Complete protein in bodybuilding

Complete protein in bodybuilding
Complete protein in bodybuilding

Find out why you need a protein mix and when to take a quick and slow protein mix like this. Today we will talk about what effect the use of a complex protein in bodybuilding can give to athletes. To begin with, this type of sports food is made up of fast and slow protein compounds. As a result, it in a short time increases the concentration of amines in the blood to a maximum, and then continues to supply these substances for a long time.

What is a complete protein made of?

Complete Protein Jar
Complete Protein Jar

Whey proteins have the highest absorption rate. To get the first results from its use, it only takes half an hour or a little more. In turn, casein takes about six hours or more to digest. As a result, all this time the body receives the amines it needs.

At the same time, using casein, you will not be able to achieve such a powerful anabolic response as is the case with whey proteins. Thus, casein can be very effective when consumed in the evening or in situations where the athlete has to go without food for a long time.

Another component of complex protein supplements is egg protein. It takes longer to digest than whey, but much less than casein.

It is these three types of protein compounds that are contained in a complex protein in bodybuilding. With this combination, all the disadvantages of each of the proteins are leveled and at the same time the positive qualities are enhanced. After rapidly reaching peak amine concentrations after processing whey protein compounds, the amino acid pool is maintained with high quality egg protein.

Soy protein can be another component of complex protein supplements. It combines as well as possible with serum and eliminates its shortcomings. Various combinations of these ingredients are possible, but their essence does not change from this.

How to take a complete protein correctly?

An athlete preparing a protein shake
An athlete preparing a protein shake

The complex protein in bodybuilding can be used while gaining mass or in the fight against fats. At the same time, there are research results proving that complex protein supplements can be very effective, regardless of the tasks assigned to the athlete. For now, let's see how best to use these supplements in different situations:

  • Weight gain. If you are gaining weight, then the optimal time to take complex protein supplements is evening. By consuming them before bed, you guarantee yourself protection against catabolic processes, which are very active at night. Also, a complex protein can be very useful before the start of the class, if you take it about two hours before the start of the training. If you know that you will not be able to eat for a long period of time, then also take complex supplements.
  • Relief work (weight loss). In this case, you can use supplements in the same way as when you are gaining weight, and also replace meals with them. Here it is important to monitor the calorie content of the diet and the number of nutrients consumed throughout the day.

In general, it should be said that a complex protein in bodybuilding can be very effective, although these supplements have minor drawbacks. First of all, this concerns Bole low anabolic properties in comparison with pure whey protein. It is known that these protein compounds are able to enhance the body's hormonal response to physical activity.

However, when other types of protein are added to it, the anabolic activity decreases. Thus, before starting the training, it is still worth using whey proteins. But before going to bed or during long breaks in meals, complex supplements will be indispensable.

In addition, scientists have proven that the growth rate of muscle tissue directly depends on the assimilation of protein compounds. Let's say a few words about soy protein, which is not of high quality. This primarily concerns the incomplete amino acid profile. However, you can look for products without this ingredient or with its minimum content.

There are no more disadvantages to this type of sports nutrition, and by using the complex protein in bodybuilding correctly, you can significantly improve your results. Often, beginners, after reading a huge number of articles about sports nutrition, can start purchasing supplements without thinking about the need to use them. You must remember that sports supplements are designed to supplement your diet with essential nutrients. Choose them only according to your goals. This way you will not only be able to constantly progress, but also not spend extra money on sports food that does not benefit you.

For more information on whey protein, watch this video:
