Is it possible to continue training during menstruation. In this article, we will try to answer it in as much detail as possible. Women's physiology has serious differences from men's and during the period of menstruation and the previous state of PMS in the body of women, strong hormonal and physiological changes occur. Thus, the question of the possibility of training during this period is highly relevant. A discussion of this topic should begin with the question of hormones, namely estrogens.
Hormonal changes during menstruation

The female sex hormone is called estrogen. It should be said that it is also present in the body of men, but in low concentration. There are three types of estrogens:
- Estradiol is the most potent estrogen synthesized by the ovaries;
- Estriol - synthesized by the body during pregnancy;
- Estrone - its concentration reaches its peak during menopause.
When we talk about estrogens, we almost always mean estradiol, since the other two types are rather weak in comparison with estradiol. All sex hormones, including estrogens, are made from cholesterol. This is a rather complicated process for converting androgens. It is generally accepted that female and male hormones are completely opposite. It is difficult to disagree with this, but at the early stage of the synthesis they are identical. Changes take place in the final phase of their production.
Estradiol is synthesized when testosterone is its basis. When the period of premenopause comes, the ovaries play the main role in the creation of estradiol. Then comes the turn of adipose tissue. An excess of fat cells in the female body can lead to hormonal imbalance. In the male body, estrogens are synthesized only from testosterone.
The signal for the synthesis of estradiol is given by the hypothalamus, releasing the hormone gonadotropin-releasing. With its help, the body regulates the production of lutropin and follicle-stimulating hormones, which are released by the pituitary gland. It is with the help of these two substances that the rate of ovarian estrogen synthesis is regulated. Its production is carried out on impulse basis, and the intervals are 1–3 hours.
All hormones in the body circulate in two forms - bound and unbound. The first type of hormones is necessarily attached to something, for example, globulin, which plays the role of transport in the body. In turn, unbound hormones circulate freely. Estrogens are involved in a large number of processes in the body. Among the most important are:
- They have an effect on the accumulation of fatty deposits;
- Influence the growth of muscle tissue mass;
- Estradiol has cardioprotective properties (in other words, protection against diseases of the heart and vascular system);
- Stimulates the synthesis of growth hormone and protects bone tissue from decay.
During the entire menstrual cycle, the level of estradiol is not constant. Its concentration peaks during ovulation, and during menstruation it decreases to minimum values. It is also worth noting that the menstrual cycle has almost no effect on the synthesis of stress hormones during exercise. At the moment when the content of estradiol in the body is at its maximum, the synthesis of cortisol remains unchanged.
Is it possible to train during menstruation

This issue has already been repeatedly considered by scientists who have conducted a large number of tests. It has been proven that women involved in sports are better able to tolerate critical days, and their PMS symptoms are less pronounced. According to scientists, this is due to the stimulation of metabolic processes and an improvement in blood flow. Thanks to good oxygen supply to all tissues, women get rid of general lethargy. However, with excessive exercise intensity, symptoms may worsen.
Also, scientists managed to find out that aerobic load during menstruation promotes the release of special substances that improve mood. In addition, exercises were established that are not capable of harming the body on critical days. For girls wishing to lead an active lifestyle during this period, moderate aerobic activity is recommended, for example, walking, jogging and swimming. But it is worth refraining from power loads during this period.
A few tips for training with your period

When preparing to exercise during menstruation, women should take care of an effective protective agent (tampon) and choose the right wardrobe. Tight clothing should be avoided.
During training, to reduce the spasm and cramps of the abdominal muscles, it is necessary to carry out a high-quality warm-up and stretching. As mentioned above, it is better to forget about strength training for this period. However, you can work with light weights and the training should not be intense. For half an hour, you can jog or walk fast. It is not advisable to use interval running and acceleration.
Find out the answer to the question of whether it is possible to train with menstruation in this video:
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