Sour cream jelly is delicious. And many undeservedly ignore it, but the recipe for the dessert is unusually simple. In addition, you can constantly experiment with the dish, for example, add fruits.

Recipe content:
- Ingredients
- Step by step cooking
- Video recipe
Sour cream jelly with kiwi can be called a festive dessert. Appealing in appearance, very tasty and delicate. It is served along with delicious sweets. The calorie content of the delicacy is low, which is also an advantage. You can use homemade fat sour cream or store-bought low-fat sour cream for it.
To make a dessert good, it is not enough just to have a recipe and follow it, you should know some of the subtleties of the dish. First, less fatty sour cream is whipped better. Second, room temperature components are best mixed and combined. Third, it is ideal to use a mixer or blender for whipping, then you get a fluffy mass. Working with a fork will not provide a decent result. Fourth - be sure to prepare gelatin in advance. You can't just pour it into sour cream, so the dessert will not solidify.
The technique of working with gelatin must be observed correctly. Of course, specific instructions are written on the manufacturer's packaging, but there are general rules that suggest the following. The powder is soaked in cold water, kneaded and left to swell. The required amount of liquid is indicated on the package. After the lumps have increased 3-4 times, the mass is heated in a water bath or microwave until it is completely dissolved. Gelatin should not be brought to a boil, but also should not be left undissolved.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 237 kcal.
- Servings - 3
- Cooking time - 15 minutes, plus freezing time in the refrigerator

- Sour cream - 500 ml
- Kiwi - 2 berries
- Sugar - 50 g or to taste
- Gelatin - 2 tablespoons
- Drinking water - 50 ml
Making sour cream jelly with kiwi

1. First, brew the gelatin. Pour the powder into a glass, fill it with warm water, stir and leave to swell completely. If necessary, you can warm up the mass a little so that the crystals dissolve better.

2. Pour sour cream into a deep bowl and add sugar.

3. Beat the sour cream with a mixer at high speed for about 10 minutes. It will increase in volume, acquire airiness and bubbles form on the surface.

4. Pour the dissolved gelatin into the whipped sour cream jelly. Do this through filtration (sieve, cheesecloth) so that undissolved jelly grains do not get into the dessert. After using a mixer, stir the mass so that the products are evenly distributed.

5. Peel the kiwi, wash and cut into cubes of any size. But it is better not to chop them very finely in order to feel the taste of the fruit in the dessert.

6. Pick up portioned glass glasses, on the bottom of which place the chopped berries.

7. Pour sour cream into glasses, filling it halfway. Then lay out the row of fruits again and pour the jelly to the top of the mold. Decorate the top with a kiwi dessert as well. For this, the berries can be cut in any shape.

8. Put the treat in the refrigerator for 2 hours to solidify. Then serve it to the table with fresh coffee or tea.
See also a video recipe on how to make sour cream jelly with fruit.