Facial contouring - preparations, technique, effect

Facial contouring - preparations, technique, effect
Facial contouring - preparations, technique, effect

What is face contouring, what is the cost of this procedure. What are the most popular fillers used for this? Indications and contraindications for the session. Result, possible complications, skin care rules. All injectable products for contour plastics can be divided into two large groups: animal and synthetic origin. The first compounds are absolutely natural, they are extracted from the tissues of living beings. The latter are synthesized by special microorganisms. Synthetic fillers are considered safer and almost never cause allergic reactions and epidermal rejection.

The most popular subcutaneous drug is hyaluronic acid and its derivatives. In fact, it is a synthetic substance that is a natural substrate for the human epidermis. Therefore, there is no allergy to hyaluron. The most common fillers based on hyaluronic acid are Restylane, Surgiderm, Juvederm.

Collagen fillers of animal origin are also popular. They, like hyaluronic acid, almost never cause rejection, since collagen is a natural component of the skin. Good collagen-based fillers are: Zyderm, Zyplast, Evolence, Cosmoderm, Cosmoplast.

All injectables are biodegradable. This means that over time, the gels dissolve in the layers of the epidermis and are painlessly and imperceptibly excreted from the body. After the filler has completely resolved, the skin imperfections will gradually return. However, fillers also have a stimulating effect, that is, they encourage the skin to independently synthesize its own regenerating substances - collagen, elastin and others. Thus, the contour plastic gives not only a temporary effect of smoothing wrinkles, but also represents the prevention of their progress.

Indications for injection facial contouring

Wrinkles on the face of the girl
Wrinkles on the face of the girl

It should be remembered that the facial contouring procedure is aimed primarily at achieving a positive external cosmetic result. There is also a certain therapeutic effect (increased production of elastin, collagen), but it is insignificant.

If the elimination of internal signs of aging is required, as well as a radical effect on the skin, then contour plastic is powerless. In this case, cosmetologists can recommend mesotherapy, biorevitalization and other methods.

Indications for contour plastics are:

  • Various types of wrinkles and folds, however, this does not apply to deep "structural" age-related changes in the skin;
  • Irregular lip shape, insufficient volume;
  • Various aesthetic imperfections in the area of cheeks, nose, cheekbones, chin - volume replenishment;
  • Defects of the epidermis after chickenpox, strongly pronounced post-acne;
  • Excessive, uneven skin pigmentation;
  • Asymmetry of facial features.

Contour plastic has no age indications, however, it gives the maximum effect at the age of up to 45 years. Later, cosmetologists recommend resorting to other anti-aging procedures.

Contraindications to face contouring

Breastfeeding your baby
Breastfeeding your baby

Facial contouring is an injection effect on the upper layers of the epidermis. This means that the procedure has a number of contraindications.

Consider general and local factors:

  • Skin lesions at the site of the intended injection (burns, wounds, ulcers, severe rashes);
  • Pregnancy and lactation period;
  • Hemophilia and various problems with blood clotting, as well as taking medications that worsen clotting (anticoagulants);
  • Some dermatological diseases of viral, fungal, bacterial etymology;
  • The presence of silicone implants at the sites of the proposed injection of fillers;
  • Immune system problems, including HIV, AIDS;
  • Recently performed chemical peeling of the face, laser or mechanical skin resurfacing;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Tendency to form keloid scars on the skin;
  • Mental disorders.

It is also not recommended to do face contouring for people under the age of 18. In any case, a consultation with a cosmetologist is required before the procedure.

How is face contouring done?

How is contouring done
How is contouring done

Facial contouring is a procedure that should be carried out only in a beauty salon! The specialist must have an appropriate diploma with a narrow profile. Only a certified cosmetologist is able to correctly select a filler, determine the required dosage and injection sites.

The difference between contour plastics and surgery is that it does not take much time (40-90 minutes), is performed under local anesthesia and does not require any special preparation of the skin. The regeneration period is also quite short.

Contour correction is performed, as a rule, in one session. In general, the procedure is considered almost painless, however, some patients have increased skin sensitivity, and therefore a few minutes before the start of the session, the face is treated with a special liquid or creamy anesthetic.

After anesthesia, the beautician begins to inject the filler with a syringe at the pre-set points on the face. The injections take about 15-40 minutes. The duration of the procedure depends on the number of injections and the area of the treated skin.

After the session, the patient can immediately go home. As a rule, he is given a list of cosmetologist's recommendations for the early restoration of the skin.

Skin care after face contouring

Face cream
Face cream

One of the main advantages of contouring is that skin care after the procedure is minimal. As a rule, all recommendations after the session are given by the cosmetologist, based on the age characteristics of the client, the general condition of the skin.

Consider the basic rules for facial care after contouring:

  1. It is not recommended to use any decorative cosmetics in the first couple of days, to do a heavy make-up. Maximum can be applied to the skin with a correcting foundation with a high level of UV protection. Also, it must be a hypoallergenic product.
  2. You should try to reduce mimic activity in the first two days after the contouring session.
  3. The use of decongestants or anti-inflammatory external care products is allowed. The cosmetologist prescribes them if there are small hematomas from injections or swelling.
  4. Crusts that appear on the face after injections cannot be peeled off.
  5. During the first 30 days after the session, it is not recommended to be in direct sunlight. It is imperative to use protective equipment with a high factor.
  6. During the first week, you should, if possible, avoid touching the area of the face that has been corrected. Care should be as careful as possible so as not to injure the skin and not provoke the development of inflammation.
  7. You cannot visit saunas, baths, swimming pools, or take too hot baths for the first two weeks.
  8. Try to avoid hypothermia of the skin at first: protect your face from frost and wind with a scarf and a hood.
  9. It is not necessary to carry out other cosmetic manipulations with the face - cleaning, peeling, etc. - during the first 30 days after contouring.
  10. For two weeks after the procedure, you should not take medications that affect blood clotting.
  11. It is forbidden to massage the corrected area for a month after the procedure.

Any inflammation, abscesses on the face at the sites of contouring is a reason for an immediate visit to a specialist. As a rule, these complications are easily corrected with timely treatment.

The result and consequences of facial contouring

The result of face contouring
The result of face contouring

Contour plastic is not complete without temporary discomfort, since no matter how thin a needle is used to inject, it is a violation of the integrity of the skin.

As a rule, the negative consequences of contouring are insignificant. They can be divided into three groups on the basis of time: early (first seven days), distant (10-14 days), late (a year or more). Concerning early consequences, then most often we are talking about such symptoms: a slight swelling in the injection area, redness, and sometimes hematomas. Inflammation is also possible if the rules of personal hygiene or the recommendations of a cosmetologist are not followed. Sometimes patients at this stage have an individual intolerance to the substances that make up the fillers. It manifests itself in the form of edema, itching, redness of the epidermis. To long-term consequences Partial loss of skin sensitivity in the area of plastics belongs. This happens when the nerve endings are injured by the needle or the filler compresses it. Typically, these symptoms resolve over time without any intervention. Also, sometimes patients experience an exacerbation of herpes after contouring, especially if the lips were corrected. Late consequences procedures can become fibrosis, keloid formation, tissue necrosis, biogel migration. As a rule, such pathologies are extremely rare and solely due to gross violations of the rules for administering drugs, skin care after the procedure, illiterate work of a specialist. In professional beauty salons, such cases are almost impossible. In addition, such a pathology as the migration of the gel (its displacement under the skin, the formation of seals, nodules) is caused by the too deep injection of the substance under the skin. And this effect is completely excluded with the introduction of drugs based on hyaluronic acid. In general, in 90% of cases of contouring, side effects and undesirable consequences are excluded. And any discomfort after the session disappears within 1-3 days. As a rule, the effect of contour plastics lasts for 8-12 months. After that, you can repeat the procedure. The duration of the result depends on the filler used, its viscosity, concentration, individual characteristics of the skin.

Real reviews of the facial contouring procedure

Reviews about contouring
Reviews about contouring

The procedure is considered practically painless and has a low risk of complications. In addition, it is relatively inexpensive, which means it is very popular among patients. Many of them leave reviews about contouring on the Internet. Angelina, 35 years old

A couple of years ago, I began to notice that my nasolabial fold stands out strongly. So, it seems, there are no wrinkles on my face, but this triangle spoiled everything and made me very old! I consulted with my friends, they say, I want to give myself injections with fillers - I've heard a bunch of horror stories that didn't have any foundation. I decided to go to a specialist so that he would explain everything to me. In the salon, I was advised to do face contouring with collagen-based fillers. I hesitated for a while, but still agreed. How stupid I was for listening to others for so long! This is a miraculous procedure that restored my self-confidence, youth and freshness. The fold completely disappeared literally immediately after the injections, no unpleasant consequences - the very next day after the procedure, I looked pretty. I have never liked myself in the mirror as much as I do now! I was promised that the effect would last for a year. So I will definitely go to do this procedure next year!

Alice, 38 years old

Pronounced nasolabial folds appeared at about 26 years old, a little later they were joined by deep lacrimal grooves. This made my whole face look kind of sad and dull, although I am not that kind of person at all. I wanted to fix it somehow, and I realized that the only way was to get to the medical center for an injection. I was offered to do face contouring with hyaluronic acid. As for the nasolabial, there are no problems - the effect is visible immediately, and even swelling was not observed after the procedure. But the lacrimal grooves are more problematic: the skin here is thin and delicate, and therefore a bruise may form. It happened to me. True, he resolved literally in 3-4 days. Contouring just won me over from the first procedure, which I did 4 years ago. Now every year I go to a beautician to restore my youth. And the results are amazing. I came to the conclusion that the earlier you start to eliminate defects, the longer you can preserve youth. Now at 38 I look better than at 30! Svetlana, 43 years old

By the age of forty, the skin on the face swam a little, the oval became less distinct, the corners of the lips dropped, "crow's feet" appeared. I had to go to the beautician to take off the “mask of sorrow”. There I was told that it is possible not to resort to radical skin tightening for now, but to try facial contouring. Stabbed me with Restylane with hyaluron. They were anesthetized with an anesthetic, and I practically did not feel the procedure itself. The effect is amazing and can be seen almost immediately. Then for some time there was still a slight swelling, but it disappeared literally in the evening. But after that I was finally able to admire my renewed face. The maximum effect is revealed somewhere in a couple of months after the session, when the filler finally takes its position under the skin. I am very pleased. No anti-aging cream is capable of giving such a result, so I am now an eternal contouring fan!

Photos before and after face contouring

Face before and after contouring
Face before and after contouring
Before and after contour plasty of the nasolacrimal sulcus
Before and after contour plasty of the nasolacrimal sulcus
Before and after contour plasty of nasolabial folds
Before and after contour plasty of nasolabial folds

How to do face contouring - watch the video:

If you have long dreamed of changing your face a little - to tighten the skin, eliminate wrinkles, flabbiness, folds, increase the volume of individual parts of the face, then contour plastic is what you need. The procedure has a powerful anti-aging effect and a beneficial effect on the skin, helping it to establish its own production of collagen and elastin.