How is knee liposuction done?

How is knee liposuction done?
How is knee liposuction done?

What is knee liposuction, what types of surgeries exist, how much do they cost and how are they performed? Indications and contraindications, results and side effects, reviews. Contraindications to surgical liposuction will be problems with blood clotting, heart problems, and a tendency to form scars. Laser liposuction should not be performed if the skin is hypersensitive to the laser. The vacuum procedure should be carried out only after identifying possible allergic reactions to the injected lipolytic. It is prohibited to use ultrasound if patients have metal implants or pacemakers. Cryolipolysis is contraindicated in case of a tendency to thrombosis and hypercoagulability. In addition, liposuction can often be canceled if varicose veins are present. With this ailment, a phlebologist must give permission for the procedure. The latter will determine the level of vascular damage, make a coagulogram and issue a verdict. Ideally, it is necessary to eliminate varicose veins, normalize hemostasis and, after the end of the rehabilitation period, carry out liposuction of the knees.

How to do knee liposuction?

Preparation for knee liposuction
Preparation for knee liposuction

The liposuction procedure is preceded by preparation period … First of all, the doctor will ask the patient about all the features of health, the presence of chronic ailments, allergies. An examination of the knee zone will also be carried out - the condition of the skin, blood vessels, the volume of fat deposits.

If liposuction involves the use of general anesthesia, then an anesthesiologist consultation is also necessary. In the presence of chronic pathologies - consultation of a therapist.

The patient must undergo tests: blood (general, biochemical, sugar, hepatitis, syphilis, HIV), urine (general), coagulogram, cardiogram, fluorography. Before the procedure, the doctor will recommend giving up alcohol and nicotine for a week. It is not recommended to take oral contraceptives, hormones, anticoagulants in the preoperative period. If liposuction is performed under general anesthesia, then 8 hours before the procedure should be the last meal.

Despite the fact that each of the liposuction methods has its own characteristics, the entire procedure can be conditionally divided into three main stages:

  • Preparation … The doctor will mark the knees for subsequent liposuction. Further, the skin is treated with an anesthetic followed by an incision of the epidermis or the introduction of devices under the skin in aesthetically insignificant areas.
  • Liposuction … Injection of a special solution or exposure to ultrasound, laser or cold on the knee area. Removal of fat emulsion in the case of laser or invasive ultrasound using a syringe or cannula.
  • Completion of the procedure … Checking the quality of manipulations, which includes measuring the thickness and uniformity of the treated areas. Correction is carried out if necessary. During surgery, incisions are sutured. Install drainage if necessary. Knees are bandaged.

The total duration of the liposuction procedure over the knees, as a rule, does not exceed one hour. Sometimes fat is removed from the thighs in parallel. However, this requires special indications.

Results and consequences of knee liposuction

Liposuction result of knees
Liposuction result of knees

It is imperative that you adhere to all of your doctor's postoperative recommendations. In this case, the risk of complications is minimized, and the result of liposuction will be maximally pronounced.

Basic rules of rehabilitation:

  1. It is recommended to spend the first couple of days in a horizontal position. You can start moving actively by the third day.
  2. Sports activities are prohibited for 30-45 days after the operation.
  3. You cannot visit saunas, swimming pools for a couple of months after liposuction.
  4. For 15-30 days after the procedure, you should wear elastic compression stockings, which maximally contribute to skin contraction, improve the outflow of venous blood in the extremities.
  5. If a non-invasive method of liposuction was used, then in order to reduce the burden on the kidneys and liver, which must remove all excess fat from the body, a sparing diet should be followed.

The final effect after the procedure can be seen not earlier than after 30 days. In some cases, the rehabilitation period is extended for 3-4 months. That is how long it sometimes takes for the swelling to go away. It is worth remembering that if you gain weight in the future, the knee area may remain "unaffected", fat will not accumulate here. Thus, the imbalance of the limbs will appear. Therefore, it is extremely important to monitor your weight after liposuction surgery.

Sometimes the procedure leads to the appearance of hematomas and a deterioration in the sensitivity of the epidermis in this area. Such complications should not be intimidating, as they are usually temporary. Less often, there is a fatty embolism of blood vessels, skin pigmentation. If liposuction is not carried out correctly, the relief of the epidermis may change. This is due to the uneven elimination of adipose tissue.

With careful adherence to the postoperative recommendations of the surgeon, as well as if the patient adheres to a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition, the risk of developing the unpleasant consequences of knee liposuction is minimized.

Real Reviews of Knee Liposuction

Knee liposuction reviews
Knee liposuction reviews

The liposuction procedure is quite common nowadays. On the Internet, you can find a lot of reviews about this operation. They are usually positive. Dinara, 37 years old

At one time I recovered very much. The weight reached 135 kilograms. I am not tall, so I looked like a real bun. Then she pulled herself together, went on a diet, went in for sports. I lost weight. But the problem of sagging skin remained. I fought with her at the beautician. I also asked for help with my knees - the fat in this area did not go away in any way, although I myself noticeably lost weight up to 87 kilograms. They offered to do liposuction by vacuum method. The procedure was performed under local anesthesia. It didn't hurt at all - like mosquito bites. Pumped out about a liter of fat! I did not expect that there were so many of him in this zone. Then she wore compression stockings for a month and took Augmentin for 7 days. The effect in a month is stunning! The legs are slimmer, thinner, and look graceful and fit. I am very pleased!

Olga, 43 years old

All my life I’m getting better and then losing weight. But the fat from the knees does not go anywhere and is stably there. I talked with a familiar surgeon, he advised me to do non-surgical liposuction - cryolipolysis using a cold laser. In addition to adipose tissue, it does not affect anything. The procedure is hardware, the skin is intact. A fold of skin and fat is tightened with a special vacuum, and the latter is cooled. An interesting and completely painless procedure. And the result pleased me. Although it took me 3 sessions. But now six months after liposuction, and the knees are slender than ever.

Evgeniya, 38 years old

I hated my legs since childhood. Chubby knees still look cute in childhood, but with age, this flaw caused me more and more discomfort. No exercise, exercise and diet helped me. The upper body lost weight, the bottom became heavier over the years. As a result, I decided on laser liposuction. I was looking for an experienced and qualified surgeon for a long time, but according to reviews I found the best one in the city. Although even when I went under the knife, I didn’t fully believe that my legs could be graceful. It's been 5 months since the surgery and I still can't believe my legs could be like this! It turned out that under the layers of fat there are excellent sharp knees! Now I only wear skirts, dresses, no maxi and jeans. Many thanks to the doctors, and to everyone who doubts, my advice is not to be afraid and look for a good surgeon.

Photos before and after knee liposuction

What knees look like before and after liposuction
What knees look like before and after liposuction
Knees before and after liposuction
Knees before and after liposuction
Before and after liposuction of knees
Before and after liposuction of knees

What is knee liposuction - watch the video:

Knee liposuction is a procedure that allows you to restore grace and slenderness to your legs in a minimally invasive or non-invasive way. The most preferred method of liposuction is laser. However, the final decision regarding the optimal technique for removing fatty deposits should be made by the surgeon after examining the patient. Subject to all the recommendations of the doctor, the effect of liposuction remains forever.
