Liquid additives: benefits and uses

Liquid additives: benefits and uses
Liquid additives: benefits and uses

Liquid nutritional supplements are gaining in popularity. What are their advantages? Read the article and find out the answers to these questions. Before we move on to discussing the benefits of liquid nutritional supplements, it is important to find out what causes them. One of the main factors of effectiveness is the speed of the drug's effect on the body. It depends on the speed of evacuation of the drug from the stomach into the intestines.

Features of the assimilation of liquids

Guarana food supplement
Guarana food supplement

In turn, this process is influenced by the following factors:

  • The volume of fluid in the stomach;
  • Liquid temperature;
  • Its osmolarity.

It should be noted that the work of the stomach muscles practically does not affect the rate of food intake into the intestines. This can only happen when the contents of the stomach take on a liquid or at least a semi-liquid form. From this we can conclude that fluids are almost immediately found in the intestines.

However, there are also some peculiarities here. The larger the volume of fluid, the faster it will pass into the intestines. However, taking large amounts of fluids at the same time before exercise will cause discomfort. It is most effective to drink less fluid, but do it more often. For example, drink about 250 ml every 10 or 15 minutes.

The cold liquid will leave the stomach faster. It is also worth noting that a certain amount of heat is spent to warm cold liquids, and for this reason, drinking cold drinks or water during a training session is the most optimal.

The rate of gastric emptying is also affected by the osmolarity of its contents. Regular water leaves the stomach most quickly. Adding salt to it will increase the osmolarity and therefore the rate of emptying. At the same time, glucose, on the contrary, slows down this process.

With age, the process of assimilation of nutrients from food begins to slow down, and this fact must be taken into account when drawing up a nutrition program. Recent studies have shown that it takes no more than 20 minutes to digest liquid amino acids. After this time, the substances completely enter the bloodstream.

It should also be remembered that about 65% of protein compounds are absorbed into peptides and, for this reason, are significantly better absorbed by the body. To accelerate the assimilation of amino acids, the body needs vitamins B6, C, as well as iron and copper salts.

Choice of liquid nutritional supplements

Sports drink
Sports drink

Now we need to figure out what is best used as liquid amino acids. Such additives are produced by several companies, for example, Ironman, ArtLab or TwinLab. If we consider the product of the Ironman company as an example, then it is a mixture of concentrated L-amino acids and peptides.

This formula contains fast-absorbing amino acids and peptides that are produced without the use of chemicals. Thanks to this technology for the production of the isolate, the drug does not contain harmful D-amino acids and various impurities. Also, the company's product under consideration contains all important vitamins and lipotropics (choline, inositol and L-carnitine). Each ampoule contains about 4.5 grams of protein and about 2.7 grams of carbohydrates.

Non-specific energy drinks include drinking guarana and L-carnitine, together with their combination, and yohimbine. L-carnitine is able to manifest its properties of a fat transporter only under the influence of physical activity. But carnitine has no attachment to this factor.

Since guarana has a coffee-like effect on the body, it is able to stimulate the synthesis of adrenaline, thereby leading the central nervous system and heart muscles to a state of heightened readiness. In turn, this significantly increases a person's stamina.

Special drinks ("XXI Power" or "Leader") are able to restore the mineral and fluid balance of the body during and after the removal of physical activity. Thanks to the vitamins and minerals they contain, the amount of sugar is maintained at the required level, and the catabolism of muscle tissue is inhibited.

How to take liquid nutritional supplements

How to drink liquid supplements
How to drink liquid supplements

When using food supplements in liquid form, follow these guidelines:

  • Amino acids in liquid form represent a rather specific food additive and have a number of advantages over other forms of amino acid solutions. The conversation is about the speed of impact on the body.
  • To increase their effectiveness, supplements should be consumed during times of low blood amino acid levels. Such periods are breakfast or the time after completing the training process together with the combined use of supplements with proteins.
  • To ensure the maximum rate of fluid intake in the intestines, thereby creating the maximum possible assimilation of amino acids, it is recommended to drink the supplements with water. It is possible to determine the amount of water using the example of the preparation “Liquid Amino Acids IRONMAN” already considered above. When the content of amino acids in the preparation is at the level of 7.3 g, they should be washed down with approximately 300 grams of water.
  • When special drinks for recovery (protein or carbohydrate-protein) are consumed together with amino acids, it is necessary to provide amino acids for about 20 minutes for assimilation. Therefore, after completing a training session, you must first consume liquid amino acid supplements, and after 30 minutes a gainer or protein.
  • When it is necessary to lose weight and for these purposes use morning aerobic exercise, then to preserve protein compounds in the muscles, it is better to do the following. When you wake up, drink liquid amino acids with 300 grams of water, and after 15 minutes use whey isolate. This will start the metabolism, which helps to burn fat cells. In this case, muscle proteins will not be affected.
  • People who are concerned about a balanced diet while gaining muscle mass can take liquid supplements not only after exercising in the gym, but also with meals. If there is a desire to save on amino acid supplements, then in this case they can be taken in those moments when the food contains few protein compounds or their amount is not balanced. This can be during lunch at public catering establishments or "fast food".
  • If during a workout physical activity differs from aerobic one, then you can dilute the contents of one ampoule in 300 grams of water and use it throughout the workout.
  • Liquid supplements can also be very effective during strength training. This is especially noticeable during exercises to reduce body weight, when the calorie content of the nutrition program is reduced, and the amount of protein compounds, on the contrary, increases. In this case, part of the amino acids contained in the food supplement is broken down into glucose, which protects muscle proteins from catabolic processes.
  • It is best to use non-liquid forms of amino acid supplements when a high rate of delivery to the body is not required. For example, combining their intake with food or on days when there are no training sessions. In the latter case, amino acids will contribute to the recovery process.
  • Liquid L-Carnitine is more effective when used prior to aerobic or resistance training to reduce fat storage. It is also good to use this substance during training sessions. Non-liquid forms of L-carnitine should be used when the ability of the substance to exert a stabilizing and anabolic effect on muscles can be realized.
  • Guarana in any form when combined with L-Carnitine in liquid form will be useful before any physical activity. This can increase the body's readiness to withstand physical and psychological stress. It should be remembered that for people with a high sensitivity to caffeine, the use of guarana should be postponed to the beginning of the day. Otherwise, the central nervous system may be excited, resulting in sleep disorders.
  • A variety of special drinks should be consumed prior to training sessions as a pre-hydration aid. When used during the training process, drinks can have a revitalizing effect, and after training, they can restore the balance of minerals and vitamins in the body. In this case, it is worth remembering the possibility of excitation of the central nervous system after drinking.

Those people who carefully read the information provided above will find that the most physiologically appropriate time to consume liquid nutritional supplements is during the gym. And it is not so important whether this will happen before, during or after a training session.

This is completely true for the simple reason that the use of liquid supplements, guarana or mineral-vitamin complexes will be most effective during these periods. Thus, we can say that all of the above drugs should never be lost from your gym bag.

All professional athletes follow this commandment. But in physiological and biological terms, they do not differ from ordinary people. Of course, with the exception of the intensity of the training process and loads that are used at this time.

Watch a video about the use of liquid nutritional supplements in sports:

There are times when the cherished ampoule remained at home. Don't be upset. Any usual sports club has a fit bar where you can buy everything you need. Thanks to the properties of amino acid solutions, guarana or mineral and vitamin drinks, each workout will be carried out with high quality, and all metabolic processes will be directed in the direction you need. Now you just have to choose the optimal algorithm for taking supplements for yourself and monitor your progress.
