Subcutaneous fat is the enemy of the bodybuilder

Subcutaneous fat is the enemy of the bodybuilder
Subcutaneous fat is the enemy of the bodybuilder

ECA for fat burning is used by many bodybuilders. Read the article and start burning up to 5 kg of fat per month while maintaining muscle mass. The content of the article:

  • Calories and drugs
  • What is ECA
  • Dosages and pitfalls

Bodybuilders are people who use all their strength training to build muscle. Athletes regularly learn new workouts and carefully choose drugs that will help them become more prominent. But this will not be enough if the hated fat is hiding under the skin.

Calories and multiple drugs

Fat burners in bodybuilding
Fat burners in bodybuilding

Every person has a press, only the cherished cubes are hidden behind a layer of fat. In fact, it is not difficult to swing a muscle, but getting rid of subcutaneous fat is difficult. It is not clear why nature has not endowed everyone with thinness. It's easier for them during training, they just need to build muscle mass. But the full one has to diligently burn fat, only then the muscle mass will decorate your body.

Advertising endlessly promotes miraculous drugs. But the effectiveness from them is practically zero. Fighting subcutaneous fat starts with discipline and proper nutrition. Only in this way will the cherished relief become noticeable, and you can conquer any beaches in the world without hesitation.

The most effective way to lose fat is to stop eating. Everything is as simple as 2x2, but not everyone succeeds in applying this theory in practice. And if we talk about bodybuilders, then they generally should not give up certain types of product.

Hair dryers combining phentermine and fenfluramine are especially popular among effective weight loss drugs. It is impossible to remain silent about the well-known Redux. They are actively used by everyone who wants to get rid of subcutaneous fat. Here are just a colossal side effect from drugs.

A losing weight athlete may feel general malaise, severe dizziness and even nausea. At the same time, the digestive system is experiencing significant stress. Even deaths from overstrain of the work of some organs were recorded. Pills can really hurt, and then there will be no time for biceps and triceps at all.

What is ECA

Aspirin as a component of ECA
Aspirin as a component of ECA

ECA (Ephedrine, Caffeine and Aspirin) is a mixture of known drugs. Of course, the mixture cannot be called completely safe. ECA contraindications: high blood pressure, problems with the digestive system, heart disease, diabetes.

But on the other hand, this drug is much safer than new weight loss products. Do not forget about such a concept as dosage, otherwise health problems may arise. Please note that each component of the mixture has its own contraindications and side effects. Together they only intensify, but if there are no problems with the above diseases, then you can experiment.

Now it's time to talk about dosages and how ECA works. The main component is ephedrine, which is difficult to find in the free market. After taking it, efficiency increases, appetite is suppressed and the breakdown of the fat layer is accelerated.

The next important ingredient is caffeine. He has similar actions, only they are several times weaker. It is added to the mixture to enhance the work of ephedrine. The third component of the mixture is aspirin. However, it does not have to be present. It was assumed that aspirin will enhance the effects of ephedrine, but in practice this has not been confirmed. If you have stomach problems, it is best to eliminate aspirin.

All ingredients can be found at the pharmacy, except for ephedrine. This substance is prohibited in our country, as it is used by many drug addicts to enhance the effects of some prohibited drugs. Do not rush to get upset, there is an alternative. In pharmacies there is a syrup like Bronholitin. Five milliliters of this solution contains five grams of ephedrine we need for weight loss.

Dosages and pitfalls

Eating ECA Fat Burner
Eating ECA Fat Burner

Bodybuilders have long known about such a fat-burning blend as ECA. Many athletes use this drug on themselves and are quite happy with the result. In the course of long-term experimentation and practical use, safe dosages have been established.

In order for you to noticeably begin to lose your subcutaneous fat, you must drink the drug three times a day. A triple serving consists of 300 mg aspirin, 20 mg ephedrine and 200 mg caffeine. All this can be drunk in turn or mixed with a mixture. Do not forget to divide the received dose into three equal parts. You will have to eat this potion in the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening. Some individuals claim that even without vigorous training, the amount of subcutaneous fat is significantly reduced. Everything is possible, but it would be more correct not to neglect physical activity.

The mixture, of course, is the most effective when compared with other drugs. But there are also pitfalls. Athletes love that this drug energizes and gives extra strength. But all this is deceiving, and you can easily suffer from overtraining. Do not overestimate your capabilities and practice like a victim. Be smart and don't overdo it!

It is important to stop drinking coffee and energy drinks during the intake. All of these can lead to overdose of caffeine. And with such a diagnosis, you can get to a hospital bed. In addition, do not overuse the course, it should not exceed a month. It is best to drink the mixture every other day. In this way, you will reduce the strain on your heart.

Don't worry if your heart rate becomes more rapid. But if discomfort or pain occurs, then stop drinking this drug immediately. Some people have a fever, you will feel hot due to the rapid burning of subcutaneous fat. If the temperature rises above 38 degrees, then this is an alarm bell. It is worth stopping the use, otherwise the internal organs may burn from the load.

How to use ECA - watch the video:

Any fat burning drug has its own side effects. But a bodybuilder cannot afford excess body fat. This will affect the overall shape of the athlete. The goal of every athlete is to increase muscle mass and reduce fat. ECA is an effective drug, and it is almost impossible to find something better.
