Cantal cheese: calorie content, recipes, preparation

Cantal cheese: calorie content, recipes, preparation
Cantal cheese: calorie content, recipes, preparation

Features of home and industrial production of Cantal cheese. Calorie content, benefits for the body, contraindications. How is it used in cooking? Interesting facts about the product.

Cantal cheese is a hard or semi-hard cheese produced in the province of Auvergne from the highest quality cow's milk. One of the oldest French cheeses. It is very reminiscent of the more famous Cheddar - it has bright, creamy-spicy notes that intensify as you chew. In 1980, the product received an AOC certificate, indicating that this Cantal is made only in a specific geographical area and meets a specified range of quality requirements. The standard size of the head is very large, the diameter reaches half a meter, and the weight is up to 40 kilograms. The crust at the heads is rather thick, the color is orange-golden - reddish foci of mold are allowed. The cheese "pulp" itself is light yellow.

Features of making Cantal cheese

Making Cantal cheese
Making Cantal cheese

There are only two varieties of Canthal: Fermier and Laitier. The first - farm - made from unpasteurized milk, as raw materials for the second - commercial - pasteurized is taken. In both cases, milk is used of the highest quality and only from Salerian cows raised on natural feed. In the warm season, the animals are free grazing and eat fresh meadow grass; in the cold season, farmers feed them with hay.

Kanthal's manufacturing technology is classic. Starter cultures are added to the milk, as a result of which a curd mass is quickly formed, which is squeezed out, placed under a press in molds and sent to maturation in cellars with a special temperature and humidity regime. Periodically, the heads are turned over and wiped with saline.

You can cook Cantal yourself at home. Of course, to get the "same" taste, you need milk from Salerian cows, and the likelihood that you will get it is low. However, something similar, if the technology is followed, should definitely work out.

The recipe for Cantal cheese is as follows:

  1. Pour milk (8 liters) into a saucepan, heat to 32 degrees and remove from heat. Estimate the exact temperature using a liquid thermometer. Stir the milk while heating so that it warms up evenly.
  2. Add calcium chloride solution (8 ml, 10%), mix gently and pour mesophilic ferment powder (1/4 teaspoon) on the surface of the milk, and after 3-5 minutes gently distribute it throughout the volume. Close the lid, wrap the pot in a warm blanket and wait 45 minutes.
  3. Stir in milk and add rennet (1/2 teaspoon), stirring constantly. Close the lid and let sit for another 30-40 minutes.
  4. Check the resulting curd curd for tightness, if it has not yet compressed enough, wait another 15-20 minutes.
  5. Cut the resulting clot with a long sharp knife into 0.5 cm cubes.
  6. Stir the resulting "grain" for 15-20 minutes - during this process, the correct separation of the whey will occur.
  7. Pour all the whey through cheesecloth and let the grain dry in it for 20-30 minutes.
  8. Transfer the curdled mass to a saucepan and heat to 32-34 degrees in a water bath, add salt (2 tablespoons), stir, cover and leave for 10 minutes.
  9. Transfer the cheese mass to a press mold, previously lined with gauze, cover the entire head with the free ends of the gauze. Place a bowl under the mold, the whey will go there.
  10. Set the 9kg press on for half an hour.
  11. Remove the press and leave the cheese in the mold at room temperature for 8-16 hours.
  12. Cut the mass into 5 mm cubes, put clean cheesecloth in the mold, fold the cubes tightly and set the 18 kg press for two hours.
  13. Change the cheesecloth and set the 26 kg press for two days - during this time, turn the cheese twice.
  14. Remove the head from the gauze, leave to dry for 3-4 days at room temperature, turn the head 2-3 times a day.
  15. Remove the cheese for ripening, try to bring the conditions closer to ideal: temperature - 11-13 degrees, humidity - 80-85%.

At the exit, you should get a cheese head weighing about 700 grams.

The ripening time of Kanthal determines the type of cheese: young - 1-2 months, medium - 2-6 months, mature - 6-12 months. The younger the cheese, the softer it will taste, and vice versa. Mature Cantal has a bright specific aroma and taste, incomprehensible to a wide range of people, due to which this variety is rarely exported from the region.

See how picodon cheese is made

Composition and calorie content of Cantal cheese

French Cantal cheese
French Cantal cheese

The product is rich in protein and has a high percentage of fat.

The calorie content of Cantal cheese is 350 kcal per 100 grams, of which:

  • Proteins - 26.3 g;
  • Fat - 26.6 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 0 g.

The product is especially rich in minerals such as calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium. The composition of Cantal cheese contains many vitamins, the content of vitamin A is especially high.

Useful properties of Cantal cheese

What does Cantal cheese look like?
What does Cantal cheese look like?

In France, they believe in the healing properties of all their cheeses, including the Cantal variety. However, if we talk about the real cheese from Auvergne, it should be said that there is a grain in these statements. It is prepared according to old technologies, without using harmful additives and using only the freshest milk. The cows that give this milk live in natural healthy conditions and do not need antibiotics, growth hormones and other synthetic additives.

All the beneficial components present in the milk of a healthy cow are retained in the finished product. Thus, the benefits of Cantal cheese are due to the presence of the following nutrients:

  1. Calcium … Especially useful for post-climatic women and growing bodies. It helps build and "repair" bone and cartilage tissue, as well as maintain healthy teeth and nails.
  2. Phosphorus … Just like calcium, it plays an important role in the mineralization of bones, teeth and nails, however, without its presence in the body, a huge number of chemical reactions will not be able to proceed. The mineral is involved in metabolic processes, including fat. A large amount of phosphoric acid is also necessary for the brain tissues.
  3. Potassium … It controls the water balance and helps to carry out the transmission of nerve impulses. It eliminates brain hypoxia, thereby increasing its mental activity. Also, the mineral protects the body from excessive acidification or, on the contrary, alkalization.
  4. Sodium … In the body, it works mainly with potassium, together they build the work of the so-called sodium-potassium pumps, the correct functioning of which is the basis of cell life. The balance between these elements plays a critical role in the life of the body.
  5. Vitamin A … It has a beneficial effect on the skin, making it elastic and smooth. It is also irreplaceable for the eyes, the vitamin saves from ophthalmic diseases and allows you to see better at night.

Read also about the health benefits of Crotin de Chavignolle cheese.

Contraindications and harm of Cantal cheese

Breastfeeding your baby
Breastfeeding your baby

Cantal cheese, along with useful properties, has contraindications. It is forbidden to use the product when:

  • Lactase deficiency - in milder forms of the disease, a small amount of cheese is allowed, while it is desirable to choose more mature varieties, they have much less lactose than young ones;
  • Allergies to dairy products - you should not try cheese for pregnant and lactating women, as well as small children;
  • Obesity - cheese has a high percentage of fat, products with such a level of fat are unacceptable in the diet of people with varying degrees of obesity.

Cantal cheese can also be harmful for diseases involving a therapeutic diet. In this case, a doctor's consultation is required before using it.

No one should eat Cantal in excessive quantities, a healthy dose is no more than 50 g per day. This is especially important for those with heart disease, kidney and liver problems, and those who are prone to being overweight.

You need to be careful with the farm cheese, special bacteria are involved in the formation of the crust, it is not suitable for food, so it must be carefully cut off and in no case tried. For the same reason, people with weakened immune systems are better off not trying farm Cantal.

Cantal cheese recipes

Meat lasagna with Cantal cheese
Meat lasagna with Cantal cheese

Cantal is also good as an independent product - it is best served with honey, walnuts, grapes and white wine; and as an ingredient in a wide variety of culinary dishes. Try to cook:

  1. Auverne eggs Cantal … Take eggs (8 pieces), separate the whites from the yolks. Lightly grease the baking dish, beat the whites into a thick foam and place in the baking dish. Spread thin slices of Cantal cheese (150 grams) on top. Pour sour cream over the dish (3 tablespoons), place the yolks on it. Send the dish to the oven, preheated to 200 degrees, for 10-15 minutes.
  2. French mashed potatoes "Aligo" … Peel potatoes (500 grams) and cook until tender, mash in mashed potatoes, put on low heat, add butter (70 grams). Add finely chopped garlic (1 clove), cheese cubes (600 grams), sour cream (3 tablespoons), your favorite spices and salt to taste.
  3. Quesadilla with chicken … Chop onions (1 head), large tomato (1 piece) and bell pepper (1 piece), cut into cubes. Transfer all vegetables and canned corn (100 grams) at once to a wok-skillet, fry over high heat in a little oil. Cut the chicken fillet (600 grams) into thin strips and fry in a separate skillet. Add tomato paste (100 grams) to the meat, salt and pepper and transfer everything to the vegetables. Grate or cut Canthal (100 grams) into thin slices. On small tortilla cakes (6 pieces), put the cheese, prepared filling on top, fold in half and fry for a couple of minutes on each side.
  4. Meat lasagna … Buy ready-made lasagna sheets. Fry the ground beef in a pan (700 grams), put it in a bowl. In the oil in which the minced meat was cooked, pass the chopped onion (1 head) and celery (2 stalks). When the vegetables are tender, return the meat, add canned tomatoes (400 grams), tomato paste (2 tablespoons), salt, seasonings to taste, reduce heat and simmer with the lid closed for 20-30 minutes. In a small saucepan, melt the butter (60 grams), add the flour (3 tablespoons) and fry for a couple of minutes. Pour milk (700 ml) into a saucepan, bring to a boil, reduce heat and, stirring constantly, wait until it thickens. Put in a baking dish: lasagna leaf, meat filling, sauce, then again lasagna leaf, filling, sauce, "season" each layer with grated Cantal cheese (150 grams). Bake at 180 degrees for half an hour.
  5. Cheese quiche with spinach … Prepare a classic shortcrust pastry (500 grams), place in a baking dish, shape the bottom and sides of the pie. Pierce the dough with a fork in several places and bake for 15 minutes at 180 degrees. Meanwhile, beat the Ricotta cheese (90 grams), gradually add the cream (70 ml), eggs (3 pieces), spinach (300 grams), grated Cantal (100 grams), Parmesan (30 grams) and chopped green onions (20 grams) … Season with salt and pepper to taste. Pour the filling into the cooled dough, bake for half an hour.

See also Taleggio cheese recipes.

Interesting facts about Cantal cheese

What does French Cantal cheese look like?
What does French Cantal cheese look like?

Cantal in Auvergne has been produced for more than 2000 years, Pliny the Elder mentioned this cheese in his notes, saying that it was supplied to the Roman Empire.

The Cantal cheese head has a cylindrical elongated shape. Cheese is sold in small pieces, the price is about 15 euros per kilogram.

Cantal is prepared only from "winter" milk, which cows give in the period from November to April. Another cheese is made from the "summer" milk of Salers' cows - Salers.

In France, about 14,000 tons of Canthal are produced per year, with 80% being a young variety. It is almost impossible to find mature in a regular store; to purchase it, you need to go to special cheese shops or order cheese on the Internet.

How to make French mashed potatoes "Aligo" - watch the video:

Cantal is one of the oldest cheeses in France. It is made from the highest quality milk produced by Salers cows. It has a long ripening period and requires heavy presses, however, if desired, it can be prepared at home on your own. The product contains many vitamins and minerals that have a comprehensive beneficial effect on the body. However, before eating cheese, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications and make sure that they have nothing to do with you. In cooking, Cantal is universal: it can be used for fondue, and for sauce, and for soup, and for any hot dish - this is the case when the possibilities are limited only by the imagination of the cook.
