How to improve your eyesight? What should you eat?

How to improve your eyesight? What should you eat?
How to improve your eyesight? What should you eat?

It turns out that with nutrition you can improve your eyesight! To do this, you should eat foods that slow down the aging of the retina and affect the vascular system. The eyes are a very fragile organ. It must be protected and constantly nourished with vitamins. After all, the eyes suffer from overwork, lack of sleep and high blood pressure in the first place. Vessels begin to burst, there is a feeling of discomfort and anxiety, which provokes deep blinking. How to improve your eyesight? What you need to eat in order to return it will be the topic of today's review.

Causes of visual impairment

Eyesight Enhancing Products
Eyesight Enhancing Products

Several factors can affect visual impairment.

  • Infectious diseases, incl. sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Lesions and diseases of the central nervous system, which is primarily responsible for the eyes and all perceptions of the body.
  • Spinal diseases, especially displacement.
  • Contamination of the body with slags and toxins.
  • Bad habits: cigarettes and alcohol.
  • In children, eyesight deteriorates due to severe eye fatigue, which occurs after a long time at a computer or TV.

Nutrition and diet for healthy eyes

Products for improving vision
Products for improving vision

It is necessary to start monitoring the preservation of vision as early as possible. The most dangerous vision diseases are: cataracts, glaucoma and age-related retinal degeneration. To warn yourself against the occurrence of such diseases, you must eat right and follow an eye diet, which will help protect your eyes from the occurrence of diseases.

To eat right, you need to follow several principles:

  • The amount of food should be moderate.
  • The food is complete, varied and easily digestible.
  • Eat foods containing vitamins A, E, C, lutein, zinc and omega-3 and omega-6 (unsaturated fatty acids).

In the event of eye diseases, it is necessary to eat food that will be easily absorbed and digested in our body. It is desirable that it be natural food that does not undergo heat treatment. The daily diet should be 60% plant-based. Foods rich in antioxidants and containing vitamins A, E and C will help to correct vision. Fatty, sweet and flour foods also harm both the figure and the eyes.

Girl reading letters with a closed eye
Girl reading letters with a closed eye

Foods That Improve Eyesight

Foods that are good for the eyes
Foods that are good for the eyes

Basically, everyone has heard that eating carrots and blueberries is good for the eyes. However, this is not the whole list of products that will help restore fullness and visual acuity.



Carrots are the first on the list of medicinal products for improving vision. It contains a lot of beta-carotene, which in the body turns into vitamin A. But carotene is absorbed only in combination with fats: vegetable oil, mayonnaise or sour cream. This valuable element makes it possible to distinguish objects in the dark. With its lack, the acuity of twilight vision begins to decline until it is completely lost.

To a lesser extent, the vegetable contains vitamins C, B, D, E, potassium, calcium, sodium, zinc, copper, fluorine, phosphorus, and iron.

It is better to eat carrots fresh or stewed grated with any fats. You can drink 200 grams of carrot juice in the morning.



Blueberries are a very healthy wild berry. It contains iron, cobalt, selenium, manganese, copper, zinc and vitamins A, C, B. It increases visual acuity, prevents myopia, reduces eye fatigue, improves blood supply to the retina, strengthens capillary walls, improves blood circulation, prevents cataract and glaucoma diseases.

Doctors recommend using it especially for those people who work at a computer for a long time. The daily norm is 100 g of fresh berries. The effect is not very great when frozen. In winter, you can brew vitamin teas from dried blueberries. For prevention, it is enough to consume 1 glass of berries a day for 2 months.



Spinach protects the eyes from disease, protects against premature aging and is responsible for retinal degeneration that leads to blindness. It contains a large number of vitamins (A, B1, B2, C, E, K, PP, P), plant proteins, amino acids, carotene, zeaxanthin and the most important component lutein, which protects the eyes from cataracts.

Regular consumption of spinach will not only prevent the development of cataracts, but also strengthen the eyes, relieve stress and fatigue. The daily rate of grass is 100 g per day. You need to eat it raw or boiled.

Fish, fish oil, seafood

A fish
A fish

Almost every type of fish contains fatty acids that have a positive effect on all organs. Fatty fish, seafood and fish oils contain vitamins D, A, group B, folic acid, omega-3 and omega-6 (unsaturated fatty acids), which are important for eye protection. These elements form the lacrimal fluid, strengthen the eye muscles, prevent the development of macular degeneration, improve blood circulation in the organs of vision and the condition of nerves in the retina.

Fatty acid deficiency threatens vision impairment and dry eyes. To maintain your eyes in good condition, it is enough to consume a portion (300 grams) of fish once a week, for example, salmon, tuna, sardines, herring, and mackerel.

Black chocolate


The healing properties of chocolate are explained by the content of flavonoids, which protect and strengthen the blood walls of the vessels of the eyes, nourish and improve the cells of the retina. The treat can prevent the onset of myopia and loss of vision in old age. The daily norm, exclusively of dark chocolate without additives and impurities, is 10-30 grams.


Fried eggs
Fried eggs

Eggs are very beneficial for eyesight, they contain protein, vitamins, sulfur, amino acids and lutein, which prevents the formation of cataracts and protects the optic nerve. The yolks are perfectly balanced with vitamins D, E, A, B6 and B12. Quail eggs are much richer in vitamins A, B1 and B2 compared to chicken eggs. All these vitamins improve the metabolism of the eye tissues. The lack of them leads to dryness of the cornea, conjunctivitis and barley.

This product relieves eye tension, restores blood circulation and soothes the nervous system. To strengthen and maintain vision, it is enough to eat 2–5 eggs per week. You can use it boiled or baked. But most of all, beneficial substances are preserved in soft-boiled eggs, and lutein in raw ones.

Nuts and seeds

Different types of nuts
Different types of nuts

Seeds and any nuts (almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts, walnuts) contain zinc, vitamins E and B2 (or riboflavin). Vitamin B2 has a good effect on visual acuity and color perception. Its deficiency leads to inflammatory diseases like blepharitis and conjunctivitis. Vitamin E protects the eyes from free radical damage, relieves fatigue, prevents retinal degradation and the progression of cataracts.

Nuts should be a regular item on the menu for people who spend a long time behind computer monitors, reading and watching TV. For prevention, it is enough to eat a handful of nuts per day.

Cottage cheese, milk and dairy products

Cottage cheese
Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is rich in vitamin B12, which provides a good blood supply to the eyes. It also contains potassium, which gives strength to the eye muscles, and calcium, which strengthens the eye sclera.

Milk and fermented milk products (sour cream, yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk) contain vitamin D, vitamin B2 (riboflavin), and calcium. These products are very important for vivid color perception and vision in the dark. It is recommended to consume at least 100 grams of any of the listed products per day.



Broccoli improves vision and prevents cataracts. The vegetable contains lutein and zeaxatin, which are essential for the eye lens. Broccoli also contains carotene, which protects eye cells from free radicals.

The list of useful products for good vision includes:

  • soy (fatty acids, vitamin E, anti-inflammatory substances);
  • onions and garlic (sulfur);
  • fruit (vitamin C);
  • greens (lutein and zeaxatin);
  • beans (zinc and minerals);
  • corn (vitamin E, group B, iron, calcium).

General advice: in case of vision problems, you need to eat natural products with minimal heat treatment, which are easy and well digested. At work, you should take breaks and gymnastics for the eyes. By observing all these recommendations and tips, you can independently improve your vision at home.

What products will help you improve your eyesight, see this video:
