Learn to fight at home

Learn to fight at home
Learn to fight at home

Learn how to learn punching techniques to help you defend yourself in critical situations. It takes a lot of effort to be successful in any endeavor. Having chosen his life path, a person must constantly learn and gain experience. Unfortunately, life is not so simple and often you have to fight for your happiness. Surely every man wants to know how to learn how to fight at home. This is what the conversation will be about today.

Physical fitness at home

A man standing in his arms
A man standing in his arms

Anyone who wants to know how to learn how to fight at home should start with the simplest thing - physical fitness. First of all, you must get your body in order. Agree, without sufficient physical training, it is difficult to count on success in a fight. In addition, you need to pay a lot of attention to stretching.

However, strength alone is often not enough, you must be hardy enough. For the development of physical parameters, you should start to swing and dumbbells will be quite enough at home. If you also have a barbell in addition to them, then you will be able to progress much faster. However, remember that your classes must be regular or you shouldn't expect to be successful.

Where can you learn to fight?

Two men in boxing gloves
Two men in boxing gloves

If you have the opportunity to enroll in the sports section, then under the supervision of an experienced mentor, you will be able to achieve your goal much faster. Now we will consider the advantages and disadvantages of the main combat sports, and you should choose the most suitable type.

  1. Boxing. In this sport, the main emphasis is on good physical fitness. By boxing, you can increase your strength and endurance, as well as improve your reflexes. Strength training in boxing is usually done on uneven bars, barbells and dumbbells. For staging and practicing the blow, punching bags or a bag are used. Note that in the boxing section you will not only be taught how to fight, but also made stronger.
  2. Freestyle wrestling. This is a great form of self defense that will suit all beginners. By doing freestyle wrestling, you can improve your agility and flexibility. Also, during training, great importance is attached to strengthening the ligamentous-articular apparatus and muscle elasticity.
  3. Kickboxing. If in boxing they teach to fight only with their hands, then kickboxers actively use their legs. This fact also predetermines the peculiarities of the training process, which is aimed at stretching the muscles, as well as practicing kicks and punches. The kickboxing technique of kicking is very diverse and is most often aimed at incapacitating the opponent's thigh muscles. Agree that an enemy who has lost mobility becomes not as dangerous as before.
  4. Judo. This type of martial arts is perfect for those who do not have the physique of an epic hero. In judo, the main determining factor is not physical strength at all, but dexterity and correct technique of all movements.

In addition to the above types of martial arts, there are other sections, for example, karate or aikido. All of them will be able to help you master the art of fighting, and you will definitely be able to stand up for yourself and your loved ones.

How to learn to suppress fear in a fight?

The girl has fear
The girl has fear

Fear can be a major obstacle to winning a fight. In all sections of combat sports, great attention is paid to this aspect. Pay attention to how the coach inspires something to his ward during the competition. If you’ve decided to learn how to learn how to fight at home, but at the same time consider fear to be your most serious flaw, then this is not the case.

Fear is a normal feeling for any living being, thanks to which people survive. Anyone, even the most famous fighter, is afraid of a fight, because it is impossible to get rid of this feeling, but it is necessary to learn how to control it. To do this, you must be confident in your own strengths, which is possible only thanks to regular training.

The moment you feel that the power of the blow and his technique are at a high level, and it is easy to control the body, then you will have this very confidence. However, fear will still remain, but you will be able to control it and it will not be a serious hindrance to you. If you want to know how to learn how to fight at home, then start small and constantly improve. Remember, only regular exercise can bring results.

For our part, we can give several recommendations on how to learn how to keep the feeling of fear under control:

  1. You must remember that life depends on your ability to fight. Fear will prevent you from winning and, by starting to fight, you protect yourself and those close to you.
  2. Often times, people feel fear because of the fear of physical pain. You can believe us that it will pass quickly enough, but moral suffering will torment you for a long time.
  3. If the fear is caused by the fear of failure, then at this moment you should remember the folk oriental wisdom. It says that the most important victory for a person is victory over himself. It is better to lose than to look like cowards in the eyes of others and, first of all, yourself.
  4. If you are afraid to fight because of the opinions of others, then if there is no other way out, you should simply forget about it.

How to Learn to Fight: The Psychology of a Street Fight

Street fight
Street fight

Having decided to learn how to learn how to fight at home, you should understand the main point of the psychology of street fighting. If you have a conflict on the street, then it is important to choose the right tactics of behavior. In almost 90 percent of situations, it is the wrong behavior that predetermines defeat. A typical example of a conflict that has arisen on the street can be a shout - “Hey you, come to me!”. The victims in this case can be divided into two categories.

  1. Optimists. Such a person immediately begins to set himself up for the fact that everything will go without a fight and people just want to ask about something. Calmly approaching unfamiliar personalities, he immediately finds himself under psychological pressure. To begin with, you have already carried out their first order, which speaks of their advantage over you. In addition, seeing your depressed state and complete lack of preparedness for a fight, strangers will quickly turn to physical actions in case of refusal of their offer. As a result, you will lose money and get injured.
  2. Speakers. Such people are confident that with the help of conversation they can turn the enemy to flight. This is quite possible, but for this you need to have a certain level of physical fitness and know how to fight. If you do not have these traits, then the probability of defeat after the first blow is extremely high. Quite reasonable in such a situation is the question of what to do in such a situation? If you hear a shout demanding to approach unknown persons, then you need to instantly assess the degree of threat to yourself. If it is high, then in seconds it is worth preparing yourself for the upcoming fight. In addition, you must have a plan for your response. Very often, when they see an enemy ready for battle in front of them, the attackers retreat.

What if a fight cannot be avoided?

Boys are fighting
Boys are fighting

If you understand that the fight cannot be avoided, then carefully monitor the torso and legs of the enemy. Most often, before hitting, the opponent takes the appropriate stance, when one leg is in front, and the hand is pulled back to strike. Let's look at several situations and your actions in them:

  1. The opponent pretended not to hear your answer and stands sideways to you, tilting his head, substituting his ear. At this point, his striking arm is located behind, after which he strikes.
  2. During a conflict, the enemy actively gestures in front of your face, which is evidence of his aggressive actions. Get the first blow as there is nothing more to lose.
  3. During a conversation, you are pushed in the torso, which serves as a signal to start a fight. By pushing you away from him, he will try to get into a more comfortable position for the punch. You don't have to push him back, but just attack first.
  4. Passions run high during the conversation, and the enemy begins to move in your direction. Suddenly he stops abruptly in a half-step and takes a fighting stance and prepares to strike. In such a situation, you can use a rather effective psychological technique - move slightly forward and stamp your foot.

If you are sure that a fight cannot be avoided, then take off your watch, tie and unbutton your jacket. Try to speak in a confident voice in any situation, because no one likes pain and many attackers retreat when they see that they are ready to resist to the last. Look your opponent in the eye and show that you are not afraid of him. Try to intimidate the enemy, for example, break a bottle and make a "rose". This aggressive behavior can be frightening for many.

If you want to know how to learn how to fight at home, then it is not very easy to do this, because you have to do it alone. It is extremely difficult to make significant progress without regular sparring. You can study video tutorials on martial arts and even buy a punching bag. However, this will not provide an opportunity to fully prepare for a fight.

Choose the kind of martial arts that you like best and start learning it. However, it will not work well to master the technique of martial arts from books or even video lessons. However, this does not mean that you should not do anything. In any case, you can master some self-defense techniques. We also recommend studying at home not alone, but with friends.

How to learn to fight and win a fight:
