Find out when it can be beneficial to use simple carbohydrates to maximize a positive energy balance. Pro-athletes often use sweets before and after the lesson. Most often these are sweet fruits, for example, rich. This fact can be explained by the presence of a large amount of carbohydrates in sweet foods. This nutrient is an essential element in human nutrition. It is carbohydrates that provide us with energy, nourish the brain and liver.
You should be aware that carbohydrates are divided into simple (fast) and complex (slow). Sweet foods contain fast foods that are able to supply energy to the body in the shortest possible time. Let's find out if you need to eat sweets after and before your workout.
What are simple carbohydrates?

Simple carbohydrates have a sweet taste and dissolve quickly in water. They also have a high glycemic index. According to leading nutritionists, simple carbohydrates do not have much nutritional value for humans and it is desirable to limit their intake. However, they may be necessary at some point. With regard to bodybuilding, this applies to the mass-gathering period.
Once digested, simple carbohydrates trigger the release of insulin. This hormone has an anabolic effect and helps to accelerate the body's recovery. It should also be noted that when eating small amounts of simple carbohydrates, fat metabolism is accelerated and, as a result, body weight is reduced.
All foods containing simple carbohydrates have a sweet taste, and the highest amounts of these nutrients are found in sugar, honey, chocolate, etc. We have already said that simple carbohydrates do not provide much nutritional value for the body, but you should not completely exclude them from your nutrition program.
With a nutrient deficiency, depression and decreased brain activity are possible. Throughout the day, you should consume 120 grams of fast carbohydrates to provide the body with energy for the nervous system. Nutrient intake after training is also important.
Should you eat sweets after and before your workout?

Often people visit the gym to get rid of body fat. In such a situation, simple carbohydrates should be abandoned. But the fact is that if you eat sweets after and before training, in small amounts, your fat mass will not increase. In this case, simple carbohydrates will perform the following functions:
- Stimulation of insulin secretion, which will increase the anabolic background.
- Replenishment of the body's energy storage and protection of muscles from destruction.
- Acceleration of fatty acid burning processes.
Surely you are aware of such a condition as the "carbohydrate window". It is a carbohydrate deficiency and to eliminate it, you need to consume a product that contains simple carbohydrates, such as honey or chocolate. If you are gaining weight, then you need to take in about three times more of these foods than is required for fullness. You can also use sports food, which contains fast carbohydrates.
We have already said that after is sweet and before a workout, not just after. Since the digestion process stops under the influence of physical exertion, it is necessary to take simple carbohydrates 60-120 minutes before the start of the training. This will replenish your body's energy reserves, and the nutrient will become a source of energy during your workout. In addition, they will also slow down the catabolic processes that are activated after the end of the exercise.
Chocolate and bodybuilding

You can use dark chocolate as a source of fast carbs. In addition to the fact that this product contains simple carbohydrates, it has the ability to increase the concentration of nitric oxide in the body. You can use it neat or add it to a sports cocktail.
Scientists have conducted research and it is safe to say that dark chocolate can be a very valuable product for athletes. As evidence of this fact, we present the results of one study. One group of subjects was given chocolate before training, and the scientists found that the concentration of glucose in their blood was constant. This fact suggests that the body had a large energy reserve and athletes could train more intensively.
There was also a constant level of insulin in the body, which significantly increased the rate of muscle gain. One thing to remember is that insulin can slow down the lipolysis process, which was also noted by scientists during the course of the study.
We have already figured out the fact that dark chocolate can be an excellent tool for gaining mass for you. However, when using it, you need to follow a few simple rules:
- Add the product to your protein shake.
- Only use chocolate with at least 70 percent cocoa.
- You can use regular powdered cocoa by adding it to your sports shake.
If you use a product containing less than 70 percent cocoa, you will not get any benefit. In addition, a lot of sugar is often added to such chocolate, which is also undesirable.
More about sweets for mass gaining: