How to properly use coconut oil for tanning

How to properly use coconut oil for tanning
How to properly use coconut oil for tanning

How to use natural coconut oil for tanning in the sun and in a solarium, useful properties, contraindications, use before and after sunbathing. Coconut oil is a vegetable fat made from copra, either cold pressed or hot pressed. Cold pressed oil of fresh dried walnut pulp is valued more due to the gentle processing method and the preservation of the maximum content of useful components. Secondary pomace is actively used for a beautiful tan and gentle skin care.

Benefits of coconut oil for the body

Coconut oil is good for sunburn
Coconut oil is good for sunburn

Unrefined coconut oil for tanning is a source of beauty and tenderness of the skin. An endless storehouse of beneficial trace elements contains moisturizing, nourishing and anti-inflammatory ingredients.

The squeeze of fresh dry coconut pulp by cold pressing belongs to the group of products with a high content of lauric and myristic acids. Thanks to this complex, the oil has a dense consistency, perfectly nourishes dry skin and has pronounced antimicrobial and antibacterial properties.

Refined coconut oil is more affordable, does not have a comedogenic effect and contains a considerable range of useful substances. It went through the technological chain of purification, acquired transparency and straw-yellow color. The finished product is presented in a liquid, odorless consistency. Such pomace is considered less saturated and hypoallergenic. Suitable for delicate and sensitive skin. The content of the overwhelming proportion of lauric acid (at least 50%) provides an antibacterial effect on the epidermis, and the presence of hyaluronic acid contributes to the creation of a moist environment on the skin surface and normalizes the water balance. The liquid is quickly absorbed into the skin without clogging pores or leaving an oily sheen.

The original coconut oil has a number of beneficial effects on the skin:

  • Protects against aggressive exposure to sunlight.
  • Prevents skin redness and sunburn.
  • Provides a beautiful, even tan of a chocolate-milk shade.
  • Regulates the optimal water balance of the inner layer of the skin, deeply penetrating into living cells.
  • Softens keratinized areas.
  • Slows down aging of epidermal cells and aging of the skin.
  • Activates cell regeneration.
  • Heals small cracks and wounds of the skin.
  • Smoothes wrinkles.
  • Nourishes cells with saturated fatty acids, leaving the skin soft and velvety.
  • Creates an invisible film that performs the SPF function.
  • Improves skin tone, making it firm, elastic and firm.
  • Eliminates dryness and flaking.
  • Relieves irritation after sunburn, soothes and cools.
  • Suitable for face and whole body skin.
  • Strengthens the immune system of the epidermis and dermis.
  • Reduces the loss of protective bacteria on the skin while swimming in water.

Important! For oily skin, it is recommended to use only the second pressing oil (by hot pressing).

Contraindications to using coconut oil for body

Allergy to coconut oil
Allergy to coconut oil

Like every product, coconut oil has contraindications. The list is scanty, in particular for oily skin types. Do not use oils if:

  1. The skin is clogged and prone to comedones.
  2. There is a pronounced allergic reaction to essential oils and cosmetic products.
  3. There is an individual intolerance to the components of the product.

Cold pressed coconut oil is highly discouraged for normal to combination skin. For cosmetic purposes, a pure product can only be used on keratinized areas of the body to soften the skin and eliminate dryness as a result of skin diseases.

Do not apply the product to uncleaned skin. So the pores are clogged, forming a focus of inflammatory processes. This is especially important when applying tanning oil. To avoid an overabundance of sebaceous secretions, you must take a shower every day using scrubbing and foaming cosmetics.

Albinos and people with white skin need extra sun protection. Natural oil belongs to UV filter level 8, and a minimum of SPF-25 is required. Thus, in this case, the use of coconut oil for sunburn can only be used for enriching cosmetics and in its pure form for skin care after sunburn.

Features of using coconut oil for tanning

A beautiful and even tan with coconut oil is characterized by a rich noble shade and long-lasting. Refined pomace, containing a palette of beneficial fatty acids, is best suited for daily skin care before and after sunburn. Correct use of the product will predetermine an effective result and prevent the formation of the most frequent manifestations of prolonged exposure to the sun.

Coconut oil for tanning in solarium

The girl sunbathes in the solarium
The girl sunbathes in the solarium

In a solarium, the dose of ultraviolet radiation is higher than in the open sun. The use of special creams does not provide full protection of the skin from an overabundance of melamine production. For a trip to the solarium, the use of a mixed type of product is effective. It's easy to prepare: add 1/3 of refined coconut oil to a container of sunscreen.

It is necessary to use the mixture for tanning in a tanning bed in this way:

  • Shower with a mild hygiene cosmetic for gentle skin care two hours before your tanning studio visit.
  • After showering, massage coconut oil onto your body. Do not use other cosmetics or perfume.
  • Before the session, distribute the combination mixture evenly over the body.
  • If tanning in a tanning bed is longer than 10 minutes, be sure to moisturize your skin with pure coconut oil one hour after the session.
  • Don't shower for 2-3 hours.

Refined coconut oil is also used as an emergency treatment for burns and irritation after intense tanning in a tanning bed. It can be used neat or mixed with Panthenol in equal proportions. You need to reanimate the skin according to the following scheme:

  1. Apply coconut oil or a combination mixture right away if you start to see signs of burns, tight skin, or discomfort.
  2. Soothe your skin with a lukewarm shower. Better if the temperature of the water is 22-25 degrees.
  3. Without towel drying, reapply clean refined coconut pomace with gentle twisting strokes.
  4. Wear thin cotton clothing. After a few hours, the discomfort will disappear. The skin will recover within 2-3 days of such procedures.

Refined coconut oil is hypoallergenic. It can be used on all skin types, except for the face with an increased tendency to form comedones and diagnosed with acne.

It's important to know! The ratio of coconut oil in the combination mixture can be increased up to 40%.

Coconut oil for sun tanning

Coconut oil preparation
Coconut oil preparation

The perfect tropical tan can be obtained with regular use of extra virgin coconut oil. The high content of vitamin E has a beneficial antioxidant and immunomodulatory effect on all processes in the subcutaneous layer. Also beneficial compounds of tocopherol and tocotrienol prevent cell degeneration under the influence of salt water and active sun. The liquid can be applied neat or mixed, with or without sunscreens.

Organic coconut oil solidifies at temperatures below +25 degrees, forming a white dense mass. On contact with the body, it instantly melts. It should be applied on clean skin before going to the beach. So it is possible to avoid the adhesion of specks to the skin and clogging under the veil of coconut substance, because in the open area near the reservoir the wind often walks, raising sand, dust and debris into the air.

Adhering to the scheme of using pomace, you can get a flawless tan and perfectly smooth, toned skin:

  • In the morning, before going to the beach or recreation area, take a contrast shower, scrubbing your skin with a washcloth.
  • Do not dry off with a towel, just pat off the remaining water with light patting movements.
  • Moisturize your body with coconut oil by gently massaging it into the skin with a long, gentle massage.
  • Now that the skin is protected by the initial coconut ester treatment, you can reapply the product neat or as part of a sunscreen. Re-use will provide reliable protection for prolonged sun exposure and salt water bathing.

Interesting to know! Double application of coconut oil (after shower and before tanning) helps to intensely attract safe sunlight and obtain an even tropical tan.

After tanning coconut oil

After tanning coconut oil
After tanning coconut oil

If you're sunburned, it's not too late to prevent redness, dryness, and flaking of your skin. Coconut oil can be used not only to create a beautiful tan, but also to eliminate the effects of prolonged exposure to the sun. The amino acids and minerals contained in coconut ester activate the regenerative process and trigger the collagen effect. You can eliminate traces of an excess of ultraviolet radiation with refined coconut oil or an unrefined product as part of specialized creams and fermented milk products. Apply a soothing mask to a previously cleansed body. To do this, rinse with warm water using baby soap for gentle care of sensitive skin.

If after sunburn, swelling has formed on the skin, you need to prepare a mask based on coconut substance. You can resort to several methods:

  1. Combine the base coconut product and Panthenol in equal proportions.
  2. Mix the base with freshly squeezed aloe juice in a 2: 1 ratio.
  3. Lubricate inflamed skin with a piece of clean, chilled coconut oil.

The constituents of coconut pomace quickly restore damaged cells, prevent bacteria from entering the skin pores, relieve pain and reanimate the affected areas. Thanks to thorough hydration, the feeling of tight skin caused by dehydration of the dermis and damage to the epidermis quickly disappears.

It is effective to use coconut oil after being in the epicenter of ultraviolet radiation for a long time, even in the absence of signs of skin burning. If it so happens that exposure to the sun was not intentional, and preliminary protection of the skin was not carried out, it becomes necessary to treat the skin to prevent dehydration, dryness and discomfort.

Coconut oil before tanning

Shower before applying coconut oil
Shower before applying coconut oil

The use of oil will allow you to achieve excellent results, as well as avoid the troubles associated with increased sun activity. For fair skin, you cannot limit yourself to coconut ether: despite the enriched composition, its level of SPF protection is rather low. The combination of fatty acids can be supplemented with tanning milk, improving its nutritional and protective properties.

In the season of low ultraviolet activity, it is sufficient to use exclusively coconut product. This will contribute to the arbitrary attraction of the sun's rays, uniform light tanning and will be an excellent preparation for the active summer season.

Coconut oil should always be applied to cleansed skin to prevent pore clogging and inflammation.

To achieve the expected result, follow the instructions:

  • Take a bath or warm shower before applying the oil.
  • Use a body scrub and soap with a gentle care effect.
  • Rinse with water a few degrees lower than before. This will help to close the pores that tend to accumulate sebaceous secretions.
  • Apply coconut oil, massaging it evenly over the body. This will ensure thorough absorption of the composition and eliminate the formation of an oily sheen on the skin.

After such preparation, you can safely go out into the open space in sunny weather, without worrying about reddening of the skin. At the end of an active day, it is necessary to wash off excess oily substance and cleanse the skin with soap or shower gel. Closer to summer, you need to take care of the availability of specialized means with a high level of protection.

How to use coconut oil for tanning - watch the video:

Coconut oil is ideal for an even, long-lasting, chocolate tan. The reflective particles attract beneficial UV rays and protect the skin from numerical factors, while the presence of a balanced complex of fatty acids stops the aging and aging of the skin under the influence of the active sun.
