Learn how to lose weight with green peas. In the article we will tell you about the beneficial properties, composition and contraindications of this culture, we will acquaint you with the recipes. Peas are an annual herb that belongs to the legume family. It is believed that this culture was known to mankind many years ago. Proof of this was provided by the remains of pea dishes that archaeologists discovered during excavations in the Middle East. These remains are more than 10 thousand years old, which in turn proves the enormous value and benefits of this culture for our ancestors. It is thanks to them that we know about this product, which is very popular today. Place of origin of culture Asia and North Africa. It was from there that peas were brought, which eventually became an indispensable ingredient for many dishes in our country.
Green peas composition

In fact, there are several varieties of peas, among which are shelling, sugar, field, etc. In turn, they are also divided into different types. But young green peas are considered the most valuable and useful. It contains a large number of useful components that have a positive effect on the body. The main component is protein, which in 100 g of peas contains about 5 g. Protein in green peas is much more than in beef, in addition, it is easier for the body to absorb, since it is of plant origin. Fiber also occupies an important place, where per 100 g of the product it contains 5, 4 g. It is fiber that takes an active part in the loss of extra pounds, since it has a positive effect on digestion. In addition, green peas contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. First of all, these are all vitamins of group B, as well as vitamins A, E, C, K, H, etc. Among the minerals these are: calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium and manganese.
It is also worth noting that green peas are a low-calorie product, since there are no more than 50 kcal per 100 g of culture. In addition, it has a very low percentage of fat (0, 2 g), which makes it indispensable in dietary nutrition. Therefore, if you decide to go on a strict diet in order to lose weight, then green peas must be present in your diet. After using it, your body will receive all the necessary useful components, while the figure will not suffer.
The benefits of green peas for the body

Despite the fact that peas are very useful for losing weight, they are also used to prevent various diseases:
- Prevents the development of diabetes mellitus, as it helps to lower blood cholesterol levels.
- The high content of vitamins and minerals that strengthens the immune system.
- Protects the body from malignant tumors.
- Dietary fiber contained in green peas prevents constipation, because its frequent use normalizes digestion.
- It has a good diuretic effect, which is why it is used to remove kidney stones.
- Regular use of this culture normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system.
- Due to their high phosphorus content, eating peas helps to strengthen the entire skeletal system.
- This culture improves visual acuity and prevents the development of cataracts.
- Has a sedative effect and prevents the appearance of nervous disorders.
- The culture is effective for the treatment of caries and periodontal disease, eliminates bleeding gums. It is interesting that for this purpose they use both the peas themselves and their "shoulder blades" as decoctions for rinsing.
Slimming green peas

Green peas, due to their unique composition, are used for weight loss. The fact is that such food is perfectly absorbed by the body and contains a minimum of calories. In addition, the use of culture takes an active part in the following processes:
- First of all, with the regular use of green peas as weight loss, the entire body is cleansed. All toxins and toxins are removed from the gastrointestinal tract, which in turn is very important for normalizing weight. If the body is "clean" from the inside, excess fat will not accumulate in it, and this will not be reflected in the form of saggy sides and an ugly tummy.
- Due to the fact that the plant has a sedative effect, it significantly improves the condition of a person as a whole. After all, it is not uncommon to hear that: "I am so nervous, I will go and eat." Indeed, there is such a type of people that they "seize" all the excitement and stress, which ultimately leads to excess weight. In this case, peas saturates the body with useful components, and at the same time has a positive effect on its psyche. It turns out that eating it, we not only lose weight, but also become calm and cheerful. Isn't it great?
- As mentioned in the article, when the plant is consumed in the body, the blood sugar level is normalized. This, in turn, not only prevents various diseases, but also prevents the absorption of cholesterol into the intestines, which is the main reason for gaining excess weight.
- Improving metabolism is equally important in proper weight loss. Green peas do an excellent job with this, and in addition, they provide a feeling of fullness for a long time, as a result of which, a person does not overeat. It also improves digestion, because it contains a lot of dietary fiber, which has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
Since this culture is widely used in dietary nutrition, various dishes are prepared from it, which are not only healthy, but also tasty. How to learn how to cook mouth-watering diet meals from green peas, you can find out further.
Slimming recipes with green peas

- Green pea salad. For a tasty and healthy salad, we need: 1 tbsp. green peas, 1 sour apple, one small bunch of green onions, juice of half a lemon, 250 g of low-fat cottage cheese, salt, pepper to taste. Peel the apple and cut into small pieces, add lemon juice so that they do not darken. Add chopped onion and cottage cheese, pepper and salt.
- Soup with green peas. To prepare a dietary soup, we need the following ingredients: 1 liter. low-fat broth, 2 tbsp. green peas, 1 leek. Also prepare 2-3 tbsp. l. low-fat sour cream, dill, salt, spices. Cut the white part of the onion into rings and fry until transparent. Transfer the prepared onion to a saucepan with a thick bottom and pour over the broth, add the peas and cook until the peas are tender (15–20 min.). Five minutes before readiness, add sour cream to the soup, and at the end - salt, spices and dill. The soup can be eaten as you prepared it, or you can grind it in a blender. Then you get a delicious puree soup. In both cases, the dish will turn out delicious, and most importantly healthy.
- Vegetable casserole. Prepare the following ingredients: 3-4 tbsp. l. green peas, about 6 sprigs of broccoli, 1 large carrot, a bunch of green onions, and 2 tbsp. low-fat milk, 2 eggs and 2 tbsp. cold boiled water. Divide the broccoli into several small inflorescences, cut the carrots into slices, salt and fold the vegetables into a dish sweetened with olive oil and add the peas on top. Sprinkle everything with onions. Then prepare the pouring dough: combine milk, eggs and water. Pour the resulting mixture into the vegetables in the form and bake in the oven at a temperature of 150 degrees until golden brown. You can also decorate the finished dish with any fresh herbs.
- Omelet with green peas. The recipe for this dish is very simple: if you are making yourself an omelet for breakfast, add green peas instead of sausage or bacon. You can also add other vegetables to taste: bell peppers, tomatoes, herbs, broccoli or cauliflower. Such a dish will not only help you keep yourself in shape, but also give strength and energy for the whole day.
A few of these recipes are not the limit! You can experiment with any ingredients and dishes. The main thing is that the products are fresh, healthy, and it is advisable to combine them with green peas.

In general, there are no particular contraindications to eating peas. It can be eaten by almost everyone and are not afraid for their health. But there are rare exceptions when culture can negatively affect certain processes in the body. For example, too much green peas can slow down the digestion process, which in turn can lead to constipation. It should also be borne in mind that it contains a large amount of purines, after consumption, of which uric acid is formed. Therefore, people with impaired kidney function need to eat this product with caution.
It is normal for you to feel bloating after consuming the product. But for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, this is harmful, so they should eat peas rarely and in small quantities.
As the saying goes: "Everything should be in moderation!" So it is in our case. Despite the fact that green peas are very useful, especially for weight loss, you should eat them in moderation. After all, if you think that a large "dose" will quickly save you from extra pounds, then you are mistaken. Sometimes even the smallest actions can produce amazing results. Therefore, follow our advice and stay always in shape!
The nutritionist tells more about the benefits of green peas in the following video: