Green buckwheat has an incredible health value. It perfectly cleanses the body and is recognized all over the world as the best dietary product. The effect of the diet is a loss of 5-7 kg of weight in 14 days.
If you previously practically did not know anything about it, now, with the help of the Internet, you can learn literally everything about it. So, the article on the benefits of green buckwheat says why eating it in a sprouted form brings us the greatest benefits. There are also many interesting facts that we did not have to guess about. Today we will tell you how to use this product in order to get in shape, become slimmer, and, of course, improve your health in just a couple of weeks. Still would! Indeed, green buckwheat contains a large amount of vitamins, micro-, macronutrients and proteins, which support the body during the diet. There is a lot of fiber in it, ridding us of salt, toxins and cholesterol. Thus, in addition to recovery, you can achieve weight loss of up to 5-7 kg in just 14 days.
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Losing weight on green buckwheat includes 3 options. Which one is yours is up to you, in any case the effect comes immediately. The first of them is based on the fact that you need to use this product in a ground form, crushed through a coffee grinder. Add any vegetable juice (carrot, tomato, bell pepper, etc.) to the resulting powder. So, you get a very useful mixture of sour cream consistency, the volume of which is designed for 1 time. It should be added that, in addition, you need to drink clean water throughout the day. With an intolerable feeling of hunger, a few hours after buckwheat, you can eat any vegetable or fruit, and at night - drink a glass of kefir 1% fat. In the ground vegetable juice with buckwheat, you can add 0.5 tbsp for greater benefit. l. milk thistle seed meal and / or oat seed meal. You can also add non-carbonated mineral water to the liquid, - you get a vegetable puree soup.
The next method is to use steamed buckwheat. To do this, pour 2 cups of cereal into a deep container, fill it with boiling water (800 ml) and leave it overnight with the lid tightly closed (as an option, you can steam it in a thermos). The porridge will be ready by morning. Divide it into equal portions (3-4 times). Also, during the day, you will need to drink 1 liter of low-fat kefir - it is allowed to add it to porridge. After lunch, you can eat 1-2 apples, pears or other fruit.

And, finally, the third way to get rid of extra pounds is to eat fresh sprouts of green buckwheat. The power plan for two weeks is the same as in the above options. The only thing you need to know is how to germinate buckwheat properly. There are many options for its germination, but below we give an example of cooking two-day buckwheat with centimeter sprouts:
- Rinse 1 cup of cereal with water from possible dust and excess debris. Remove floating seeds (they will not germinate).
- Place in a deep bowl, pour 2-3 cups of purified water and leave for one and a half to two hours.
- Drain and lightly flatten the groats with a spoon on the sides of the bowl. Cover with a lid.
- During the night, it will have time to sprout, and after 24 hours it will give good shoots. Thus, a two-day-old green buckwheat is prepared. You can sometimes stir it so that it dries better from mucus. If the humidity is high, put the buckwheat in the refrigerator on the second day to avoid mold. At the same time, the cold will not at all interfere with its further germination.
Some people like 10-hour grains. The cooking technology is almost identical: rinse with cold water, leave the flooded buckwheat for 6-8 hours, during which it absorbs a sufficient amount of moisture. After that, drain the water and rinse the swollen seeds. Cover the top with a damp cloth (preferably gauze) so that they can breathe and, at the same time, do not dry out. In a maximum of 10 hours you will have delicious buckwheat sprouts!
Cook green buckwheat - this will become not only a cherished answer to the question "how to lose weight", but also a way to make your life better and health - strong!
Video about a fasting day on buckwheat: buckwheat diet
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