The benefits and uses of legumes

The benefits and uses of legumes
The benefits and uses of legumes

Legumes are an optimal product for dietary nutrition and a correct daily diet for a healthy person. Read about the health, weight loss, and culinary benefits of beans. Content:

  1. Legume properties

    • Beneficial features
    • Healing properties
    • Calorie content
    • Protein in legumes
    • Benefit
    • Contraindications
  2. Types of legumes

    • Lentils
    • Peas
    • Beans
    • Nuts
    • Soy
    • Cocoa beans
  3. The use of legumes

    • In cooking
    • Dishes
    • For health
    • Slimming

Legumes have always been the basic foodstuffs since the days of Russia. Along with cereals, lentils, beans, soybeans and peas were considered the foundation of all plant foods for humans. Legumes have been known to the human race since the Stone Age, but even today they are valued and eaten every day in all countries of the world. From the ancient Romans to modern Europeans, almost everyone knows about the benefits and positive effects of beans on the body. We also recommend you to find out what beans are and what makes their world famous fame.

Legume properties

Legumes are a deep storehouse of essential vitamins, minerals and other trace elements that are important for the normal functioning of all systems and organs. Due to its beneficial properties and nutritional composition, such a culture has saved poor peasants for many decades. Even the poorest village families could afford this affordable nutritious product. To date, praise for legumes and their beneficial qualities has not subsided, on the contrary. Every civilized person who is not indifferent to their health is familiar with the effect of beans on the body and successfully uses them in their daily diet.

Useful properties of legumes

Legume dish
Legume dish

Beans, like numerous grains, have many positive qualities and are highly valued all over the world.

Among the useful properties are:

  • The presence in the composition of a large number of valuable amino acids and proteins of plant origin.
  • Substantial concentration of vitamins of group C, B, PP.
  • Many microelements necessary for the body, including carotenoids, calcium, potassium, sulfur, iron, phosphorus salts.
  • A composition rich in fiber that helps cleanse the body of toxins, toxins, etc.

Another indisputable property of legumes is considered to be a fairly high nutritional value with a relatively low calorie content. That is, a diet that includes regular use of foods with legumes is unlikely to cause excess body weight.

The medicinal properties of legumes

Variety of legumes
Variety of legumes

The duration and quality of a person's life largely depends on their diet. Foods rich in vegetable proteins, unlike fatty refined foods, do not ruin the body, but give it vigor, youth and good health. Today, many nutritionists have recognized beans as a therapeutic product. They are justifiably considered a plant that has the necessary properties for the prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, cardiovascular system. Regular consumption of beans and peas strengthens the nervous system and stabilizes the emotional state. The reason for this is the amino acids in the product. At the same time, almost all legumes are allowed and even recommended for food for diabetics and allergy sufferers. With the systematic consumption of natural soybeans, beans, peas and lentils, the level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood drops significantly. At the same time, the immune and nervous systems are gradually strengthened, and the activity of the brain increases and accelerates. Pectin, which is present in legumes in large quantities, is able to quickly and completely remove "bad" cholesterol from the body, even before it is absorbed.

Calorie beans

Nutritious soy
Nutritious soy

The calorie content of legumes may vary depending on the specific type and variety. But in any case, it is quite low, given the high level of saturation and nutritional value.

The most popular members of the family have the following characteristics:

  1. Lentils - 300 kcal;
  2. Peas - 303 kcal;
  3. Soy - 395 kcal;
  4. Beans - 309.

Beans are strikingly different from the rest - the head of a whole global culture. In terms of calorie content, they practically do not reach 60 kcal. At the same time, the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is considered almost optimal (per 100 g of product): carbohydrates - 8 g, proteins - 6 g, fats - 0.1 g, water - 82 g, the rest is starch, organic acids and fibers …

Protein in legumes

Legumes as a source of protein
Legumes as a source of protein

The main and most important advantage of legumes over other crops is their high content of healthy protein. That is, the legume family provides an excellent replacement for animal proteins that have almost the same characteristics. So, in soy protein there is twice more tryptophan than in egg, and in pea flour there is 5 times more lysine than in wheat. In addition to healthy proteins, which make up 40% of the total mass of the product, legumes are also rich in starch, vegetable fats and valuable fiber. Minerals and trace elements, including manganese, phosphorus, iron and magnesium, together with proteins provide invaluable benefits to the human body.

The benefits of legumes for the body

Sprouted legumes
Sprouted legumes

Regular consumption of legumes in food will immediately lead to a series of positive changes in the body:

  • Fatigue will gradually recede, thought processes will be activated.
  • High blood pressure will begin to decrease, low blood pressure will normalize.
  • The risk of diabetes and cancer will be greatly reduced.
  • Hair, nails will become stronger, skin - fresh and elastic.
  • Cholesterol will begin to be excreted from the body before the activation of the negative effect.
  • The extra pounds will gradually be burned.
  • All systems and organs will be saturated with useful vitamins and minerals.

Contraindications to the use of legumes

Legumes are contraindicated for abdominal pain
Legumes are contraindicated for abdominal pain

Plants of the legume family are certainly useful, but their consumption is accompanied by a minimum list of contraindications. It is not recommended to eat for people suffering from diseases and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas. Large quantities should not be consumed by the elderly. Prohibited for acute nephritis and gout due to the presence of a large amount of purine substances in the composition. Contraindicated in colitis, gastritis, pancreatitis, constipation.

Types of legumes

The legume family occupies an honorable third place in terms of prevalence in countries around the world. More than 20,000 plants have a wide variety of "beans". The most popular and widely known are soybeans, chickpeas, beans, lentils, peas, peanuts, lupines, etc. In most cases, their root system is small tubers formed from tissue, and the aerial part is green shrubs. Legumes can grow from 0.5 cm to 1.5 meters in length, depending on the species. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the most popular varieties of legumes in more detail in order to be able to fully use their beneficial properties in everyday life.


Lentil variety Beluga
Lentil variety Beluga

The history of lentils dates back to the biblical stories about Esau. Since the 19th century, lentils have been available to everyone on the territory of Russia. The grains of such a plant are incredibly rich in healthy proteins (about 35% of the total mass) and are not overloaded with fats. Lentils have a high concentration of B vitamins, zinc, copper, manganese. Moreover, this variety of legumes is completely incapable of accumulating nitrates and other harmful substances.

Lentil kernels cook quickly because they are covered with a very thin skin, unlike beans. Red varieties are ideal for making mashed potatoes and soups, green ones for side dishes and salads. Brown lentils are recognized as the tastiest and healthiest.


Green peas
Green peas

Peas are perhaps the most nutritious crop among all legumes. Preference is given to green peas, because the fresh product is more full of vitamins. But even dried peas contain starch, protein, carotene, potassium salts, manganese, phosphorus, etc.

The use of peas is to eat them raw or canned, as well as in the preparation of all kinds of culinary delights. Soups and side dishes, stews and fish, pies and even desserts are often prepared with the addition of a dried or raw product. Often, such a plant is used in alternative medicine, as a diuretic or resorption agent.


Bean fruit
Bean fruit

Beans are "beans" native to South and Central America. In the 18th century, the culture was brought to the territory of Russia from Europe. Now it is very popular, thanks to which it is grown in almost every vegetable garden in all regions. Just like peas, beans are suitable for consumption at all stages of their ripening. It is useful in any condition, as it is rich in pectin, vitamins, and fiber.

Among the hundreds of varieties of beans that differ in taste, color and size, one can single out those more suitable for preparing first courses, side dishes, main courses and snacks. But almost every one of them needs to be pre-soaked before heat treatment. Firstly, in this case, the cooking time is significantly reduced. Secondly, in this way, oligosaccharides are released from the beans - substances that are indigestible by the human body.


Peanut fruit
Peanut fruit

Peanuts, familiar to us as a nut, are actually one of the representatives of legumes. This plant is often used as a raw material for adhesives and synthetic fibers. Also, this type of legume can be called a valuable oilseed crop.

Peanuts are delicious and nutritious. The high content of fats and carbohydrates allows you to saturate the body with even a small amount of nuts. The presence of many vitamins of groups B2, B1, D and PP automatically makes peanuts in the category of useful and even medicinal plants. The oil produced from such nuts is actively used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology. And the beans themselves are an important ingredient in the recipes of millions of world famous dishes.


Soybeans and soy products
Soybeans and soy products

Even 2000 years ago, soy milk and cheese were made in the vastness of China. And only from the end of the 20s of the 20th century it began to gain popularity in Russia. In terms of protein mass in the composition of soybeans, it is the leader among other types of legumes.

Soybeans are often used to prevent atherosclerosis, obesity, diabetes mellitus, and cancer. Potassium salts, present in the composition in sufficient quantities, have a positive effect on the body of people with chronic diseases. Today, soybeans are used to make more than 50 different types of products. But, unfortunately, most of the raw materials used for production are genetically modified.

Cocoa beans

What cocoa beans look like
What cocoa beans look like

Cocoa beans are the fruit of an evergreen tree found in Africa, Australia and America. Such beans are large, sometimes over 30-40 cm. Inside each of them there is a white pulp with brown seeds. Depending on the variety, cocoa beans can vary in size, color, and properties.

As a rule, the aroma and taste properties of cocoa directly depend on the growing conditions and climate. At the same time, most of the varieties suitable for human consumption are considered useful and are actively used all over the world. Among the medicinal properties of cocoa beans, one can single out a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and respiratory system. Also, the substances contained in this type of legumes can improve the emotional state and accelerate the production of the hormone of happiness.

The use of legumes

The healing properties of legumes have long been recognized by both non-traditional and official medicine. Often doctors prescribe the use of beans for patients with diabetes, vitamin deficiency, dystrophy and other common diseases. But no less often legumes are used in the cosmetic and culinary industries. The list of their applications is incredibly wide. The reason for this is its amazing composition and pleasant taste.

Beans in cooking

Bean soup
Bean soup

In order for the use of beans for culinary purposes to bring only a positive result, you must be able to choose them correctly. Only smooth, clean, brightly colored seeds are considered edible. Any damaged, dull and wrinkled specimens are best left for other uses.

Regardless of the processing method, the beans must be soaked before cooking. Most often, they are simply poured with cool water for a couple of hours, periodically changing it to clean water. This principle should not be applied to young green fruits. They can be cooked without pretreatment.

Young beans or peas are eaten raw or boiled for side dishes and first courses. Bean flour is often mixed with wheat flour to make bread products. Soybeans, lentils, and dry peas are boiled and stewed as ingredients for more complex recipes. Legumes are often used to thicken liquid soups and sauces, making them even more nutritious and healthy.

Soy, which has long been loved by vegetarians, has now become an integral part of a healthy, nutritious diet. Soybeans are excellent raw materials for making milk, cheese, cutlets and sausages. The use of legumes in cooking can be limited only by a lack of imagination, desire or free time.

Bean Dishes

Pea pilaf
Pea pilaf

There are thousands of legume dishes popular all over the world. The cuisine of almost every nation can boast of a great dish with beans, peas, lentils or soybeans:

  • Delicious lobio is being prepared in the Caucasus.
  • In India - belyashi with mung beans and pea dal.
  • In Ukraine - pies with beans.
  • In the East - fragrant hummus.
  • In Uzbekistan - pea pilaf.
  • In the Middle East, there are amazing chickpea desserts.

Such a small list is just a grain among the abundance of world famous legume dishes. It is difficult to resist them, so every housewife, at least occasionally, uses beans in her family menu.

Beans for health

Lentil porridge
Lentil porridge

The benefits of legumes for humans are difficult to exaggerate. Lentils, beans, soybeans and other types are ideal sources of protein, consist of many vitamins and minerals, and deliver high-quality carbohydrates to the body. Almost all legumes are high in folate, iron, potassium, and magnesium. All of these substances help reduce high blood pressure and cholesterol levels and the risk of coronary heart disease. Magnesium found in legumes relieves migraines and severe headaches. B vitamins and zinc promote tissue regeneration and growth, restore the youth and strength of the skin and hair. Some varieties of beans are saturated with vitamin C, which has a positive effect on the body's resistance to viral diseases, as well as many antioxidants. The consumption of legumes in food cannot go unnoticed. After 1-2 weeks of the bean diet, the first positive changes in the body will already be visible.

Legumes for weight loss

Legume-based fitness slimming salad
Legume-based fitness slimming salad

Those who have extra pounds who want to get slender forms can afford a bean diet without remorse. Such products create a kind of film in the stomach and intestines that prevents the absorption of carbohydrates. The result is a gradual decrease in body weight without painful fasting.

Video about the benefits of legumes:

Moreover, the chemical composition of legumes is considered completely suitable for the diet and diet of allergy sufferers. The composition of beans, lentils, beans and peas is low in vegetable fats and a lot of useful fiber, which speeds up the digestion process.
