Why should you eat after six?

Why should you eat after six?
Why should you eat after six?

In this article we will try to dispel a long-existing myth that you cannot eat after six in the evening. Let's tell you the truth about how to lose those extra pounds. For some reason, for many years, people who are overweight, or simply those who want to lose a few extra pounds, consider the surest way to solve this problem is to stop eating after six in the evening. But they do not think about the fact that this negatively affects the body as a whole and is a kind of stress for it. But what about people who work at night, or those who often have to fly to other countries, how not to eat after six, and how to determine when it is 6:00 pm for them personally?

If you have raised this question, then you are already on the right track, so as not to exhaust your body with starvation, but to eat naturally and gradually achieve burning excess weight. And the most important thing will be that the kilograms that will go away at a low speed will not come back.

Remember, in order to function normally and not gain extra pounds, the body must work, or rather, digest food. You need to eat three hours before bedtime and no more, this will be enough so that the stomach does not "eat itself", and the food that enters the body is good for it. In addition, if your body is constantly exposed to such stress as fasting, it will perceive it as "the onset of hard times" and will begin to accumulate fat. Using less and less calories for energy, and more and more will accumulate them in reserve. For example, if your last meal is at 5 pm, then 14–15 hours will pass until the morning, during which time the body will get hungry enough. As a result, all the food that you provide to the stomach, the next day it will keep as much as possible in the form of fat cells.

To lose weight, the body needs to burn calories, you need to constantly replenish their reserves so as not to disrupt the metabolism. If a person has a fast metabolic process, then he can eat what he wants, whenever he wants, not go in for sports, and at the same time remain thin, thanks to the natural accelerated metabolism.

Remember that when you are starving, minimizing the amount of food you eat per day, it will be very bad for your health. First of all, when you are not eating, the metabolism slows down very much. This process can be more clearly compared with fire, in order to have a flame, you need fuel, and for metabolism you need food.

Reasons why you need to eat after 6

The girl with the clock sits at the table
The girl with the clock sits at the table
  • To normalize the metabolic process.
  • An enzyme is produced - lipoprotein kinase, which will make everything dependent on it, so that the calories that enter the body the next day immediately turn into fat.
  • Mainly at night, hormones are produced: growth hormone (growth hormone), thyroid hormones. These hormones are made up of various components that we get from food, including proteins. The result is a destructive effect on cells, because they have to take an amino acid somewhere, and we deprive the body of protein. Because of what, he splits his cells in order to get protein from them, for the formation of hormones. This is such a chain that cannot be carried out without protein products.
  • Another important cause is lack of sleep or insomnia, because on an empty stomach it is not so easy to fall asleep, and in particular to sleep until morning.

We will not say what is good for you and your weight will be affected by overeating at night. You need to correctly and competently compose your daily diet. For example, in the morning, the body needs carbohydrates for the brain to function normally, and carbohydrates are also needed to produce enough energy. In no case should you go hungry all day, because this will lead to overeating for dinner.

Of course, we are not saying that for dinner you need to throw in yourself everything that your soul desires. After all, the fact remains that closer to night the metabolic process slows down. So, coming out of this, it will be much more useful after six to eliminate sugary, fried, fatty and fructose-containing foods, and include - protein and fiber. This includes meat, fish, eggs, low fat cottage cheese, and salads. Why is cottage cheese so useful for losing weight? Eating cottage cheese, you will constantly replenish the reserves of magnesium, iron, phosphorus. The cottage cheese contains a huge amount of lactobacilli, which normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Therefore, we can conclude that after six in the evening you can not only eat, but even need to. You just need to know what, how much and why. You can eat a piece of fish or meat 3-4 hours before bedtime, and then an hour before, drink a glass of kefir, or eat a small portion of low-fat cottage cheese. This will only benefit your health and shape. When you step on the scales in the morning, you will get a little pleasant shock, your body will lose those extra pounds in gratitude, and within a few months, you will be able to rejoice at the successes achieved.

For more on why eating after six is even beneficial and not harmful, see this video:

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