Baked beet

Baked beet
Baked beet

Table of contents:


Do you always boil beets? Then it's time to learn how to bake it in the oven. After all, this cooking method is considered the best and most useful. In addition, this is absolutely not difficult to do.

Baked beetroot
Baked beetroot

Recipe content:

  • Ingredients
  • Step by step cooking
  • Video recipe

Beets are a healthy and wonderful vegetable that serves as the basis for many delicious dishes. Due to its low calorie content and the content of many vitamins, this burgundy root vegetable is an excellent companion in losing weight. And the nutritionists themselves recommend using it not only for those who are losing weight, but also for all people to make it mandatory and regular in its presence in the diet.

Since time immemorial, this burgundy vegetable has been almost entirely focused on Russian cuisine. True, now exclusively red root vegetable is popular. However, nutritionists argue that young tops are also needed and should be used in fresh salads. But now it's not about that, but let's talk about how to properly bake a product in the oven.

I must say right away that baked beets can be used in absolutely any dish that suits your liking and taste. And not only for supporters of vegetarian food, but also for lovers of delicious salads. Baked beets can be useful for cooking borscht, cooking vegetable casseroles, any marinades, etc. Fortunately, this product is inexpensive and affordable. And this gives everyone the opportunity to use it in the realization of any of their culinary fantasies and masterpieces. To do this, you will only need to follow the recommendations below.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 40 kcal.
  • Servings - 3
  • Cooking time - 2 hours


  • Beets - 3 pcs.
  • Food foil
  • Baking sleeve

Cooking baked beets

Beets washed and dried
Beets washed and dried

1. So, for baking, select only good root vegetables, without damage, abrasions and scratches, with a good smooth skin. Cut the beet tails, and wash the fruits themselves well under running water. You can even use a brush to clean it. Then dry the beets well with a paper towel or cotton napkin.

Beetroot wrapped in foil
Beetroot wrapped in foil

2. Next, from the roll of foil, cut the required cut into which the entire root crop will fit. Wrap the beets tightly with foil so that there are no gaps or gaps, otherwise they will burn in these places.

Beets wrapped in a sleeve
Beets wrapped in a sleeve

3. Also, in the absence of food foil, beets can be cooked in the sleeve. To do this, place the fruits in it and fix it on both sides with threads or the supplied paper wires. Several beets can be placed in the sleeve at the same time.

Beets are laid out on a baking sheet
Beets are laid out on a baking sheet

4. Place the vegetable on a baking sheet and send it to bake at 200 degrees for 2 hours. Check its readiness with a toothpick. Pierce the fruit straight through the foil, if it is soft, then it is ready.

Ready beets
Ready beets

5. Do not unfold the finished vegetable until it cools completely. And if you are not going to cook it at all today, then you can store it in the refrigerator in foil (sleeve) for up to 3 days. I also note that baked beets retain all the juices and vitamins. It does not diminish in size and volume. You can bake beetroots of any diameter. But the more they are, the longer they will bake.

See also a video recipe on how to bake beets in the oven.
