Learn how to use Altai mummy, features of its use in cosmetology, and what useful qualities it has. Shilajit is a unique resinous substance that has a completely natural origin. Before using it, certain procedures are necessarily carried out to cleanse it from impurities. Shilajit has a rich black color and a shiny surface.
For many centuries, mummy has been widely used to maintain health and beauty. Resin is mined in alpine caves in India, China, South America, Altai, Iran, Australia, Afghanistan. Scientists have not yet been able to accurately determine the origin of this substance, but they have been able to establish that substances of mineral, plant and animal origin are directly involved in the formation of mummy.
Mumiyo Altai: composition

This substance has a very complex and rich composition and contains more than 80 components, which include:
- resin;
- chemical elements;
- bee venom;
- trace elements;
- essential oils;
- metal oxides;
- vitamins;
- fatty acids and amino acids.
Despite the fact that scientists cannot establish the full composition of the mummy as accurately as possible, its beneficial properties help to cure a large number of various diseases, as well as maintain the beauty and youthfulness of the body. Shilajit helps to eliminate various cosmetic problems, promotes health and weight loss.
Contraindications for Altai mumiyo

The composition of a high-quality mummy includes only natural natural ingredients that are not capable of harming the body, but at the same time have certain contraindications to its use:
- individual intolerance to certain substances contained in the mummy;
- during pregnancy;
- during breastfeeding;
- with alcohol abuse;
- treatment with medications.
Altai mummy in cosmetology

This natural substance is able to get rid of a wide variety of diseases, and of course, maintain beauty and youth. But to get this effect, you need to apply it regularly.
Altai mummy against stretch marks

Stretch marks are characteristic scars that appear due to strong skin tension (with a sharp increase in weight) and microtrauma. This cosmetic defect usually appears in women on the chest, thighs, and abdomen.
Regular use of the mummy will help get rid of this minor nuisance. It is important to complete the full course, the duration of which is 4–5 months. It all depends on the severity of the skin condition and the age of stretch marks.
To completely remove stretch marks, you need to be patient and do not forget about regular care for problem areas. Thanks to the use of mummy, you can achieve the following result:
- the level of elasticity of the skin increases;
- the process of regeneration of epidermal cells is activated;
- striae become less noticeable and soon disappear completely;
- skin cells are saturated with nutrients, trace elements and vitamins.
It is necessary to use the mummy correctly in the fight against stretch marks:
- To quickly get rid of stretch marks, the course of treatment should be started immediately after they appear, before they have time to heal and change color, becoming more noticeable.
- Shilajit should be used constantly, since only in this case the desired result will be obtained.
- The nutrient mixture is applied with gentle massage movements, which enhances blood microcirculation and improves the delivery of nutrients to the deeper layers of the skin.
- The composition with the mummy does not need to be washed off, as it should be left on the body for several hours.
- Under the influence of the resin, the skin can change its color and become darker. To remove this defect, you need to treat the problem parts with lemon juice to lighten the body.
To remove ugly stretch marks from the skin, you must use a simple recipe for preparing the composition:
- 4 g of mummy is taken and divorced in 2 tbsp. l. warm water;
- then about 100 g of any baby cream is added to the composition, you can replace it with milk, which will also become an excellent base;
- the composition is left to infuse for about 15 minutes, then it can be used;
- mountain balsam may not have a very pleasant specific aroma, so it is recommended to add a few drops of essential oil to the composition (for example, ylang-ylang, rose oil, citrus or mint).
The remedy prepared according to this recipe is enough for several uses. The composition can be stored for some time in a glass container with a tightly closed lid, but no more than 14 days.
After the anti-stretch mark cream is completely ready, it should be applied to the problem areas with gentle circular motions, but you must not press too hard on the skin and not stretch it, otherwise you can cause additional injuries to the damaged areas.
Then the cream is left on the skin for several hours. To completely get rid of stretch marks, such a procedure must be carried out once a day until positive changes are noticeable. In the future, this composition can be used several times a week as a prevention of the appearance of stretch marks.
It is possible to use a cream containing a mummy in the fight against stretch marks during pregnancy, but in this case, you should not add essential oil, so as not to provoke a strong allergic reaction.
Altai mummy for face skin care

For many centuries, women have been using mountain resin to maintain youth and beauty of the skin of the face. Shilajit provides not only effective rejuvenation, but also the treatment of deeper and more serious problems associated with the condition of the facial skin, while a full course of epidermal healing is carried out.
Among the advantages of mountain balm is the fact that it does not provoke allergies, while the resin has a soothing effect on irritated and inflamed skin.
Regular use of mummy has the following effect on the skin of the face:
- fine wrinkles are smoothed;
- there is a tonic effect;
- the process of cell and tissue regeneration is stimulated;
- accelerates the healing of scars and marks left after acne;
- the resin has an antibacterial effect, due to which various types of rashes are quickly eliminated;
- the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized;
- the production of sebum is controlled, therefore, the ugly oily shine of the face is eliminated.
In order for the Altai mummy to bring only benefits for the skin of the face, it must be used correctly, adhering to the following recommendations:
- For cosmetic purposes, it is best to choose the mummy in liquid form, rather than in pill form.
- If tablets are to be used, they must first be ground until a homogeneous powder is formed.
- Masks are applied to the face, which include mountain balm, for 15–20 minutes, but not longer and not more often than once every 10 days.
- Taking into account the existing problem, a certain recipe for a mask with a mummy is selected, after which you need to undergo a full course, which consists of 10 procedures.
When choosing a recipe for a mask for facial skin care, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the tolerance of individual components:
- Mask for oily skin with an egg. Take 1 g of mummy and pour 1 tbsp. l. warm milk, whipped egg white is added. All components are mixed, and the resulting composition is applied to the skin for 15 minutes, then washed off with warm water.
- Anti-acne mask with calendula decoction. Mixed 1 g of mummy with calendula broth. The result should be a thick slurry, which is applied to the skin for 16 minutes, then washed off with clean water.
- Mask for dry skin with egg yolk. Egg yolk is mixed with 1 g of mountain resin and 1 tbsp. l. cream. All ingredients are mixed, and the finished composition is evenly applied to clean skin for 12 minutes.
- Anti-irritation mask with lemon. Take 1 g of mummy and mix with 1 tbsp. l. fresh lemon juice. The resulting composition is left on the skin for 14 minutes, then washed off with cool water.
- Anti-wrinkle lotion with wine. It is necessary to mix 1 g of mountain resin and 100 g of natural red wine. The mixture is left for a day to infuse well, after which the lotion can be used every day to wipe the skin.
Altai mummy for treatment and hair restoration

Today, mountain resin is actively used in the field of cosmetology and helps to restore brittle and damaged hair, normalizing the work of the sebaceous glands, while providing reliable protection of the strands from the negative effects of various external factors.
The composition of the mummy includes only natural substances that normalize the nutrition of the hair follicles and the blood circulation of the scalp. As a result, the strands are strengthened and their growth intensified.
Mountain balm contains a full range of nutrients that have a positive effect on the condition of the scalp - itching, increased flaking, dandruff and inflammation are removed.
To restore and treat hair, a full course of cosmetic masks is used, as well as solutions that are used to rinse the strands. You can resort not only to external use, but also to internal reception of the mummy in the form of tablets. The course of treatment and restoration of weakened hair includes a daily intake of 1 tablet or 0.2 g of the product.
For hair care, it is recommended to apply masks several times a week, which include Altai mummy. The full recovery course is 10 procedures, after which a short break is taken and, if necessary, the treatment can be repeated again.
The following tools are beneficial:
- Firming lotion. Take 2 g of mummy and dissolve in 1 tbsp. water (can be replaced with herbal decoction). The resulting lotion is evenly distributed over the entire length of the strands and rubbed into the scalp. The mixture is washed off after 2 hours. This recipe is ideal for treating different hair types.
- Enrichment shampoo. You will need to take 2-3 g of mummy and add to any shampoo. This procedure is carried out immediately before shampooing. The product is applied to the strands, a light massage is done. After 10 minutes, rinse your hair thoroughly with plenty of warm water.
- Mask for damaged and dry hair. Liquid honey is slightly warmed up, after which 2-3 g of mountain resin is dissolved in it and one egg yolk is introduced. The resulting composition is rubbed directly into the scalp, then distributed along the length of the strands. After half an hour, the hair is thoroughly washed with warm water.
- Hair mask for split ends. You will need to take 100 g of kefir and mix with 2-3 g of mountain resin, then 1 tbsp. l. preheated burdock oil. The finished composition is applied to the hair and rubbed into the ends of the hair. The remnants of the product are washed off after half an hour with warm water and shampoo.
Mumiyo Altai has a lot of positive qualities, which is due to its rich and completely natural composition. It can be used to maintain beauty, health and youth.
Useful information about the mummy in this video: