Find out what causes rupture of connective tissue not only among professional athletes, but also among ordinary gym goers. In sports, ligament ruptures are very common, but this does not mean at all that an ordinary person is completely insured against this damage. It is quite easy to earn a rupture of the ligaments of the shoulder or knee joints and this can happen with just one sharp movement. However, in the zone of special risk, without a doubt, there are people experiencing great physical activity. Today we will tell you why the ligaments and tendons are torn.
Ligament and tendon rupture - what is it?

First, it is worth talking about what ligaments and tendons are. In this case, it will be much easier to understand the causes and mechanisms of their damage.

Ligaments are special formations of connective tissue that connect parts of the skeleton or internal organs. Also, one of their functions is the direction of movement of the joint. As a result, if the ligament is torn, the joint also cannot function properly.
In comparison with ordinary connective tissues, the ligaments have great strength, since the fibers are not directed along, but have an oblique or cross path. Some ligaments are capable of withstanding a load of a hundred kilos for a long time. Agree that it is not entirely clear why the ligaments and tendons are torn. However, we will talk about this later.

Tendons are also made up of connective tissue, and their main job is to attach muscles to the skeleton. They are made up of small, parallel bundles of collagen fibers with fibrocytes in between. Compared to ligaments, tendons have even more strength, but they are inferior in their ability to stretch. Since tendons attach muscles to bones, they also transfer forces to the bony levers.
Let's return to the question of why the ligaments and tendons are torn, but first it should be said about the presence of two types of this injury:
- Complete break - the integrity of all fibers of the ligament is violated. This concerns the rupture of the ligament into two parts, as well as damage to the place of its attachment.
- Partial rupture - this damage is most often called a sprain, and only part of the fibers is torn. In such a situation, the functionality of the bundle is practically not impaired.
So we come to the question of why the ligaments and tendons are torn. In total, doctors distinguish two types of causes of damage to the ligaments:
- Degenerative - are associated with the processes of wear of the fibers of the ligaments or tendons and they can be considered natural, since the body wears out with age. In addition, degenerative rupture of the ligaments can also be caused by a decrease in the quality of blood supply.
- Traumatic - damage of this type is the result of heavy lifting, sudden movement or falling. The main symptom of these injuries is acute pain.
If we talk about the consequences of rupture of ligaments, then with timely intervention, problems do not arise. Another thing is if, after a ligament rupture, treatment was not started in a timely manner, then the most serious consequences are possible.
Ligament and Tendon Rupture Symptoms

We already know why the ligaments and tendons are torn, and now I want to talk about the symptoms of this injury, because they can be general and specific depending on the joint. Among the common symptoms, the following are worth noting:
- Painful sensations arise not only when performing movements, but also at rest.
- Movements are limited in the area where the pain is felt, for example, you cannot bend your arm.
- The appearance of a bruise.
- Instability of a joint located near the source of pain.
- Swelling of this joint.
- During the movement, extraneous sounds are heard, say, crunching or clicking.
- A tingling sensation and numbness appear on the damaged area of the body.
And now we will consider the specific symptoms of this damage, because with the question of why the ligaments and tendons are torn, everything is clear.
- Ruptured vocal cords. The main symptoms of damage to these ligaments are wheezing and frequent coughing. In addition, the so-called "singing nodes" can form on the ligaments, and the voice can completely or partially disappear. This injury is common in vocalists, as the vocal cords are heavily stressed.
- Ruptured ligaments of the shoulder. In this case, all the main symptoms are characteristic and the person cannot perform those movements that require the work of the shoulder joint. If the rupture was partial, then surgical intervention is usually not required. There are often cases when people complain of a ruptured biceps ligaments, which is not always a true statement. If a cracking sound was heard during the injury, and symptoms resemble a ligament rupture, then tendons were likely damaged.
- Elbow ligament rupture. If, with passive abduction of the forearm, you feel pain (the movement is performed by a stranger, and not by the victim), then we can talk about a rupture of the ligaments of the elbow joint. Also, in this situation, you can often observe the outward displacement of the forearm.
- Rupture of the ligaments of the hand. In this situation, the victim feels a sharp pain on the elbow side of the wrist, as well as clicks when pressing on a certain point. There is also noticeable displacement of the ulna and radius in the direction of the palm.
- Finger ligament rupture. In this case, you can observe the deflection of the phalanx in any direction. If the interphalangeal ligament rupture was complete, then the finger straightens and remains in this position. In comparison with healthy fingers, the difference is very clear.
- Rupture of the ligaments of the hip joint. In addition to the main symptoms, it should be noted the appearance of pain when trying to tilt the body.
- Ruptured knee ligaments. The knee joint has a rather complex structure and, speaking about why the ligaments and tendons are torn and what symptoms are manifested in this case, you should talk about each ligament in a little more detail. Very often people get damage to the lateral ligaments of the knee joint. Trauma can be determined visually by the characteristic deviation of the ankle outward (injury to the internal lateral ligament) or inward (damage to the external ligament). If the cruciate ligament has been torn, the patient experiences drawer syndrome. Simply put, when bending the knee joint, the lower leg shifts significantly backward or forward. Another common injury is meniscus tear, which is often accompanied by a fracture. This injury is widespread among athletes. The main symptom of the injury is the victim's desire not to extend the knee joint. Otherwise, there is a sharp pain.
- Rupture of the ligaments of the foot (ankle). Most often, bruises quickly appear on the damaged area of the body, and when you try to stand on your leg, there is an acute painful sensation. Before starting treatment for this injury, an additional examination is always carried out, which consists in using an X-ray, CT or MRI. If the gap turned out to be partial, then in most cases the case is done without surgical intervention.
What to do and how to treat ligament ruptures?

If a ligament rupture is suspected, then it is necessary to immobilize the part of the body that is affected. Until a medical professional arrives, the victim should try not to move. You can also apply ice to the damaged area of the body to slow blood flow and relieve pain. Also, in this case, the swelling will be significantly less.
We have already said that in case of a ligament rupture, additional diagnostic tools can be used:
- Computed tomography (CT) - helps not only to determine the degree of injury, but also to track the results of treatment.
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) - makes it possible to find out the number of damaged fibers, as well as the severity of the injury.
- X-ray - provides an opportunity to clarify the consequences of the injury, for example, identify a fracture.
Answering the question why the ligaments and tendons are torn, it is necessary to talk about the possible ways of treating this damage. If the gap was partial, then in most cases, conservative treatment methods are sufficient. In this case, a bandage is applied to the damaged area of the body, which can limit the mobility of the joint. You also need to start taking anti-inflammatory medications.
However, conservative treatment methods may not always bring positive results. For example, if the lateral ligament of the knee is damaged, it will not be possible to do without surgery. However, today such operations are successful and problems almost never arise. After a successful operation, it is necessary to additionally work on the complete restoration of the functions of the ligaments. For this, various methods of physiotherapy are used, for example, diadynamic. During the rehabilitation period, massage will be extremely effective, as well as warming compresses or ointments. However, it is important to withstand a certain time after injury so that the ligament is completely healed.
In the event of a ruptured ankle ligament, it is often recommended to wear special shoes, or continue to use strong bandages for a certain period of time. Physical therapy is another great way to speed up recovery. Thanks to her, the damaged ligaments completely restore their previous performance. However, you should remember that all exercise therapy exercises are selected by a healthcare professional. This is due to the need to use an individual approach to each specific injury.
For more information on how to exercise to strengthen ligaments and tendons, see this video: