in a horizontal direction at a distance of up to 50 cm from each other.
  2. We decorate the walls with mineral wool mats. We use construction glue or dowels to fix them.
  3. We fix the guides on the brackets and check them with a spirit level.
  4. We lay a layer of waterproofing.
  5. We attach the lining with self-tapping screws.

Remember that the lining must have a moisture content within 15%. Otherwise, the wet lining, drying out, will form gaps. And finally, we advise you to watch a video about the external decoration of the bath:

Instructions for decorating the bath outside in different ways and photos will help you independently implement any stylistic solution on the facade of the building. Carved details on the openings of windows and doors will help to decorate the walls of a primordially Russian bathhouse. You can also decorate the building with openwork cornices and platbands.
