How to use a cellulite massage brush

How to use a cellulite massage brush
How to use a cellulite massage brush

What is a cellulite massage brush? Its varieties. Does it really help to get rid of the "orange peel" and are there any contraindications to its use. How to choose and how to use the product. The anti-cellulite massage brush is a special self-massage device that, if used correctly and regularly, can effectively fight the external manifestations of the orange peel and its internal causes. We highly recommend starting to get rid of the problem with the purchase of such a product, but first, of course, you need to familiarize yourself with the information on how to make the right choice and how to do the massage yourself.

Description and types of massage brushes for cellulite

Massage brushes on the table
Massage brushes on the table

Cellulite is a structural change in the subcutaneous layer that leads to impaired microcirculation and lymph flow. In simple terms, this disease is stagnation in adipose tissue. And yes, this is precisely the disease that has the official name "gynoid lipodystrophy". In the people, cellulite is called "orange peel", because outwardly the disease manifests itself in the form of changes in the skin, it becomes lumpy and really resembles the texture of a citrus fruit. Modern medicine in the field of cellulite therapy has advanced very well. One of the most effective methods of dealing with the "orange peel" is a special massage, which can be entrusted to a professional, or you can do it yourself with the help of an anti-cellulite massage brush. In terms of effectiveness, this method of therapy is on a par with professional massage and Charcot shower, but it is much more economical. Of course, a high-quality brush will cost, perhaps, more than one massage or shower procedure, but it will serve you for a long time, and you will be able to carry out the therapy daily and independently, and the regularity of treatment is an important principle in the fight against cellulite. But for professional procedures, you will always need to find time, and you will have to pay for each session, which will ultimately result in a lot of money.

In the case of self-massage, the quality of the tool you use is of great importance, and therefore its correct choice is the number one task. Of course, there are a huge number of options for massage rollers on the market today, and the classification is carried out according to three criteria:

  • Base material - wood or silicone (or other non-natural material);
  • The type of "working surface" - bristles (from natural or unnatural bristles) or teeth (again, from natural materials or not);
  • Handle - brushes immersed in the palm and with a separate handle.

Each model has its own advantages and disadvantages, but before we move on to their analysis, let's talk about what benefits a massage brush brings and whether it can be harmful.

Useful properties of the body massage brush

A girl holding a massage brush
A girl holding a massage brush

It is worth saying that massage is generally a very useful procedure that has a beneficial effect on internal processes in the body. Anti-cellulite brush massage is no exception.

Its main beneficial properties are the following effects:

  1. Establishing proper blood and lymph circulation … As you remember, it is the violation of these processes that leads to the formation of an "orange peel", that is, massage therapy directly affects the root cause of the problem. By the way, it is also worth noting that the normalization of blood circulation leads to another positive result - strengthening of blood vessels.
  2. Stimulation of the circulation of subcutaneous fluid … Thanks to this effect, excess fat deposits go away, the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized, which in turn prevents the appearance of acne, acne, etc.
  3. Normalization of metabolic processes … In this case, we are talking primarily about accelerating the process of removing accumulated toxins and toxins from the body. But also the acceleration of metabolism has a positive effect on the digestive process - harmful substances are excreted faster, and useful ones are absorbed more efficiently.
  4. Improving the appearance of the skin … With regular massage, the skin becomes not only smoother, but also more toned, and the signs of aging become less pronounced.
  5. Strengthening immunity … The "side" effect of the brush is to strengthen the immune forces of the body as a whole. An increase in the level of disease resistance occurs against the background of cleansing from toxins. The body, which previously only actively tried to fight internal toxins, has time to resist external stimuli.
  6. Toning effect … Another "side" effect of brushing, like any other, is the tonic effect. At the same time, it applies to both physical and mental fatigue - muscle tension disappears, mood improves, vigor appears.

In general, as you can see, the beneficial effect of brush massage extends to the entire body, and therefore even if you fail to achieve a tangible effect in eliminating the "orange peel" with its help, and this is possible in neglected situations, then the benefits of the procedure are definitely, will.

The main criterion for the effectiveness of using a massage brush is regularity. Therapy should be given time every day for a long time.

Contraindications to the use of an anti-cellulite massage brush

Varicose veins as a contraindication to self-massage
Varicose veins as a contraindication to self-massage

If you are healthy, have chosen the right brush and correctly perform the massage, it will not bring you any harm. The only recommendation: be especially careful when handling injured areas - avoid scratches, bruises and other damaged areas. If you have certain health features, then it all depends on the situation. If you have sensitive skin or dermis prone to allergies, you just need to be more careful when choosing a brush - in the next section we will tell you what to look for.

But in a situation when it comes to more serious problems - for example, about varicose veins, dermatitis, psoriasis and other skin diseases, it is better to refrain from self-massage or at least consult with a specialist, perhaps he will be able to advise you on a special gentle procedure for the procedure. which at the same time will be effective.

Finally, it is worth mentioning another important recommendation: experts do not advise performing massage at an elevated body temperature, since the acceleration of blood flow can cause it to increase even more.

How to choose a massage brush for cellulite

So, now, having weighed all the pros and cons, you can decide whether you really need to purchase a massage brush. So, it's time to go into detail about the advantages and disadvantages of various models. We will answer the question of how to choose a massage brush, guided by the previously voiced criteria.

Anti-cellulite brush base

Massage brush on a wooden base
Massage brush on a wooden base

The base for the brush can be wood or silicone material. And of course, you guessed it, a wooden massage brush is preferable. Firstly, it is an environmentally friendly material, and, using it, you do not have to think about possible allergies and other side effects of the procedure. Secondly, wooden massage instruments are more durable, and silicone, even if it is of high quality, tends to stretch and lose rigidity over time. The only plus of the unnatural material is, as a rule, a more affordable price, but this is the case when it is not worth saving, because when the wooden brush is still in good condition, it will be time to change the silicone one.

Cellulite brush working surface

Massage anti-cellulite combination brush
Massage anti-cellulite combination brush

There is also a wide variety of options awaiting you. However, in general, two groups of the working surface can be distinguished - bristles and teeth. The former are made from natural or artificial fibers, while, of course, the latter are cheaper. However, this is where the savings are not prohibited. A bristle massage brush may well be made of unnatural materials, because the main criterion for choosing it is the degree of rigidity (on the other hand, if your skin is prone to allergies, the criterion of naturalness still becomes important). The brush should not be too rough - scratching and pricking the skin, but too soft bristles will not have any healing effect. In general, it is better to try it on yourself before buying, but not every seller will allow you to perform such a check. Anyway, if in doubt, take the product harder, if it is uncomfortable to use it, soak it in water for 3-4 hours, after which the bristles will soften. Another criterion for choosing massagers with villi: the length of the pile should be no more than 2 centimeters, and the thickness of each bundle should be about half a millimeter. As for the toothed brushes, which are most often made of wood or silicone, they are a very good option, but they usually do not have the same intense effect as bristle brushes. On the other hand, if the skin is too sensitive, these types of options are often the only way out of the situation.

Anti-cellulite massage brush handle

Long Handle Massage Brush
Long Handle Massage Brush

Another important selection criterion is the handle of the massager. Ideally, it will have a long handle, in which case there will be no problems with self-massage of hard-to-reach areas, for example, the back.

So let's generalize:

  • The best product has a base made of natural material (the most popular are cactus and beech massage brushes) and a long handle, and the role of the working surface is played by natural or unnatural bristles of medium hardness, which do not injure the skin, but noticeably accelerates blood flow.
  • It is better not to buy silicone-based devices, they are cheaper, but less reliable.
  • A natural bristle massage brush is the best choice if your skin is prone to allergies.
  • To abandon the nap in favor of teeth should be if the dermis is too sensitive.

However, one way or another, it should be noted that the main criterion when choosing a brush is your tactile sensations. Of course, the recommendations should be taken into account, but the decisive factor is your personal comfort.

How to use a massage brush

Well, now let's move on to the most important question, how to properly perform massage for maximum effect and without harm to the body.

General rules for the use of an anti-cellulite brush

Woman with anti-cellulite massage brush
Woman with anti-cellulite massage brush

First of all, it should be said that there are two types of massage - dry and wet. The first is much more effective, but for women with sensitive skin, it is not at all suitable. Therefore, we will consider the features of both schemes, but first of all, we will analyze the general patterns:

  1. There should be no discomfort … Of course, the effect of the brush should be felt, but within reason. After the procedure, the skin should not be bright red and burn with fire, but light tingling and blush should be present.
  2. Correct movements … The brush should move either in a circle counterclockwise or in a straight line from bottom to top. Movements from top to bottom are not recommended, and back and forth are strictly prohibited.
  3. Perform the procedure in the morning … Since the tonic effect of the massage is noticeable, try to do it in the morning. If it doesn’t work, then at least avoid performing the procedure just before bedtime, otherwise it will not be easy to fall asleep.
  4. Regularity is the key to success … The effect of the procedure is achieved with regular daily work. The first noticeable results can be found in a few days, or maybe in a few weeks, it all depends on the degree of neglect of the situation. Do not try to speed up the result by making the massage more intense, only harm the skin. Manipulations are required to be carried out daily for at least a month, and then gradually reduce the number of procedures, but even after the final elimination of the external manifestations of cellulite, massage should still be repeated at least once a week as a preventive measure.
  5. Avoid sensitive areas … At the same time, it is necessary to bypass not only rashes and injuries on the skin, but also sensitive areas - the inner thighs, areas under the knees, armpits, etc. Also, do not perform the procedure at all if you have been sunbathing for a long time today.

In addition, look at a couple more recommendations that have more to do with the aesthetics of the process than with its efficiency and safety. Do not forget to regularly rinse the brush, a large amount of dead skin particles will accumulate on it, and if you store it in the bathroom, in combination with high humidity, you will get a very unpleasant smell. So make it a rule to rinse your brush with soapy water once a week. And also pay attention to the fact that it is better to massage behind a curtain in the bathroom or in a closed shower stall, if you do not want particles of dead cells scattered throughout the room. Well, these are, perhaps, all the basic recommendations, now let's move on to the features of dry and wet massage.

Wet massage with an anti-cellulite brush

Wet massage with an anti-cellulite brush
Wet massage with an anti-cellulite brush

This procedure can also be carried out for those who do not yet have external manifestations of cellulite, as a prophylaxis. Preventive massage is especially recommended for girls with a predisposition to the problem. If your mother or other close relatives have cellulite, it is better to do such manipulations once a week. The procedure is performed while taking a shower or bath, its mechanism is as follows:

  • Soak the brush in hot water about 10-15 minutes before the massage.
  • Apply shower gel to the skin, lather a little.
  • Take the product and start the procedure. You need to start with the feet, gradually moving towards the hips, then it is the turn of the buttocks, abdomen, and back. The massage ends with work with the hands - we move from the wrist to the shoulder. We work with problem areas for 5-10 minutes, the rest we go through faster.
  • After the massage, take a contrast shower and apply an anti-cellulite product.

Dry massage using a cellulite brush

Dry massage with a brush for cellulite
Dry massage with a brush for cellulite

Dry massage is no longer as tactilely pleasant as wet massage, but if your "orange peel" is pronounced, you need to do just that. But, of course, only if your skin is not too sensitive.

The scheme of this massage is the same as for the wet one, only it is not performed in the bathroom and the brush is not pre-soaked. Dry brush and dry skin - this tandem maximizes connective and muscle tissue and provides a high level of efficiency.

After the procedure, you should definitely take a shower to wash off the keratinized skin areas, then you need to apply an anti-cellulite cream.

If you doubt whether this type of massage is shown to you, be sure to consult with a specialist before starting to carry it out. How to use a cellulite brush - watch the video:

The brush is an excellent medically approved anti-cellulite product. As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, in terms of its effectiveness, it is comparable to professional procedures. It is also important to correctly select the device and correctly perform the massage, the recommendations of our article will help you with this, but, in addition, it will not be superfluous to watch some video tutorials. Finally, it is worth noting that you cannot manipulate the brush if you have certain skin problems and some diseases.
