How to learn self-hypnosis

How to learn self-hypnosis
How to learn self-hypnosis

The concept of self-hypnosis, as well as the main areas of its application, on which it affects. Description of the basic aspects and methods of introducing oneself into hypnosis, methods of controlling one's own mind against the background of an altered consciousness. Self-hypnosis is a common psychotherapeutic technique, which consists in introducing oneself into a specific hypnotic state and influencing oneself with the help of various commands and attitudes on consciousness. That is, a person must do all this on his own without anyone's help. It is absolutely safe and is not capable of causing harm to both the physical and mental components of human health.

The scope of self-hypnosis

Self-hypnosis weight correction
Self-hypnosis weight correction

Naturally, most serious mental or psychological problems cannot always be resolved with this method. The severity of a particular condition is the main point in choosing an effective psychotherapy. Self-hypnosis is rather an effective method to manage your life, to set those criteria and formulations that a person really considers necessary, helps to get rid of subconscious fears and obstacles. At the same time, the spheres of application of the technique of self-hypnosis are quite versatile and cover most of all psychological problems.

The main areas of application of self-hypnosis:

  • Correction of stress response … You can use special attitudes that will help to more pragmatically approach the problem of acute external factors on the human psyche. It contributes to the correction of a specific reaction to stress, which is dictated by the temperament and character of each individual, breaks down stereotyped behavior and builds new patterns, which helps to more effectively cope with problems.
  • Normalization of rest and sleep patterns … Due to the imbalance in this area, a person cannot fully rest, therefore, efficiency and concentration of attention decrease. With the help of self-hypnosis, you can instill in yourself the specific tasks of a sound restorative sleep and improve a person's well-being. The state after a long rest is also corrected, in which a surge of strength, energy and enthusiasm should be felt.
  • Getting rid of addictions … Even alcohol abuse, smoking, drugs can be erased from life thanks to self-hypnosis. The correct attitude towards a healthy lifestyle and dependence on a constant desire to maintain their bad habits helps to improve a person's well-being and get rid of unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. That is, you can directly suggest to yourself that there is no feeling of dependence on a particular habit.
  • Body weight correction mindset … In most cases, the causes of obesity lie in the psychological state of a person who thus reacts to adverse external conditions or copes with psychological stress. If so, then with the help of self-hypnosis, you can change this option and lay down the formulation for weight loss.
  • Getting rid of fears, obsessions, shyness and self-doubt … Any psychological characteristics of a person that create difficulties in routine life are corrected using self-hypnosis. You can adjust yourself to a specific tendency in behavior, eliminate pathological fears, thereby simplifying daily tasks and improving your quality of life.
  • Treatment of psychosomatic diseases … There is a category of diseases that manifest themselves as real symptoms of dysfunction of internal organs, but with a detailed examination, changes are not detected. That is, the reason for all the signs of diseases lies in the psychological characteristics of the reactivity of the human psyche. Most of the diseases in this category are chronic and sluggish nosologies that are difficult to treat and are prone to spontaneous remissions and exacerbations.

The main stages of self-hypnosis

Almost all techniques represent the same sequence of actions, differing only in small details. Absolutely all methods of self-hypnosis are effective if you follow the rules and nuances of immersion in and out of a hypnotic state. Thus, several steps need to be followed in order.

Step 1

Self-hypnosis text for beginners
Self-hypnosis text for beginners

Before embarking on the actual methodology, you need to develop those templates that will be suggested, or at least their basic principles. Be sure to express your own attitude to the problem and expectations from this procedure.

Example: "I want to stop smoking cigarettes." A person should be firmly disposed to get rid of the habit and not rely on deceptive ways. It is necessary to assess smoking, take into account its positive and negative aspects, make a decision with a share of pragmatism. It is necessary to be categorical in your desire and to formulate the installation clearly and necessarily unequivocally. The first step can take several minutes, and sometimes life is not enough to formulate your desires. A person who does not really understand what he is trying to achieve with the help of self-hypnosis is unlikely to get the expected result. Firm intentions and purpose allow a person not to lose what he is doing self-hypnosis, and attachment to reality. The decision must be taken carefully and guided exclusively by cold reason and logic. It is advisable not to touch on the emotional aspect of the problem, but only to display a specific goal. For example, "I am confident in my abilities, I can achieve the best" or "I feel good, I am not worried about my hand / leg / heart at all." The second phrase is used to correct psychosomatic disorders.

It is best if the formulation of self-hypnosis is written down on paper. So a person can relax and just read without thinking about what to say. This is especially useful in self-hypnosis for beginners.

Step 2

The hall as a place for self-hypnosis
The hall as a place for self-hypnosis

At this stage, complete relaxation and tranquility are provided. The ways to achieve such a state can be different, depending on the specific conditions, capabilities and characterological characteristics of the individual. Also, the psychological state of a person at the time of self-hypnosis plays an important role. Naturally, the excitement will only hinder the fulfillment of the second point.

A state of complete relaxation can be achieved using several methods that are quite famous for their applications, but have several important features. Relaxation can be achieved more easily if you are alone in the room and no extraneous sounds will interfere with the procedure. It is best if the possibility of a sudden interruption of the self-hypnosis session is excluded. Let's consider the factors influencing the effectiveness of self-hypnosis in more detail:

  1. Location … It is important that the room or room, where a person is trying to achieve complete relaxation, is not defiantly furnished or its interior distracts. As mentioned above, it is impossible to achieve relaxation in walk-through rooms or where there is a possibility that at any moment someone might look in. Relaxation takes place exclusively in a complete sense of the safety of what is happening. The risk of being caught during the procedure greatly complicates this step of self-hypnosis.
  2. Lighting … Full relaxation of a person can also be interfered with by bright and cold light, which irritates the retina and prevents the brain from reducing its activity. Light sources in the room should not be conspicuous or distract from this procedure. It is best perceived by soft warm dim light that does not attract attention to itself. If the wording is written on paper, then it is necessary that the brightness in the room is sufficient for comfortable reading.
  3. Sounds … The self-hypnosis technique also welcomes the presence of a soundtrack. This is not necessary if classical melodies are alien to a person or they are poorly perceived. The gold standard for self-hypnosis audio is classical compositions that are performed at a calm pace. Naturally, instrumental music is perceived better.
  4. Relax your muscles … It is important that every muscle in the human body feels heavy and relaxes. To do this, you need to carry out a simple exercise that is based on the natural reflexes of a person. It is known that unconscious stretching before bed is a special response of a person to the need to relax muscles. If this needs to be done at a specific time, you need to repeat the same steps. All the muscles in the body should be tense at the same time in order to feel each of them. In this state, you need to hold out for a few seconds and relax. The normal physiological response of a muscle after a job is done is relaxation.

Step 3

Relaxation as a stage of self-hypnosis
Relaxation as a stage of self-hypnosis

In addition to formulating a goal, you can even record an introduction. This is a small text that is written in the first person. In it, you need to assert your own comfort, safety and a gradual entry into a hypnotic trance.

Each self-hypnosis exercise consists of an introduction in 10 small steps:

  • "One. I am absolutely calm and relaxed, my eyelids are getting heavy. " … You need to focus only on this phrase and not allow other thoughts into your consciousness, no matter how much you want. If you repeat this phrase, at some point you will be able to concentrate exclusively on it and think only about what you need.
  • "Two. I feel comfortable and safe " … It is important to focus on this thought in order to let the mind turn off all its settings. You need to believe that you are truly safe and that nothing threatens to disturb it.
  • "Three. I feel lightness and weightlessness in my arms and legs. Nothing worries me " … Repetition of this phrase will help turn off the need to worry about the state of the body, any somatic sensations are erased.
  • "Four. My muscles are deeply relaxed. I feel pleasantly tired in my arms and legs. " … At this stage, relaxation deepens and the person increasingly feels that it is now very difficult to move the limbs. You need to believe in these words and really accept the fact that it is almost impossible to make any movements.
  • "Five. I feel serenity and peace " … Nothing can disturb this state, only your own voice. Repetition of this phrase gives you confidence that nothing will get in the way.
  • "Six. I am in a state of deep hypnosis. I only listen to my voice " … Concentration on a single source of sound makes it possible for the human psyche to easily perceive the incoming information.
  • "Seven. I am completely relaxed, I only trust my voice. I only listen to my voice " … Gradually, their own words become the only thing that the human psyche perceives.
  • "Eight. I breathe measuredly and calmly. I only feel my breath. I am calm" … The person is completely at peace and carefully records his voice.
  • "Nine. I do not feel my body, it is completely relaxed " … Then the muscles are completely relaxed and their control is turned off. That is, attention is focused exclusively on the voice.
  • "Ten. I only perceive my voice. I completely obey my voice " … This is the last introductory phrase to anesthesia, which helps to tune in to the necessary wave and it is most useful to perceive the wording of what is the purpose of the session.

Important! Each phrase must be repeated several times until you can fully and unconditionally believe in it.

Step 4

Self-hypnosis as self-hypnosis
Self-hypnosis as self-hypnosis

At this stage, self-hypnosis and self-hypnosis itself occurs. That is, the formulated goals of the procedure, which must be prepared in advance, are pronounced slowly and measuredly. It is necessary to repeat each one until there is confidence in its authenticity and commitment to fulfillment. This formulation must meet several mandatory requirements that will allow the mind to easily and unambiguously accept the installation:

  1. Appeal … All necessary settings are pronounced in the first person. A person accepts a phrase or thought beginning with "I" and considers it his own.
  2. Time limit … You cannot apply indefinite time frames. All specified settings must be carried out in the present and not be limited.
  3. Statement … The wording should be a clear, confident statement of what needs to be translated into reality or suggested to oneself.
  4. Acceptability … Each phrase should not contradict the inner convictions of a person and not radically change his opinion. That is, getting rid of bad habits, for example, should occur gradually, and not categorically in one session.

Step 5

Sleepiness after self-hypnosis
Sleepiness after self-hypnosis

The last stage of self-hypnosis can last from several minutes to one hour, depending on the reactivity of the body of a particular person. When the attitudes are pronounced and the person accepts each of them, it is necessary to complete the self-hypnosis meditation. To do this, one should get out of the hypnotic state by executing a specific command. In a calm voice, you need to order yourself to wake up and try to open your eyes. Everything must be done slowly and slowly. In most cases, beginners do not immediately manage to open their eyelids, they are overcome by fatigue and drowsiness. Then it is worth repeating the command several times. Sleepiness can be so severe that a person will feel a powerful urge to take a nap, which is difficult to resist. This sleep can last up to one hour and is completely normal. After it, a person feels well rested and slept. How to learn self-hypnosis - watch the video:

This procedure is rather complicated for beginners, and it is not always possible to get the desired effect the first time. But with regular use, the skills will gradually improve. There is no universal instruction on how to learn self-hypnosis. Everyone has to open up an approach to themselves on their own. At the same time, this psychotherapeutic tactic helps many to get rid of internal psychological problems on their own, improve their well-being and gain control over themselves.
