Removing belly fat at home

Removing belly fat at home
Removing belly fat at home

Learn the simple rules of eating and exercising at home that are guaranteed to help you lose fat. The most common reason for the appearance of fatty deposits in the abdomen is improperly organized nutrition. Excess carbohydrates and fats are stored by the body. This happens in situations where a person leads a sedentary lifestyle. Everyone knows the main rule of losing weight - move more and eat less. However, in practice, things are not so simple. Today we will tell you how to remove belly fat at home and not harm the body.

Why do fatty deposits appear in the abdominal area?

Belly of a thin and plump woman
Belly of a thin and plump woman

It is not necessary to consider as the reason for the appearance of fat in the abdominal area exclusively improperly organized nutrition. There may be more of them:

  1. Genetics - if there are fat people in the family, then the likelihood of the appearance of body fat increases. In such a situation, you must carefully monitor your diet and be sure to play sports.
  2. Frequent stress - when a person is worried, his appetite rises. Everyone knows the expression "seize stress". Sports is an excellent way to relieve nervous tension.
  3. Disorders in the endocrine system - if the reason for the appearance of excess weight is this, then the answer to the question of how to remove fat from the abdomen at home should be decided in conjunction with a specialist.
  4. Menopause - at such moments in the female body, the process of restructuring the hormonal system, as well as the redistribution of adipose tissues, is activated. All women over 45 need to reconsider their diet and attitude towards sports.

How to remove belly fat at home: nutritional rules

Girl biting a hamburger
Girl biting a hamburger

At the moment, a lot of dietary programs have been created, but most of them involve strict food restrictions or even starvation. Nutritionists say that a person should consume food and not starve. If the body does not receive nutrients for a long time, then it may decide that it is time for fasting. This will slow down metabolic processes.

You should not look for special diet programs if you want to know how to remove belly fat at home. They simply do not exist, because fat reserves are utilized evenly throughout the body. If you need to get rid of fat in problem areas, we recommend that you follow the following rules:

  • Reduce the energy value of the diet.
  • Eat extremely complex carbohydrates.
  • You cannot treat food as pleasure. Man eats only in order to live.
  • Sometimes you can afford to consume prohibited foods, but in small quantities.

Sweets, flour products, alcohol, fatty foods, sausages and smoked meats should be excluded from your diet. If you want to get rid of fat, then now we will tell you about several products that can help you achieve your goal.

  1. Citrus. These fruits are rich in ascorbic acid, which can speed up metabolic processes. This fact has a positive effect on the utilization of adipose tissues. In addition, some citrus fruits, for example, grapefruit, contain special substances that increase the speed of the lipolysis process.
  2. Colored vegetables. Vegetables are excellent sources of micronutrients while providing minimal energy. If you are putting together a healthy eating program, be sure to use vegetables in it. To maximize your nutrients, try to eat vegetables raw.
  3. Legumes. All legumes and especially lentils are high in amines. Introduce these foods into your diet and, as a result, you can reduce your meat intake. Another advantage of legumes is the lack of fat and the minimum energy value.
  4. Oatmeal, like other cereals, contains complex carbohydrates and plant fibers. Porridge perfectly saturates and supplies energy sources to the body.
  5. Nuts. If you want to eat, but there is still time before the planned meal, nuts can be used as a snack. In addition to micronutrients, they contain useful fatty acids, without which the body is unable to function normally.
  6. Eggs. The days when eggs were considered a source of cholesterol are in the past. In the course of numerous studies, it has been proven that the use of this product does not contribute to an increase in the concentration of lipoprotein compounds. In addition to their full amine profile, eggs contain healthy fats and micronutrients.
  7. A fish. Sea fish and seafood must be present in your diet. It is an excellent source of omega fats, iodine and protein compounds with a full amine profile.
  8. Water. For many people who want to know how to remove belly fat at home, our mention of water may seem strange. However, it has been proven that its deficiency leads to a slowdown in metabolic processes. In addition, many nutrients dissolve in water, which accelerates their absorption. Liquid is also needed to dispose of toxins.

Simple Tips to Lose Belly Fat at Home

Girl measures her waist
Girl measures her waist

Now we invite you to get acquainted with a few tips. They will definitely be useful to anyone who wants to know how to remove belly fat at home.

  • Minimize stress. There is a lot of talk about stress today and it is not in vain. During anxiety, the production of cortisol is accelerated. This hormonal substance not only destroys muscles, but also stimulates liponeogenesis. We realize that it is impossible to completely avoid stressful situations, but we must try to minimize their number.
  • Do not drink alcoholic beverages. Sometimes alcohol in small amounts can even be beneficial. However, alcohol abuse can lead to serious problems. They not only stimulate liponeogenesis processes, but also promote appetite growth. When a person is unable to control their hunger, then overeating is almost impossible to avoid. Many people think that beer is a safe type of alcoholic beverage. However, it is not. This product contains phytoestrogens that can accelerate fat storage reactions. The situation is similar with some cocktails, such as mojitos, which are high in sugar.
  • Do not eat foods with a high energy value. The basic rule of thumb for losing weight is very simple - consume more energy than you consume. Some foods are very high in calories and the energy obtained from them is quite difficult to burn. Moreover, in most cases they do not carry any serious nutritional value, and you are consuming empty calories.
  • Replace starch with plant fiber. Your nutrition program should include the maximum amount of red and green vegetables. However, choose ones that contain less starch. Vegetables should become a supplier of plant fibers to the body, which suppress appetite and help to normalize the intestinal tract.
  • Make a list of prohibited foods. Avoid fast food, convenience foods, and steam or bake healthy foods. If you feel thirsty, drink plain water or chilled green tea.

How to remove belly fat at home: exercise

Girl doing abs exercise
Girl doing abs exercise

If you have not been involved in sports before, or if there was a long break in training, then you need to start with minimal loads, gradually increasing them. Also, before starting the main part of each lesson, be sure to warm up.

  • 1st exercise. As you inhale, begin to draw in your abdomen, while straining your abdominal muscles. Exhaling air, the muscles should remain tense. Do 20 repetitions.
  • 2nd exercise. Take a supine position with your hands behind your head. Raise the body and at the same time pull the knee joints to the chest, touching the heels of the buttocks. When your legs are in the air, straighten one of them, and with the knee of the second, touch the elbow joint of the opposite arm. Perform these movements alternately.
  • 3rd exercise. Lie on your side with your knees slightly bent. If you are on the right side, begin twisting the body to the left and reach with your hands to your heels, lifting your shoulder blades and knees off the ground. This position must be held for 60 seconds. Do 20 repetitions in each direction.
  • 4th exercise. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your heels on the ground. The arms are extended along the body, and the lower back is firmly pressed to the ground. As you exhale, lift your pelvis as high as possible while pulling in your stomach. It is necessary to be in this position for 40 seconds, and then smoothly return to the starting position.
  • 5th exercise. Many people know this exercise under the name "plank" and there are several levels of difficulty. For beginners, you need to take the lying position, as if you are going to do push-ups. The heels should be close to each other, and the palms should be under the shoulder joints. Keep your body in a straight line. It is necessary to stay in this position for 30 seconds and gradually increase this time.
  • 6th exercise. Take a supine position with your arms extended along your body. Raise your legs and start crossing them.
  • 7th exercise. Without changing the starting position, lift the shoulder joints off the ground and try to reach the elbow of the opposite arm with the knee joints of the leg. This movement is also called "bicycle" and may be familiar to you from school physical education lessons.

Exercises with an expander

The girl is engaged with an expander in a supine position
The girl is engaged with an expander in a supine position
  1. Take a supine position with your legs locked in a sports equipment. Take the second handle in your hands and pull it towards the chest. After that, start lifting your legs, keeping the expander taut.
  2. Get into a sitting position on the ground with your feet in place. While holding the second handle of the sports equipment, tilt the body back until the head touches the ground. Return to the starting position at a slow pace.
  3. While exhaling, begin to simultaneously raise the body and bend the knee joints, bringing the expander handle held in your hands to them.

Now we have told you about several movements that you can perform at home. If you want to speed up your progress, then it is worth starting at the gym. Combining aerobic (strength) training with cardio sessions is the most effective way to combat excess weight.

Learn more about how to lose belly fat at home: