How to remove subcutaneous acne on the face

How to remove subcutaneous acne on the face
How to remove subcutaneous acne on the face

Subcutaneous or internal acne is the most unpleasant type of rash. Knowing the reasons for their appearance and the rules for caring for the skin of the face, it becomes possible to completely get rid of the rash. Regardless of what kind of reason could provoke the formation of subcutaneous acne, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment.

Prevention of subcutaneous acne

Prevention of subcutaneous acne
Prevention of subcutaneous acne

It is very difficult to remove subcutaneous acne, so you need to adhere to simple preventive methods, so you can prevent their appearance:

  • You need to carefully monitor your diet. It will be useful to completely abandon or minimize the use of smoked, fatty and fried foods, as well as chocolate, pickling, fast food.
  • You need to eat often, but only in small portions, chewing food thoroughly.
  • Add as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible to your diet that are not heat-treated.
  • You need to properly care for your skin, use only those cosmetics that are suitable for you. You can pick them up with the help of a professional beautician.
  • It is worth abandoning very cheap cosmetics and starting to use brand names (GiGi, Christina, ONmacabim, etc.) that produce a quality product.
  • You need to try to avoid constant stay in stressful situations.
  • It is necessary to monitor your own health with special attention, periodically undergo a full medical examination.
  • Do not overcool or overheat too much.
  • It is strictly forbidden to constantly squeeze pimples, as as a result, you can get an infection and get much bigger skin problems.

Modern methods of treating subcutaneous acne

In order not only to remove internal acne, but also to get rid of them forever, it is necessary to seek help from a doctor. After a medical examination, a specialist will accurately determine the cause of the problem, and then select the appropriate treatment method.

Ozone therapy for acne

Ozone therapy for acne
Ozone therapy for acne

Internal acne is the most painful, but the simplest oxygen can help clear it up. In modern medicine, ozone therapy is used to treat furunculosis. The action of this technique is very simple and has a positive effect:

  • Eliminates even strong painful sensations.
  • Ozone is a specific type of oxygen and is effective against a variety of microbes.
  • Helps relieve skin redness and swelling.
  • Collagen and elastin production is quickly restored.
  • After the ozone therapy, neither scars nor red spots remain.

Thanks to ozone therapy, pimples mature in a few hours. However, this procedure can only be performed by a doctor.

How is ozone therapy done to treat acne?

Oxygen-ozone mixture is injected directly into the inflamed area using a syringe or a special multi-injector. Depending on the nature of the rash, a certain number of injections are performed, while ozone therapy in the treatment of acne usually takes no more than half an hour.

Elos technology for acne treatment

Elos technology for acne treatment
Elos technology for acne treatment

This is one of the most effective and completely painless methods for treating subcutaneous or internal acne. During the procedure, pulses of intense blue light are exposed directly to the subcutaneous inflammation. Elos technology performs the following actions:

  • A more intensive process of skin cell renewal begins.
  • All redness, seals, irregularities or scars that may remain after the ripening of the pimple are removed.
  • All enlarged pores are narrowed, as there is a decrease in the penetration of excess sebum into them.
  • After performing this procedure, the skin does not become very dry, there is no strong peeling, irritation or oily content.

Traditional methods of getting rid of subcutaneous acne

You can get rid of subcutaneous acne yourself at home. The following methods will help in this matter:

  • When the first signs of internal acne appear, it is necessary to begin treatment as soon as possible. Regular compresses with aloe bring benefits - the leaf of the plant is washed, cut into two halves and the pulp is applied directly to the area of inflammation.
  • Nettle tea is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. It must be taken orally for one month. This tool helps to normalize the metabolic process, all accumulated toxins are removed from the body, the skin is quickly cleared of rashes and inflammations.
  • It is necessary to abandon clothing for the manufacture of which synthetic materials were used.
  • At least three times a day, it is necessary to wipe the skin with a special lotion. This remedy can be made by yourself by mixing boiled water and fresh lemon juice.
  • Tea tree oil effectively cleanses the skin of almost all types of acne. The product should be applied directly to problem areas every three hours. This technique helps not only dry the skin, but also relieve inflammation.
  • Salt cleaning helps a lot. You need to take a cotton swab and wet it with alcohol, then soak it in a small amount of soda and fine salt. This compress is applied directly to the site of inflammation. After a couple of minutes, you need to wash yourself with warm water.
  • It is worth periodically using the following technique - a little butter is laid out in a glass bowl, chopped onions and liquid honey are added. All components are taken in equal proportions. The resulting mixture is placed on the stove and left for a while until it boils. Then the mixture must be cooled. At the end, a little flour is added to make a cake, which is applied directly to the site of inflammation.
  • You need to take Trichopolum tablets (10 pcs.) And Levomycin tablets (2 pcs.). They must be crushed and the resulting powder mixed with calendula tincture. A cotton swab is moistened in this solution, and problem areas are wiped. After 20 minutes, after this treatment procedure, you need to wash yourself with warm water.

Video about acne - the reasons for the appearance and how to take care of the skin (professional advice):

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