How to get rid of the fear of men

How to get rid of the fear of men
How to get rid of the fear of men

Androphobia and the main signs of its manifestation and formation. The article will discuss the fact that even famous personalities have experienced a similar problem, which, if desired, can really get rid of. Androphobia is a pathology in which a woman experiences fear, panic and even horror at the need to contact members of the opposite sex. In this case, the girl will not be able to take place as a wife and mother. With androphobia, you should understand the origins of its occurrence in order to help yourself become a happy person.

Causes of androphobia

Childhood abuse
Childhood abuse

You can talk about this problem for a long time and from different positions of people who love to reason. However, psychologists assess the fear of men as stress after the following life situations:

  • Childhood abuse … If the head of the family is one hundred percent despot, then there is a great chance that his girl will become an androphobe in the future. Some inadequate dads are ready to make their daughters not only paranoid and notorious personalities in the future, but even take their lives altogether. The most notorious case of this factor is the tragedy that happened to ten-year-old Judith Eva Barsi. The baby became known to the general public thanks to her numerous screenings in commercials and participation in the filming of the final film "Jaws". With insane fees from her work, Judith did not have a happy childhood. Later she was shot with her mother by her own tyrant father. If the child had survived, he would have had to go through many psychotherapy sessions in the treatment of androphobia, because already at the age of 10, the young actress began to pull out her eyelashes and eyebrows after another manifestation of violence from her father.
  • Problematic parental marriage … If the dad left the family and forever deleted his own daughter from his life, then she can become one hundred percent androphobe when she turns into an adult woman. For some strong personalities like Angelina Jolie, such an incident was painful, but without any special pathologies in the form of a fear of men. Her legendary father Jon Voight, the hero of the cult films "Midnight Cowboy", "Transformers", "Pearl Harbor" and "National Treasure", left her at the age of one year alone with complexes and childhood fears. After that, the actress began to openly despise all men who abandon their children. As a result, her inner resentment ended with the adoption of babies from all over the world into her family. However, not all children simply begin to treat their dads coldly, without spreading negative emotions in the form of androphobia to other innocent men.
  • Stepfather Harassment … Some mothers try so hard to have a life partner with them that they literally become deaf and blind people. Not necessarily in this case we are talking about pedophiles who begin to persecute their underage stepdaughters. In very many situations in life, a mother at an age gives herself a young husband who has views of her already adult child. Such behavior on the part of the "stronger" sex can develop a feeling of androphobia in a girl, because she will pity not only herself, but also her mother, who is openly betrayed before her eyes.
  • Sexual assault … In this case, we will focus on the most cruel manifestation of male aggression towards women. If you recall a fragment from the film "Irreversibility" with Monica Bellucci about a sexual attack on the heroine in the subway in her performance, then there can be no question of any kind of trust in people. If you delve into the plot of the thriller, then everything suggests that we are talking exclusively about a nightmare in the imagination of a pregnant woman. However, similar horrors happen in real life, making teenage girls and adult women androphobes.
  • Painful breakup with a partner … The loss of faith in the very concept of "love" only at first glance will seem to be a whim of spoiled individuals. Vivien Leigh, who will forever become an idol for many admirers of her talent after the films "Gone with the Wind" and "A Streetcar Named Desire", was a rather depressing person. After the separation from Laurence Olivier, the actress finally lost her sense of reality, and then ended up in a psychiatric hospital. The couple broke up, but Vivien Leigh carried in her heart the love for her ex-husband for the rest of her life, who then, in remarriage with another woman, gave birth to three children. A similar love story for many ladies can end in androphobia, because the fear of men, if it is impossible to maintain friendly relations, as in the voiced characters, can appear after a painful break with a partner.
  • Bad sexual experience … None of the people will want to repeat their physical contact with the opposite sex, if the perfect intercourse brought a feeling of fear and even anguish after it. This factor is especially true for virgins, who expect somewhat different mental and physical emotions from intimacy with a guy. Some androphobes explain their rejection of men for the reason, because they do not want to see them in their life as potential partners after rude actions in bed.
  • Betrayal of the chosen one … The fear of men that has appeared is nothing more than an aggressive reaction of a woman in love to the betrayal of a loved one. You can quarrel with your best friend to smithereens, but then, when the intensity of passions diminishes, it is quite nice to drink coffee with her while washing the bones of your acquaintances. However, many women, if they do not accept the rules of a free relationship in a couple, when the fact of infidelity is discovered, can turn from balanced people into active androphobic.
  • Watching specific movies … The film industry in some cases makes overly impressionable persons literally numb with horror at scenes of male violence against women. Some of the ladies take such an action absolutely calmly, because they understand the entire illusory nature of the blue screen. However, not every person is able to remain indifferent and not try on the situation voiced in the film. In some even cult masterpieces, men allow themselves, according to the scenario, to grab women by the hair, beat them and inflict even more severe injuries. As many psychologists testify, the number of their patients has increased significantly after the demonstration of the thriller In Bed with the Enemy, where Julia Roberts faked her death for her tyrant husband in order to simply survive in an abnormal marriage.
  • Horror stories from mom … Especially this sounded factor concerns women who were abandoned by their husbands, or they gave birth to a child without the consent of the daughter's father to her birth. In some cases, there is nothing more dangerous for raising a baby than a single mother embittered by the whole world. She can tragically broadcast for hours and even days to her daughter what vile cheaters all men are. From such "compassionate" parents, the most aggressive mother-in-law will appear in the future, if their grown-up girls are still lucky under such moral pressure to find their personal happiness.
  • Increased anxiety … A person who is in harmony with himself will definitely not need treatment for androphobia. Otherwise, the development of such a mental ailment in a woman can be fully ensured. If a lady reacts nervously to all the factors surrounding her, then in rare situations she will adequately accept harsh criticism from a man. Even if a rude person absolutely does not like a nervous person, then his words are able to sink deeply into the soul of an overly emotional person. As a result, she begins to realize on herself all the manifestations of androphobia, and the boor will not even be aware of such a brilliant victory over her accidental victim.
  • Existing complexes … Even the famous Pamela Anderson, who makes many men lust, is afraid of mirrors and her reflection in them. In the movie "Overboard", where the star couple of spouses Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell starred, only the appearance of confidence in their female charms of its main character is created. The actress loved her husband to such an extent that she subjected herself to many plastic surgeries. Such complexes can provoke androphobia, when a woman considers herself to be so unattractive outwardly special that she tries not to communicate with men as much as possible.
  • Asexuality … If we are talking initially about a woman's frigidity, then this does not give her any significant discomfort. Marilyn Monroe radiated such a frantic wave of sexuality, but at the same time was quite indifferent to intimacy. The main thing for her was to feel needed at least someone and to be protected by a potential or existing partner. Given this obvious fact, the legend of cinema was afraid to be alone, but her androphobia was not so pronounced.

Fear of men is dangerous because a woman, fearing contact with the opposite sex, can enter a vicious circle of promiscuous sex. The reason for this destruction of one's own dignity lies not in nymphomania, but in the inability to refuse another partner because of the fear of physical aggression in response to such a rebuff in his direction.

Manifestations of androphobia in a woman

Craving for loneliness
Craving for loneliness

Quite an interesting fact is the event that some men can become the same victims of a psychological problem. However, it is the beautiful ladies who make up the main category, which actively replenishes the ranks of androphobes, which is expressed in the following behavior:

  1. Refusal to visit public places … Women with such a formed model of behavior are ready to talk for hours with their girlfriends in a cafe, where only they are without the presence of unwanted gentlemen in the establishment. At the same time, they do not pretend, but really do not want to see men next to them because of their androphobia. Such women will be the tenth way to bypass sports stadiums and beer bars, where the main contingent is made up of representatives of the strong half of humanity.
  2. Promotion of homosexuals … Andorophobes will definitely understand a gay man better than a heterosexual who will annoy and even frighten them. At the same time, they can remember the same Madonna, who became pregnant from her “gay” friend in the movie “Best Friend”. It is more comfortable for such peculiar persons to discuss this film in a positive way than to adequately understand the origins of their mental pathology.
  3. Craving for loneliness … A joke in the style of "I am alone … I am completely alone", when a Georgian husband uses black humor when losing his wife, is good only for one occasion. Androphobic women very often do not feel burdened by the syndrome of a voiced mental anomaly that they have, because they consider it to be a norm in life.
  4. A striking manifestation of feminism … Many lovers of demonstratively show all the delights of gender equality actually dream of having a reliable and responsible man in their life. The rights of women and men should be unequivocally regulated, but with excessive zeal, some ladies will surely become androphobes.
  5. Hypercriticality towards the male sex … In this case, Faina Ranevskaya proved herself to be excellent, who was sharp in her statements to the whole world around her, regardless of her gender. Women with a voiced problem always become vixens and gorgons, even if a random male passer-by casually looked at them.

If we recall the cult film "Disgust", which was shot by Roman Polanski, then one should take very seriously the signs of androphobia that have appeared in oneself or a loved one. Catherine Deneuve, with her brilliant game, tried to convey to all women information about how terrible the consequences of fear of men are.

Famous androphobic women

Britney Spears
Britney Spears

Some people think that show business stars observe the surrounding reality exclusively from the windows of their limousines. Skeptics in this matter should familiarize themselves with the statements of public figures who were not afraid to admit their problem of such a plan:

  • Britney Spears … In addition to the fear of reptiles (herpetophobia), the star of the pop scene has long suffered from fear of communication with the opposite sex. She clearly voiced that only her husband will become the first man in her life. In the future, the life of Britney Spears put everything in its place, making her a rather scandalous person.
  • Kelly Osbourne … In addition to her well-known war with Christina Aguilera, the outrageous singer and daughter of her legendary father goes to extremes when it comes to her relationships with men. Traditional people close to her betrayed Kelly so often that she loudly announced that a heterosexual would never be the father of her child. In addition, she developed gephobia, which is expressed in the fear of accidental touching the body.
  • Patricia Kaas … In this case, it cannot be said that the beautiful Frenchwoman from early childhood became a pronounced androphobe. However, the bitter experience in her personal life made her somehow admit that “I am disappointed in men. They are all mercantile and predictable. " To this conclusion, she was pushed by an unsuccessful relationship with Philip Bergman, who behaved outrageously, demanding, after the separation of the couple, the payment of regular alimony to his person. At the moment, Patricia cannot have children after numerous abortions, so communication with men replaces affection for her beloved Maltese lapdog.
  • Queen Latifah … The famous singer experienced a terrible tragedy in childhood when she became a victim of violence from a guy who was entrusted to look after the girl in the absence of her parents. After the fact that happened, Quinn does not trust anyone, because she is simply not ready to reveal herself to any man. Androphobia in her is expressed in the fact that she does not want to get married at a fairly mature age and does not have children.
  • Mary Jade Blood … A girl who was sexually abused at the age of five cannot become an adequate person in the future. This fact was eventually confirmed, because due to the fact that her mother trusted the baby to random people, the hip-hop music star went through a period of addiction to alcohol and drugs. Mary was saved only by the fact that she met the famous producer Kenda Isaac in her life. This fateful meeting of two talented people happened at the very moment when the singer fiercely hated men and was an unambiguous androphobic.

Features of the treatment of androphobia in a woman

You should immediately voice the fact that a similar problem can be treated with a medication. However, the example of the same Marilyn Monroe speaks of some danger of destroying the described mental illness in this way.

Self-help in the elimination of androphobia

Changing of the living place
Changing of the living place

Each of us, in most cases, subconsciously understands the causes of the problem in his personal life. Androphobic women should deal with their fears in the following way in order to subsequently have a full-fledged relationship and the opportunity to start a family:

  1. Destroy your complexes … If you look closely at fairly well-known personalities who are very popular with men, you can sometimes be amazed at the taste of a strong half of humanity. The chosen one of John Lennon annoyed almost all the members of the Beatles with her appearance. Paul McCartney definitely did not understand his friend's love for this more than strange, in his opinion, Japanese woman. However, John felt for her with all his heart, which ultimately led to the breakup of the group. Consequently, one must always and everywhere be an exceptionally strong morally woman. Caustic males in response to their barbs need to respond with a benevolent smile, which they definitely do not expect to see.
  2. The motto "the past is not" … No one has the right to dictate the development of the fate of a woman who in the past experienced tragic events for her. She is not to blame for what happened, so it is definitely not worth it to clog your thoughts with such nonsense. You just need to let go of the disturbing situation into oblivion.
  3. Communication with the immediate environment … At the same time, you do not need to voice all the details of the existing problem to him, because a real friend will understand everything without lengthy ranting about a critical situation. Sometimes you can even just keep quiet, saying something like “I feel bad because I’m afraid of men,” than to listen to a large number of false phrases in this regard.
  4. Changing of the living place … If the aggressor, who caused the aggravated stage of androphobia in a woman, constantly bullies his victim, then the choice is rather small. In this case, it is necessary either to contact the law enforcement officers, or simply to move to another place away from the object, which causes another attack of androphobia.

There is no need to dwell on the voiced problem, because it very often needs to be corrected with the help of specialists. Life is given only once, so you should not risk it so recklessly because of your own recklessness.

Psychological advice when a woman develops androphobia

Working with a psychotherapist
Working with a psychotherapist

Not in every life situation, an overly impressionable person is ready to cope with her fears alone. There are a number of reasons for the development of androphobia, which force potential patient psychotherapists to resort to the following methods of constructive therapy:

  • Group therapy … Some skeptics in this case recall the well-known sessions where alcoholics confess to their comrades in misfortune about their problem, and they actively clap them in response. Sometimes it is better to voice your problem than to give it the opportunity to destroy the soul from within. Not all people can boast of the fact that they have friends. With this technique, women with androphobia can not only share their grief, but also find new friends.
  • Working with a psychotherapist … In this case, the “situation modulation” method has proven itself the best. To kill a monster in yourself, which is created by external circumstances, you need to get to know him better. In this unusual tete-a-tete with his own pathology, a competent psychotherapist will help, who, after a certain treatment, is able to convince his patient that men are not nevertheless the devil.
  • Hypnosis … Excessive outside interference in a woman's psyche is definitely not encouraged even by leading experts in this field. However, victims of mental or sexual abuse are not always able to get rid of their obsessions themselves. In this case, you need to trust a doctor with a proven medical reputation, because when you turn to a charlatan, you can only get a complication of the manifestations of androphobia.

How to get rid of androphobia - watch the video:

If it's time to decide how to get rid of the fear of men, you just need to look into your soul first. One can, for whatever reason, be afraid of insects, plane crashes and even the same clowns after watching the movie "It", but psychologists are definitely prohibited from being afraid of live communication with the opposite sex. Whatever the prerequisites for the development of the sounded pathology, it is not recommended for a single representative of the fair sex to put an end to the creation of long-term romantic relationships and possible short-term flirting.
