Frozen cucumbers in cubes for okroshka and salads

Frozen cucumbers in cubes for okroshka and salads
Frozen cucumbers in cubes for okroshka and salads

Is it possible to freeze cucumbers, some readers will probably ask? You can freeze everything that grows in the country. A step-by-step recipe with a photo of frozen cucumbers in cubes for okroshka and salads. Video recipe.

Ready-made frozen cucumbers for okroshka and salads
Ready-made frozen cucumbers for okroshka and salads

To extend the season of cucumbers, they are harvested for future use. To do this, there are many ways to preserve green fruits, and the best harvesting option is freezing. When frozen, the maximum of nutrients is preserved throughout the entire avitaminous winter period. In addition, frozen cucumbers have the same healing properties as fresh ones. They help to improve the functioning of the kidneys, remove toxins from the body, get rid of the hated centimeters at the waist and nourish the skin with moisture. When properly frozen, gherkins retain their taste well, the main thing is that they are dense and without damage.

This harvesting option is a good way for housewives who do not have a place in the closet to store cans with preservation or do not want to bother with preserving in hot summer weather. This article will discuss how to freeze cucumbers in cubes for okroshka and salads. Indeed, fresh gherkins are stored for a very short time. For freezing, you need to select healthy, fresh cucumbers with small seeds. It is not necessary to take yellow, sluggish and with damaged skin.

Fresh and juicy frozen cucumbers are perfect for preparing a variety of dishes. For example, they are used for okroshka, cold beetroot, pickle, in any salads, like vinaigrette and Olivier … Every housewife will definitely find such a universal preparation. In addition, they can be used to create various cosmetic masks.

  • Caloric content per 100 g - 27 kcal.
  • Servings - Any Amount
  • Cooking time - 15 minutes


Cucumbers - any quantity

Step-by-step preparation of frozen cucumbers in cubes for okroshka and salads, recipe with photo:

Cucumbers washed and dried
Cucumbers washed and dried

1. For harvesting, select fresh, ripe and firm cucumbers. If the fruits are not freshly picked from the garden or have wilted a little, then pre-soak them in cold water for one hour. they will be saturated with moisture and will acquire freshness. Then rinse them under running water and place them on a cotton towel to dry well, or dry them by hand by wiping each gherkin with a tissue.

Cucumbers cut into cubes
Cucumbers cut into cubes

2. Cut off the ends at both ends and cut the cucumbers into cubes with sides no more than 0.7 mm. Or cut them to the same size as you usually do for okroshka and other dishes for which cucumbers are harvested. Depending on how you use them in the future, you can cut the fruits in different ways.

Sliced cucumbers are folded in a bag and sent to the freezer
Sliced cucumbers are folded in a bag and sent to the freezer

3. Place the cucumbers in a special bag or plastic freezer container. Send them to the freezer, turning on the "shock" freeze at -23 ° C. Take them out of their freezers from time to time and crush them so that they do not freeze into a whole lump. When the cucumbers are completely frozen with cubes for okroshka and salads, switch the freezer mode to normal mode and continue their further storage at a temperature of at least -15 ° C.

See also the video recipe on how to cook frozen cucumbers.
