Dutch cheese: calorie content, composition, recipes, preparation

Dutch cheese: calorie content, composition, recipes, preparation
Dutch cheese: calorie content, composition, recipes, preparation

Description of Dutch cheese and methods of production. Energy value, composition, benefits and harms to the body. What is prepared from it, the history of the variety and its use for weight loss.

Dutch cheese is a fermented milk product made from pasteurized milk fermented with lactic acid bacteria. A special variety with original parameters is produced under this name in the post-Soviet space. Consistency - homogeneous; texture - plastic, brittle at the fold; eyes - evenly spaced, round or oval, large, but of different sizes; color - from light yellow to "chicken"; the taste of Dutch cheese is sour-creamy, spicy. The crust is thin, ocher, even, covered with brown or red paraffin. More often the heads are tall cylinders, but the shape of the bars is also allowed.

How is Dutch cheese made?

Maturing Dutch cheese
Maturing Dutch cheese

To get 1, 1 kg of the final product, take 10 liters of raw material - pasteurized milk. At dairy factories, mesophilic lactic acid streptococci are used for fermentation, calcium chloride and salt are used for preservation, and rennet is used for curdling.

Dutch cheese is made, like most traditional hard varieties, with heating milk, and then cheese grains up to 32-34 ° C. When ripe, the temperature regime is changed several times: first, the temperature is maintained at 10-12 ° C, then it is increased to 14-16 ° C and again returns to the original regime. The humidity is kept constant - up to 80%.

A very important step is the control of the feedstock. Milk should be high in protein. Separators or purification filters are used for cleaning. Then the feedstock is cooled and allowed to infuse to acquire the desired acidity. Pasteurization is carried out at a relatively high temperature of 76 ° C. This minimizes microbiological hazards.

How Dutch cheese is prepared in dairy factories

  1. The pasteurized raw material is cooled to 32 ° C, the optimal parameter for the activation of lactic acid starter culture. At the initial stage, calcium chloride is poured in, increasing the content of the nutrient of the same name, and rennet. Cala is formed within 30 minutes.
  2. With the help of "lyre" the curd is cut into grains of 7-8 mm in size, then the intermediate raw material is mixed, the pieces are allowed to settle and 1/3 of the whey is drained. Within 30 minutes, the temperature is raised to 38-41 ° C (1 ° C / 1 min.)
  3. Kneading is continued for another 50 minutes, until the grain size is 4-5 mm. With an increase in acidity, pour in chilled whey, removed at the beginning of the process.
  4. For the initial separation of the whey, the curd mass is spread on a drainage table.
  5. Then cutting and unfolding into shapes is carried out.
  6. The duration of self-pressing when making Dutch cheese is 30 minutes. Then the marking is carried out, and the heads are placed under pressure for 4 hours.
  7. Salted cheese in 18-20% brine, cooled to 8-10 ° C, for 5 days. To speed up the process in many factories, part of the salt is introduced during the formation of the formation on the drainage table.
  8. Drying is carried out indoors at 18 ° C. Then the heads are transferred to a chamber, where they are left for 3-4 months at 10-12 ° C, turning over 2-3 times daily and monitoring the formation of a crust. The growth of foreign microorganisms is not allowed. Temperature conditions vary depending on the rate of maturation. The maximum exposure is 2, 5-3 months.
  9. After maturation, the heads are washed with 20% brine, dried and covered with paraffin. Then they are delivered to store shelves or placed in refrigerated storage chambers (8 ° C), previously packed in a plastic film.

Making Dutch cheese at home or on small farms does not differ much. In order for the final product to meet the necessary parameters - fat content, taste characteristics, color and texture quality, sour cream is added to the milk (proportions: for 10 liters - 300 g). Further, all processes are carried out according to the above algorithm.

The technology differs at the stage of cutting the clot. The size of the cheese grains is 3x3 cm. Due to the large size, the kneading time, according to the recipe for homemade Dutch cheese, increases to 40-50 minutes, until the edges of 3x3 mm are reached. Salting begins at the kneading stage. Half of the salt is added to the whey. Then the remainder - before self-pressing of the heads, after the separation of the whey from the curd mass. Already sufficiently salted intermediate raw materials are laid out in the forms.

The weight of the load is increased gradually. For 30 minutes - 1 kg / 1 kg of homemade Dutch cheese, after an hour the weight of the oppression is increased threefold, and then - up to 5 kg. Drying is carried out as in an industrial setting, and then the heads are placed in the aging chamber. After making the Dutch cheese at home, you can taste it in a month, however, the taste of such cheese is creamy and salty, without pungency. To obtain a product with a piquant aftertaste and honey color in the cut, the heads should be kept in the chamber for 2-3 months.

Composition and calorie content of Dutch cheese

Dutch cheese on paper
Dutch cheese on paper

In the photo, Dutch cheese

To make sure that there are only natural ingredients in the cheese, it is enough to crush the cut plate. If it is plastic, then it is part of GMOs. The product does not meet the declared parameters and qualities.

Calorie content of Dutch cheese - 233, 7-239 kcal per 100 g, of which

  • Proteins - 26.7 g;
  • Fat - 14.1 g;
  • Carbohydrates - up to 1 g.

Vitamins per 100 g

  • Retinol - 0.224 mg;
  • Tocopherol - 0.4 mg;
  • Ascorbic acid - 0.7 mg;
  • Thiamine - 0.03 mg;
  • Riboflavin - 0.38 mg;
  • Pantothenic acid - 0.3 mg;
  • Pyridoxine - 0, 11 mg;
  • Folic acid - 0.011 mg;
  • Cobalamin - 0.00114 mg;
  • Nicotinic acid - 6, 8 mg.

Macronutrients per 100 g

  • Potassium - 100 mg;
  • Calcium - 1000 mg;
  • Magnesium - 55 mg;
  • Sodium - 1100 mg;
  • Phosphorus - 600 mg

Microelements per 100 g

  • Iron - 0.7 mg;
  • Manganese - 0.1 mg;
  • Copper - 0.09 mcg;
  • Zinc - 5 mcg.

Prevailing Amino Acids in Dutch Cheese

  • Indispensable - phenylalanine + tyrosine, lysine, leucine, isoleucine and valine. A relatively high amount, compared to similar fermented milk products, tryptophan.
  • Replaceable - aspartic and glutamic acid, serine, proline and tyrosine.

The cholesterol content in products made by different manufacturers ranges from 89 to 101 mg per 100 g. This parameter depends on the protein content and fat content of the feedstock and processing technology.

Fat content of Dutch cheese on dry matter - 45-50%

If you need to maintain weight or if you want to lose weight, you should choose a head in the form of a bar. The energy value of such a product is 220 kcal per 100 g, moreover, it contains much less salt. The shape indicates the dietary variant of the variety. Changes in caloric content do not affect the nutrient content.

The benefits of Dutch cheese

Dutch cheese, wine and herbs
Dutch cheese, wine and herbs

If during the manufacture the sanitary and hygienic recommendations were thoroughly adhered to, the microbiological hazard of the product is zero. It can be safely introduced into the diet of babies who are just getting acquainted with "adult" food, pregnant women, women during lactation, the elderly and patients recovering from severe operations and diseases.

The benefits of Dutch cheese

  1. Increases bone strength and strengthens tooth enamel.
  2. Stimulates the work of the salivary glands, which reduces the incidence of periodontal disease, periodontitis and stomatitis.
  3. Increases the production of digestive enzymes, improves the absorption of proteins and carbohydrates.
  4. Normalizes blood glucose levels.
  5. It stabilizes metabolic processes at the cellular level, maintains water-electrolyte and acid-base balance, retains moisture in the body. This prevents the loss of skin tone, stops aging.
  6. Supports oxygen balance, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  7. Increases tone and restores energy reserve.

The recommended daily portion of Dutch cheese is 60-80 g. It can be eaten in the morning or during the day. If it is necessary to adhere to a low-calorie diet, the "dose" is reduced by 1, 5 times and stretched for the whole day. If a thin translucent piece is eaten before bedtime, the fat layer will not form. On the contrary, falling asleep will accelerate, and the night's rest will be full. A snack with this variety prevents the development of depression when it is necessary to lose weight, and there is no disruption to the diet.

Read more about the benefits of Chechil cheese

Contraindications and harm of Dutch cheese

An attack of a stomach ulcer in a woman
An attack of a stomach ulcer in a woman

If you are intolerant of milk protein, you will have to give up a valuable food product. Allergic reactions can occur if palm oil or GMO products were used in the manufacture. Therefore, you should study what is written on the label.

Dutch cheese can cause harm if you overeat. For chronic diseases - gastritis, a history of ulcers, pancreatitis - the recommended dosage should be halved. The sourness and pungency irritate the taste buds, the secretion of digestive enzymes, hydrochloric and bile acids increases. Due to the aggressive effects, erosive and ulcerative defects occur on the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach.

It is worth temporarily limiting the use of Dutch cheese for inflammatory processes of the urinary system due to the high salt content. With liver diseases, a short-term deterioration of the condition is possible due to the increased calorie content of the product: the body may not be able to cope with processing and absorption, nausea, dizziness and diarrhea will occur.

This variety has a high amount of the essential amino acid tryptophan. With abuse, there may be an increase in migraine attacks and the appearance of anxiety.

Dutch Cheese Recipes

Muffin with Dutch cheese
Muffin with Dutch cheese

This variety is served as an appetizer and dessert, used for preparing meat, fish or vegetable dishes, various salads and pastries. The product melts well and the taste goes well with almost all culinary ingredients.

Holland Cheese Recipes:

  • Delicate salad … At the bottom of the salad bowl, pour boiled chicken fillet, disassembled into fibers, and sprinkle with crushed roasted almonds. Then grated cheese and white large seedless grapes, cut in half. Lubricate with mayonnaise. Then a layer of fillets, almonds, mayonnaise and cheese. The top is decorated with grapes.
  • Fish soufflé … Pollock fillet or slices of hake are stewed with carrots, onions and spices, so that the liquid slightly covers the surface, for 20 minutes. It is better to use a cast iron with a tight lid or a slow cooker. The finished fish is disassembled, pitted and rubbed with butter and grated Dutch cheese. Serve both warm and chilled.
  • Muffin … The oven is heated to 170 ° C. Cheese dough is kneaded: 2 glasses of flour, 1 glass of grated cheese and boiled warm milk, 3 tbsp. l. mashed poppy seeds and 0.5 tsp each. salt and baking soda. Cake molds are greased from the inside with butter and filled with dough. Bake for 15-20 minutes. To get a more ruddy crust, the surface of the future muffin is smeared with a beaten egg.
  • Cauliflower casserole … Heat the oven to 170-180 ° C. The cauliflower is disassembled into inflorescences, dipped in boiling water, 50 g of apple cider vinegar and saffron are added on the tip of a knife. Throw in a colander and allow the liquid to drain. Then cut into equal pieces. While cabbage, tomatoes, 2 pieces are boiled, dipped in boiling water for 1 minute, peel off and cut into large slices. For pouring, beat 3 eggs with a glass of milk. Put cabbage, tomatoes, spices and herbs to taste on a greased baking sheet. Pour and sprinkle with grated cheese so that it forms a layer. Bake for 10-15 minutes. Why the casserole is good - it does not have the unpleasant smell of boiled cabbage.

See also Tulum cheese recipes.

Interesting facts about Dutch cheese

Cheese carriers at the cheese fair
Cheese carriers at the cheese fair

This variety was developed in Holland in the Middle Ages. It was then that navigation was actively developing in the country, and it was necessary to make a product, thanks to which it was possible to quickly fill all organic needs and maintain tone.

It is based on the recipes of the ancient Romans. It was they who, in the 1st century BC. e., they began to introduce additional microbiological cultures for the sourdough culture. True, they were grown on bread or broths, and it was difficult to predict the result in advance. Whey left over from a successful batch was appreciated, and hands could be cut off for giving it to rival milkmen.

It is interesting that if in the post-Soviet space Dutch cheese is a separate variety, in Europe it is the name of a whole group of fermented milk products, which include:

  1. Old Amsterdam - caramel-nutty taste, the secret of making is still kept;
  2. Edamer - spherical heads with large eyes and sweet taste;
  3. Gouda - creamy, spicy, with long aging;
  4. Maasdam - it was appreciated by Peter I;
  5. Bemster - farm option with high fat content;
  6. Leiden - from skim milk with the addition of caraway seeds;
  7. Fleeting - with a nut-mustard flavor, which is achieved by the introduction of cheese mites during ripening.

Another variety that belongs to the Dutch is Doruvael, for the manufacture of which red edible mold is used. It is considered a delicacy.

Dutch cheese can be purchased for future use. If you wrap it in plastic wrap, put it on a shelf in the refrigerator and ventilate it at least once every 1-2 days, it will not deteriorate. In times of food shortages, its popularity could be attributed to this quality. The piece can even be frozen. If defrosting first in the refrigerator and then at room temperature, the taste changes slightly, only the texture becomes fragile and crumbly. Useful qualities hardly change.

Dutch cheese quickly replenishes the body's reserve of nutrients, so it is recommended to introduce it into a diet designed for people suffering from obesity. Such unloading is designed for a week and helps to get rid of 3-5 kg.

Slimming Holland Cheese Diet Menu:

Day Products Liquid
1 Apples - 1.5 kg Pure water and green tea, 1.5 l
2 Boiled chicken or beef - 200-300 g Pure water and green tea, 1.5 l
3 Cucumbers, tomatoes, white cabbage - 1.5 kg The amount of liquid is reduced to 1 liter
4 Dutch cheese - 100-150 g Mineral water, gas removed in advance, 1 l
5 Boiled chicken or beef - 200-300 g Pure water and green tea, 1.5 l
6 Cool eggs - 2-3 pcs. Kefir - 1 l, clear water - 1 l
7 Dutch cheese - 100-150 g Water - 0.5 l, red wine - 1 l

Unloading is carried out no more than once every 2-3 months, in the absence of diseases of the digestive system. Thanks to Dutch cheese, nutrients are not washed out.

When buying Dutch cheese, keep in mind that this variety cannot be cheap. The price decreases when replacing milk fats with vegetable fats or when the proportion of water is increased, using antibiotics to extend the shelf life. 1 kg of the original product costs at least 320 rubles in bulk purchase. There is no need to save money - you can enjoy the original taste only with the purchase of real Dutch cheese.

Watch the video about Dutch cheese:
