How to get rid of rosacea on the face?

How to get rid of rosacea on the face?
How to get rid of rosacea on the face?

Description of the disease and the main reasons that trigger its development. Symptoms of the disease and methods of treatment: medications, folk remedies, special procedures. How to avoid relapses of rosacea. Rosacea or rosacea is an extremely unpleasant skin condition that manifests itself in the form of rashes of bright pink color on the face, as well as general redness and swelling of the skin. In addition, pustules, spider veins can form, atrophy of certain areas of the skin may develop, in severe cases - eye diseases and deformities of the nose. The ailment is of a chronic recurrent nature and gives the sufferers not so much physiological as psychological discomfort.

General characteristics of rosacea disease

Rosacea disease
Rosacea disease

The term "rosacea" is Latin (rosaceus), and this word is translated very beautifully - "made of roses", however, of course, there is nothing beautiful about this disease.

Rosacea is considered a relatively rare ailment, it was first recorded during the Renaissance. Today it occurs in 8-10% of the world's population, while more often it affects women, but in men, the disease quickly turns into a severe stage. The main risk group is people aged 40-50 with fair skin. Less often, the disease manifests itself in children and the elderly.

Unfortunately, at the moment the disease has not been adequately studied, and the mechanics of its development have not yet been clearly explained. It is only clear that the pathogenesis of the disease is associated with changes in the tone of the superficial vessels of the face, however, there are a great many theories about what these changes can be caused by, and none of them is currently recognized as unambiguously correct.

The most relevant ones are:

  • The disease is based on hypersensitivity of blood vessels to certain factors.
  • The disease develops against the background of problems in the work of the digestive system of a different nature.
  • The disease is inherited and should be considered purely as a genetic predisposition.

Also, until recently, the theory of ticks called demodex was relevant. Allegedly, these mites, falling on the skin, begin to parasitize, first causing a disease called demodicosis, and already it triggers rosacea. But today it has been proven that Demodex is also found on the skin of perfectly healthy people who have never experienced the unpleasant symptoms of a “painful blush”.

Causes of rosacea on the face

Cold as a cause of rosacea
Cold as a cause of rosacea

With an existing, say, hereditary predisposition or the presence of gastrointestinal diseases, the disease is usually in a dormant stage until its acute form is triggered by one or another provoking cause or a combination of causes.

Let's consider the most common factors in the development of an acute form of the disease in accordance with the above theories:

  1. External factors … With increased sensitivity of blood vessels to rosacea, a huge number of unfavorable external factors can lead. This includes heat, cold, sudden changes in temperature, pressure, strong wind, etc. It is noted that the development of the disease can also be provoked by the use of alcoholic and hot drinks, as well as excessive exercise and other factors that contribute to warming up and vasodilation. Moreover, the more fragile a person's vessels are, the less negative impact is required to trigger an acute form of the disease.
  2. Improper nutrition … This is the main factor that triggers a particular gastrointestinal disorder, which in turn provokes an acute form of rosacea. For a long time, the theory about the role of the digestive system in the development of the disease was sharply criticized, however, as a result of studies carried out in various countries, it turned out that gastritis was present in 50-90% of patients with rosacea in various control groups.
  3. Emotional factor … When it comes to hereditary theory, rosacea usually results from emotional experiences of one nature or another. In this regard, an exacerbation of the disease is very often recorded in women during the period of premenstrual syndrome, when the hormonal background changes and nervous excitability increases.

It is also worth mentioning separately a special case of the development of the disease, when it is provoked by improperly selected cosmetics and the use of certain medications, especially hormonal ointments. In this case, doctors talk about a special, so-called steroid form of rosacea. It should also be said that the disease is often recorded against the background of disturbances in the functioning of the immune and endocrine systems.

In general, as you can see, there are many prerequisites for the development of the disease, which begin with a simple chapping of the face and end with, say, a serious pathology of the thyroid gland. That is why the first condition for successful treatment of the disease is the search for a good specialist and competent diagnosis, which will help to identify the cause of the development of the disease in a particular case, prescribe the correct treatment and significantly reduce the likelihood of relapse.

The main symptoms of rosacea

Rosacea on a girl's face
Rosacea on a girl's face

The disease can manifest itself in various forms: in some patients, the face simply turns red and becomes covered with a vascular network and asterisks, in others, a large number of papules and pustules are observed, for others, reddening of the eyelids, inflammation of the eyes, and a change in the shape of the nose are characteristic. However, in most cases, the clinical picture is a combination of the above symptoms, which are more pronounced the longer the patient does not resort to therapy.

So, let's take a closer look at the symptoms:

  • Erythema or simply redness … With rosacea, the central part of the face - nose, cheeks, forehead - turns red first. Over time, the inflammation spreads to the ears, neck, scalp and even the thoracic region. In this case, redness in one place can disappear, and appear in another.
  • Acne … The ailment is characterized by a small size of pastules and papules, located chaotically. The rashes usually last for 1-4 days, after the "first wave" has passed, the second, then the third, etc. may appear.
  • The discomfort … Rashes and redness can cause itching and burning, and there is often a feeling of tightness and dryness of the skin.
  • Modification of small vessels … In rare cases, the disease manifests itself as the so-called telangiectasia - a local expansion of small vessels on the surface of the skin. Small veins can appear on the face, they often fold into a cobweb and the situation begins to resemble a skin disease such as vitriol.
  • Ophthalmic diseases … Rosacea can "spread" to the eyes, provoking their inflammation, redness, dryness and discomfort, defined by patients as sand in the eyes. A temporary deterioration in vision is also recorded.
  • Deformity of the nose … In advanced cases, the so-called rhinophyma can be observed - a chronic disease of the skin of the nose, which is expressed in its increase and impartial thickening.

Recall that, depending on the case, only some of the symptoms may be present. However, in the absence of proper treatment, the whole clinical picture will appear very soon.

Skin appearance The discomfort Complications
Redness Itching Ophthalmic diseases
Acne (papules, pustules) Burning Deformity of the nose
Vascular mesh Tightness
Puffiness Dryness

Features of rosacea treatment

There are many ways to combat the development of the disease, including both progressive modern techniques and "grandmother's" recipes. Doctor's prescriptions, as a rule, depend on the cause that led to the development of the disease, as well as its form of manifestation and stage. Let's take a look at the main treatments for rosacea.

Medicines for rosacea on the face

Erythromycin ointment
Erythromycin ointment

Drug treatment is usually of two types: general and local. General therapy means the appointment of antibiotics, local - various ointments, lotions and creams that are applied directly to the affected area.

Let's consider them in more detail:

  1. Antibiotics … The antibiotics of the tetracycline group are currently recognized as the most effective in combating painful blush. The most commonly prescribed drug is Oxytetracycline, its analogs are Tetracycline hydrochloride, Doxycycline, Minocycline. However, if it is established that the cause of the disease is a violation of the digestive system, most likely, the choice will be made in favor of a drug called Metronidazole or its analogue Trichopol. They are able to enhance the regeneration of the intestinal and gastric mucosa.
  2. Creams … There are a great many remedies that help fight rosacea, but this area has its own "leaders". One of these is Ovante cream, its good counterparts are Rosamet, Rozex, Ruboril, Noritaka. All of them have a safe natural composition, but at the same time they are distinguished by good efficiency.
  3. Ointments … A more affordable solution for local treatment in terms of price policy is ointments. Against a pink rash, zinc ointment (analogues - Diaderm, Tsindol, Desitin) and Erythromycin ointment (analogues - Ketodin cream, Floracid) are often prescribed.
  4. Gels … In severe stages of the disease, gels are often prescribed, since they are easier to apply in conditions of the existence of a large number of irregularities on the skin. Skinoren gel or its analogs are usually prescribed - Metrogyl, Azelik, Demoten.

Note! The description of the drugs is given solely for reference, do not prescribe them yourself!

Folk remedies for the treatment of rosacea

Aloe vera juice
Aloe vera juice

Often, drug treatment is supplemented by various traditional medicine procedures, and sometimes at the initial stage of the disease, the dermatologist recommends limiting ourselves to them only. This approach has a basis, the skin with rosacea is very sensitive, and the effect of antibiotics in one way or another weakening the immune system, as well as creams with an "opaque" composition can aggravate the situation.

Here are the popular methods that are most often advised:

  • Tincture of calendula … It is necessary to buy an alcoholic tincture of calendula at the pharmacy and dissolve it in cold water. Proportion: 50 ml per 1 glass. Next, gauze is taken, folded into several layers, urinated abundantly, squeezed out and applied to the face. The procedure is performed once a day, but for a long time - up to 3 hours, but it is better to start with half an hour, gradually increasing the exposure time. You can replace calendula tincture with chamomile infusion (proportions: 1 part dried flowers to 15 parts boiling water) or cranberry juice (proportions: 1 part juice to 3 parts warm water).
  • Kefir mask … Less time consuming solution. To carry it out, gauze is moistened in kefir and applied to the face for 10 minutes.
  • Aloe vera juice … The juice of this plant is a panacea for many diseases, rosacea is no exception. In this case, it is used as a natural cream: with a cotton pad moistened with plant juice, you just need to wipe your face, you can also use it pointwise, acting directly on acne.
  • Linden baths … Another interesting procedure. For her, you need 100 grams of linden flowers, they need to be brewed in 2 liters of water. When the infusion becomes warm, pour it into a wide bowl and place your face in it for 5-7 seconds, then take a short break and repeat the "immersion" again. Do it for 5 minutes.
  • Oral decoction … Traditional medicine offers more than just local treatments. Herbal decoction will help get rid of the disease faster. In equal proportions, you need to take burdock, nettle, field horsetail and pour boiling water (proportions - 2 tablespoons of dry mixture in a glass of water). After 5 minutes, the broth is ready for use, you need to drink it in 100 ml 3-4 times a day.

Important! With folk remedies, you need to be no less careful than with medications. They should be used only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Cosmetic procedures for skin rosacea

Cryotherapy procedure
Cryotherapy procedure

Of course, modern medicine also offers various special procedures for the treatment of diseases, they are subdivided into physiotherapy and laser therapy. Let's look at their mechanisms of action.

The most effective physiotherapeutic methods for treating rosacea today are:

  1. Cryotherapy … The procedure involves exposure to low temperatures on the skin. The role of the refrigerant is usually liquid nitrogen. The therapeutic effect is due to the narrowing of the blood vessels and the elimination of blood stasis. In addition, the rate of spread of the inflammatory process slows down.
  2. Electrocoagulation … During this procedure, high temperature electrodes destroy pathological skin elements. The method is especially effective for eliminating papules and pustules, but it can cause inflammation due to trauma to the skin. The next procedure can be resorted to only after the cessation of the inflammatory process, which was provoked by the previous procedure. The therapeutic effect is also slowed down by the fact that in one session work is carried out with a very small area of the skin.

When physical therapy is not enough, more radical methods are used:

  • Pulse phototherapy … Here, the effect on the skin is performed by a laser with photons of a special wavelength, the task of which is to warm up and glue the surface vessels, as a result of which stagnation is eliminated. The procedure is especially effective in the initial stages of the disease, in these cases, only 10 sessions are enough for complete recovery.
  • Deep reconstruction with surgical lasers … This method already belongs to plastic surgery procedures and is used in difficult stages. The essence of the method is to remove areas of pathological tissue, sometimes up to bone and cartilage. As a result, the contours of the face are restored. The obvious advantage of the method is the almost complete absence of scars.

Cosmetic procedures for the treatment of rosacea are very expensive, so it is better not to delay treatment, in most cases it will help to recover without drastic measures.

Prevention of rosacea on the face

Vitamins for acne on the face
Vitamins for acne on the face

Better yet, follow preventive measures, and in this case, the disease does not even have to be treated. However, with rosacea, everything is not so simple, there are a lot of preventive measures for the disease, and they require an almost complete change in lifestyle.

It is necessary to exclude all factors that can directly or indirectly cause flushing of the face, you will not only have to take special care in hot and cold weather, but also give up the sauna, physical activity of a certain nature, hot and spicy food, alcoholic beverages.

Additional protective measures should be proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle in general, including taking vitamins to keep the immune system in good shape. For stressful activities, it is helpful to take mild sedatives. You should also either completely abandon cosmetics, or use special cosmetics - hypoallergenic and of high quality.

In general, as you can see, rosacea is a rather capricious disease, any trifle can provoke an acute form of which, so, unfortunately, those who suffer from it have to lead a very "careful" life.

What is rosacea - watch the video:

Rosacea is a skin disease that causes severe psychological discomfort. At the moment, it has not been adequately studied, and therefore the reasons for its development are not unambiguously determined. That is why this disease requires a mandatory visit to a doctor, only a specialist will be able to establish the factor that provoked the disease and prescribe targeted treatment, as well as the necessary preventive measures.