Find out if oranges and tangerines can be used if you are on a low-carb diet. To date, a huge number of different dietary programs have been created that are effective. From this article you will find out whether citrus fruits for weight loss is possible or not. It should be admitted that the citrus diet is very popular today, primarily due to its high efficiency.
Pros and Cons of Citrus Diet Nutrition Program

To understand whether citrus fruits for weight loss is possible or not, it is necessary to consider all the advantages and disadvantages of this dietary nutrition program.
Benefits of the Citrus Diet:
- This nutrition program has proven to be very effective in practice. This fact is associated with the low energy value of citrus fruits, as well as the presence in their composition of substances that accelerate the processes of utilization of adipose tissue.
- You don't need to spend a lot of time in the kitchen, because citrus fruits are ready-to-eat foods.
- They contain a lot of nutrients, for example, vitamin C.
- All fruit lovers will definitely like this nutrition program, because citrus fruits have excellent taste.
- At a low cost, citrus fruits can be found in the supermarket throughout the year.
Disadvantages of the citrus diet:
- Contraindicated in people prone to allergic reactions.
- Do not use citrus fruits if you have problems with the digestive system, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.
- The diet program is strict enough that you can get frustrated, leading to extra pounds.
- When using the diet, side effects such as dizziness, weakness, and headaches are possible.
- It is possible to create a deficiency of some nutrients.
- If it is wrong to leave the diet, then the lost kilos will return.
- Cannot be used for a long time period.
- Perhaps a constant feeling of hunger and you should prepare yourself for this.
- Weight is lost quickly and if the problem was serious, the skin may not have time to adapt, which will lead to stretch marks.
We practically answered the question whether citrus fruits for weight loss is possible or not. You may have noticed that this nutritional program has advantages and disadvantages. However, there are no diets that have only positive effects and are completely devoid of negative aspects.
Grapefruit Diet Food Weight Loss Program

Many nutritionists are sure that it is grapefruit among all citrus fruits that is the most effective way to fight excess pounds. This fruit helps to enhance the activity of the immune system and can restore the body's energy reserves. If you consume grapefruit regularly, then the work of the digestive system will significantly improve.
Of course, this fruit is not a panacea and will not be able to help absolutely all people. Any food product can benefit one person, but it may not be suitable for another. The situation is similar with grapefruit and we recommend that you consult your doctor before starting to use the grapefruit diet. However, it's time to return to the consideration of the positive effects produced by grapefruit on the body:
- The concentration of low-density lipoprotein compounds decreases - the pulp of the fruit contains the substance leptin, which accelerates the processes of cholesterol utilization, which sharply reduces the risks of atherosclerosis.
- It is an effective means of preventing the development of cancer - lycopene is a powerful antioxidant and is found in large quantities in this fruit. Lycopene also accelerates estrogen metabolism.
- The work of the digestive tract improves - grapefruit contains a large amount of plant fibers, which are extremely useful for the digestive system.
- The efficiency of the immune system increases - vitamin C has long been known for its antimicrobial properties, and half of the fruit contains about 80 percent of the daily value of this substance.
- Improves sleep quality - Grapefruit increases the body's ability to withstand stressful situations. Drink a glass of freshly squeezed fruit juice before bed and your sleep will improve markedly.
Recall that any food product, including grapefruit, can be not only beneficial for the body. Do not consume large amounts of grapefruit, as citrus fruits can put a lot of stress on the liver. Most often, the duration of the grapefruit diet is a maximum of one month, and the daily norm is one fruit. It is very important, after completing the course of losing weight, to pause for a couple of weeks, after which the cycle can be repeated. A few words should be said about the composition of grapefruit. The energy value of 100 grams of this citrus is 32 calories (juice - 30 calories). It should be said here that grapefruit can be a great salad dressing and goes well with protein foods. Here is the composition of 100 grams of citrus:
- Carbohydrates - 8.7 grams
- Fat - 0.2 grams.
- Protein compounds - 0.9 grams.
- Pectin - 0.6 grams.
- Plant fiber - 1.4 grams.
How to use grapefruit for weight loss correctly?

So that you can get good results, you need to know not only whether citrus fruits for weight loss can or not, but also get acquainted with the rules for using fruits. Sometimes people use a mono diet food program, while others simply introduce grapefruit into their diet.
Whatever decision you make, we can say with complete confidence that the fetus will help control appetite, speed up the processes of burning fat, and also utilize excess fluid. Very often you can hear the question - how many pounds can you lose when using citrus fruits? You must understand that there is no exact answer, because your progress depends on many factors. However, according to statistics, this figure is 4-10 kilos.
Most nutritionists agree that half of the fruit should be consumed 20 minutes or half an hour before the first meal. This will reduce your appetite and you will eat less food for breakfast. If you have high acidity, then it is better to consume citrus after a meal. Moreover, in such a situation, the above portion of grapefruit should be divided into two. Due to the presence of acids and special enzymes in the fruit, the digestion process will accelerate, and the risk of developing dysbiosis will decrease.
You can also eat grapefruit instead of your first meal. As a result, you won't feel hungry until lunchtime. We have already talked about the presence of citrus plant fibers in the composition, which will help cleanse the intestinal tract. If you are hungry before bed, you can eat half of the fruit. Also, remember that grapefruit is able to normalize your sleep. For good results, you only need to consume half of the fruit between meals. Although the fruit is an appetite suppressant, you should stick to your dietary caloric intake target. Greens, lean meats, seafood, green tea and dairy products should be included in your nutrition program.
Contraindications to the use of grapefruit

This product contains many active substances and in certain situations it will have to be excluded from the diet.
- Use of medications - The juice of the fetus can react chemically with the active ingredients of medications, for example, heart drops or contraceptives. In addition, grapefruit can enhance the effectiveness of drugs, which will lead to side effects.
- Diseases of the digestive system - for all diseases of the digestive system, you should not use grapefruit, as it contains a large amount of acids.
- Pregnancy and lactation period - in the early stages of pregnancy, grapefruit may be beneficial, but then its use can cause allergic reactions in the child.
- Diseases of the kidneys and liver - with diseases of these organs, for example, hepatitis, pyelonephritis, grapefruit should not be consumed.
Recipes using grapefruit for weight loss

The essential oils and organic acids found in citrus are very beneficial for the digestive system. Now we will share several recipes for meals that will help you lose weight.
- Grapefruit with honey and ginger. You can use this drink instead of your first meal. It only takes a couple of minutes to prepare a cocktail. Cut the ginger root into small pieces that are about 3 to 4 centimeters long. Add the grapefruit and lime slices, then pour boiling water over all the ingredients. Infuse the mixture for ten minutes, then add two tablespoons of honey.
- Apple salad with grapefruit. This recipe is for two servings and will take no more than a quarter of an hour to make the salad. After peeling two kiwi fruits, cut them into pieces. Divide the ripe persimmon into four or five slices. Cut two blocks into slices, removing the seeds. Prepare the pear in the same way. After that, mix all the ingredients and add lemon juice to them. Place the salad on a plate and add the grapefruit to it. Lightly sprinkle the salad with powdered sugar.
- Fat burning cocktail. Place in a blender 200 grams of strawberries, two bananas, 50 milliliters of milk and a teaspoon of grated ginger root. Prepare freshly squeezed four grapefruit juice and add it to the steel ingredients. Whisk the mixture until smooth and drink.
See below for three citrus slimming secrets: