How to get rid of your fear of going out

How to get rid of your fear of going out
How to get rid of your fear of going out

Fear of going out and the origins of this phenomenon. The article will discuss how to get rid of a phobia that can destroy the life of any person. The fear of going out is a fear that a person cannot control. With quite adequate behavior in an open space, he is lost and even panics. Such a pathology can put an end to the public and personal life of a person, therefore, the origins of its occurrence should be considered.

Reasons for the formation of fear of going out

Insecure girl
Insecure girl

You can defeat a phobia only if you know the nature of its formation. The fight against windmills will never bring significant results due to its pointlessness. Psychologists believe that fear of going out can be associated with the following factors:

  • Heredity … A fairly large number of specialists in the field of psychiatry are sure that all neuroses should be considered exclusively at the genetic level of manifestation of a certain pathology. Based on the results of their research, it can be concluded that one-fifth of the population, who is afraid to go out, borrowed a similar model of behavior from their parents. Sometimes the “gift of fate” can even be passed on from grandparents.
  • Increased anxiety … People with an overly excitable psyche are afraid of everything, down to their own shadow. For them, leaving the house is a feat that they are not going to perform. If we make an analogy with animals, then a person of this type automatically turns into a turtle, which is safely hidden in its shell.
  • Self-doubt … People whose complexes play a dominant role over other priorities try not to leave their native walls once again. In any glance of a passer-by they seem disapproval and even censure, which introduces such poor fellows into a stupor and even depression. Often, young mothers after childbirth, women in adulthood who find it difficult to control weight are faced with this. People with a pronounced defect in appearance (large birthmarks, growths on the body, etc.) are also susceptible to fear.
  • Disability … People with disabilities often try to enclose themselves within four walls, because it is in this case that they feel safe. For them, the street is an area of increased danger, even if they live in a quiet rural area.
  • Mental regulation disorder … Some anxious individuals experience a malfunction of the biological processes in the work of the brain. At the same time, there is an imbalance of reflex functions that consciousness should control.
  • Expansion of the stressful situation … A child's fear of entering a dark room can develop into a much more serious phobia in the future. The expression “my home is my fortress” by some people is also beginning to be perceived as an unconditional verdict.
  • Low social status … In this case, we are not talking about embarrassment and fear of becoming a laughing stock in the eyes of more successful people. A person who is afraid to leave the house, in most cases, simply does not want to see a higher standard of living of the society that surrounds him. It is easier for him to close in "his box" so as not to fix anything and not to fight to change the situation.
  • Accident happened … If the poor fellow has become a hostage in the past or has watched any catastrophe, then he will not have a desire to go out again. After suffering stress, such people become hermit crabs who feel quite comfortable in such a situation.
  • A definite addiction … In this case, we are not talking about alcoholics who, in cold and cold weather, will leave the house in search of a strong drink. The same computer gamblers forget about reality so much that even a trip to the nearest bakery seems to them a feat.
  • Accompanying effect … Some phobias in humans tend to intertwine quite harmoniously. Against the background of one mental pathology, another emotional anomaly is quite capable of developing, which leads to the fear of going out.
  • Fear of death … Every adequate person does not want to say goodbye to his life ahead of schedule. However, in some cases, this desire turns into a certain mania. People who are afraid of death every second are simply trying to make a fortress out of their home. Going out on the street is equivalent to a death sentence for themselves.
  • Internal diktat … Very often, parents prohibit young children from communicating with their peers outside the walls of the house, frightening them at the same time and inventing all kinds of horror stories. After the maturity of the personality, matured adolescents can then perceive the street exclusively as a kind of threatening factor.

There are many pitfalls in the fear of going out. With this phobia, a person deprives himself of contact with the outside world and the possibility of self-realization as well.

The main signs of a person's fear of going out

Human panic
Human panic

People who have developed the initial form of agoraphobia tend to quite clearly demonstrate their fear of open space:

  1. Increased heart rate … With any prospect of leaving the home walls, the heart of a person with a voiced problem begins to beat actively. At the same time, the pulse is off scale so that in some cases it is possible to call an ambulance.
  2. Feeling hot … We can all blush when we are given a good compliment or just plain flattered. However, in people with a fear of going out into the street, such a phobia takes on such a global dimension that the poor fellow's face becomes crimson in a matter of minutes.
  3. Change in blood pressure … Hypotensive and hypertensive patients with sounded pathology react especially aggressively to the need to go out into the street against their wishes. However, people who do not suffer from instability of blood pressure may also experience similar problems during the initial stage of agoraphobia.
  4. Weakness in the legs … They do not keep us, not only during the intoxicating fun, but also for other reasons. Beginning agoraphobes, even when leaving their home, realize that they simply cannot take a step further than the threshold of their home.
  5. Loss of orientation … Some people will look for a path in the maze, which consists of three pine trees, if they had to leave their native walls. They literally will not be able to understand where to go and what is happening around in this situation.
  6. Refusal to communicate with acquaintances … In this case, we are not talking about rejecting friends in the literal sense of the word. On its territory, such a subject is ready to meet anyone, but you should forget about gatherings in any bar or restaurant in his company once and for all.
  7. Panic attack … When it comes to such a phenomenon, it is worth ringing all the bells when a problem arises. A person who is adequate in his actions should not be intimidated by the prospect of leaving his home. Otherwise, a person who decided to live in an artificially created bunker should be treated by a psychotherapist.

The listed symptoms of incipient agoraphobia are the last warning for those who have felt the negative influence of the sounded factor. Trouble does not come unexpectedly only when a person is ready for it.

Ways to deal with your fear of going outside

Those who are afraid of external aggressors are usually those people who cannot cope with their internal fears and emotions. However, even a weak-minded person is able to cope with his complexes if she wants to live a full life. If you have a problem, how to get rid of the fear of going out, you should take a sensible attitude to the sounded pathology and then try to resolve it as soon as possible.

Independent actions to get out of this situation

Visit to the playground
Visit to the playground

Always and everywhere, first of all, you need to try to get out of the crisis yourself with minimal losses for your nervous system. In this case, it is best to try the following measures to rehabilitate your mental state:

  • Rejection of stereotypes … At the same time, you should not think in the old fashioned way that everything new is an analogue of events that happened once. A person himself has the right to decide his fate, so he needs to put before himself the main question, why he is afraid to leave the house. Then you can experiment with yourself by watching some films on this topic. However, you should not position yourself from the point of view of the main character of Adam Schindler's movie "Crashers", where his heroine made a cult out of agoraphobia.
  • Visit to the playground … If there is such a structure next to the dwelling of a person who is afraid to go out into the street, then it is worth visiting it to solve the problem that has arisen. Usually, these rest areas for toddlers allow an outside observer to recharge with positive energy. In a place where children play and laugh, even depressed people can change their outlook on life.
  • Shopping … If money allows, then you can force yourself to break out of four walls to acquire some pleasant thing. Each person wants to become the owner of an exclusive product for him. Therefore, on this factor it is worth building a strategy to get rid of the fear of going out on the street in especially timid persons.
  • Meeting with friends … Some hermits, who are afraid to leave their native walls, even for a couple of minutes, may well relax when communicating with their friends in the same park. On a territory that is neutral for them, they will not feel in a danger zone.
  • Buying a pet … Such an action places great responsibility on its initiator. Ideally, it is best to have a dog of any breed, because you will have to walk it several times a day, regardless of the whims and wishes of the owner.
  • Party organization … A holiday is a holiday, so you need to plan it competently. Home gatherings in this case will not work, but a picnic will be just right. A trip to another city will also improve the situation when it comes to a person who is wary of leaving his home.

Psychologists' recommendations for eliminating the fear of going out

Yoga class
Yoga class

In this case, you should nevertheless listen to the conclusions of psychotherapists, who will definitely not advise bad things. Basically, they recommend the following ways to solve the voiced problem:

  1. Auto-training … Convincing yourself will not be difficult for a person who knows how to analyze and draw conclusions. Therefore, with the fear of going out, it is necessary to realize all the pros and cons of this short trip outside the home. The unambiguously positive moments of the upcoming walk will exceed all the negative emotions that it can evoke upon its completion.
  2. Rejection technique … In this case, it is necessary to act on the principle of "knocking out a wedge by a wedge", which in many cases does not fail. If a person is afraid to go out, then you must definitely visit it. In this case, you need to act through "I can not" and "I do not want", which is sometimes quite difficult to implement.
  3. Yoga class … Some people consider this hobby to be a waste of time. However, many psychologists strongly recommend applying the voiced method in practice when a person is afraid to go out. With such exercises, everyone will be able to regulate their internal state and correct their behavior model.
  4. Psychotherapist consultation … If a person feels that he himself is unable to overcome his mental pathology, then he needs to contact a specialist. It is he who will help to understand the causes of the problem and give advice on how to fix it.

How to get rid of the fear of going out - watch the video:

When asked how to overcome the feeling of fear of going out, you should just calm down and strictly adhere to the recommendations indicated in the article. Otherwise, you can sit within four walls all your life and not realize yourself as a person.
