How to get rid of princess syndrome

How to get rid of princess syndrome
How to get rid of princess syndrome

Princess Syndrome: what it is and who is to blame for its appearance, how to recognize the "royal" habits in childhood or adulthood. Is it possible to get rid of the princess syndrome and how to do it. How does the princess syndrome manifest in women:

  • Perfectionism. Since the crown on her head passes with the girl into adulthood, her fascination with her appearance almost reaches mania. Grown up princesses closely follow fashion, try to dress stylishly and expensively, visit beauty salons and cosmetology centers, control weight and shape. That is, to look as effective as possible - as much as financial opportunities allow. By the way, it is precisely because of such requirements for their appearance that they often experience financial difficulties and are forced to look for sources of income. There are also representatives of such a model of behavior who do not stop only at their appearance, but bring their other sides to the ideal through hobbies, education, sports, work or business.
  • Disdainful attitude towards others. Another character trait that passes with the princess from childhood. Growing up, she not only does not begin to appreciate love, attention, friendship - she considers this to be the norm of attitude towards herself, which a priori does not require any return. Her exclusivity and feminine attractiveness simply do not allow herself to "sink" to some kind of reciprocal feelings. Everyone should love her and fulfill any desires just "by default". This position leads to the fact that only the most patient (parents, spouses, children) or the most worshipers (girlfriends, admirers) remain near the person "crowned" in childhood. Since not everyone is able to withstand constant whims, demands and an ungrateful attitude even from the most beautiful and attractive woman.
  • Striving for secular life. A beautiful and smart princess is not visible in the apartment, so she seeks to show herself as much as possible. Social networks, nightclubs, parties, contests, auditions, television projects - the choice of method depends on the degree of activity and material capabilities of the princess or her entourage. In any case, she strives to keep abreast of all events in fashion, art, the life of stars and even politics. That is, to play the role of a "socialite" even on the scale of a small town.
  • Playing for the audience. Artificial princesses in society always keep the image: they are sweet, polite, benevolent and attentive to the interlocutor. They try to charm, seduce, maximize attention and impress in order to see the necessary reaction of admiration and adoration. However, for people with a normal perception of the world and themselves, it is enough just to discern under the guise of a princess her real origin and essence.
  • Its own model of perception of the world. A girl with an imaginary crown on her head forms her own worldview boundaries, narrowing them down to her beloved. Moreover, the priority is the external factors of attractiveness, on which she works hard. Internal qualities, if they do develop, then according to the residual principle. She is so fixated on her feminine attractiveness and the power of charm that she builds just reinforced concrete arguments in favor of the correctness of her life credos. Therefore, all attempts to displace her priorities can simply be crushed by unshakable convictions or even turn into insults. At best, she just won't hear them.
  • Collecting men. Realizing their attractiveness, "princess" from childhood begin to form their retinue of fans of the opposite sex. Such collecting becomes a part of her life, which she cannot refuse even in old age. The formula of the following dependence firmly sits in her head: the more male attention, the brighter and stronger her charm. Therefore, the princess syndrome simply does not allow its owner to abandon her male retinue in favor of a single prince. This greatly complicates her personal life: she is not capable of feelings, especially for a man who does not fit into her concept of a "prince." Therefore, the faces in her retinue often change, and next to her remain either "forever in love", that is, the pages that she needs for "extras", or "necessary", that is, the kings to whom she gives her love for purely mercantile reasons.
  • Lack of a sense of responsibility. The girl with the crown on her head does not even try to take responsibility for anything. Her position is formed on the basis of "status": she owes nothing to anyone, but everyone owes her. Therefore, it is a big mistake to expect compassion, a serious attitude and fulfillment of the promised from her. But to hear accusations, reproaches and even insults addressed to you is quite real.
  • Infantile behavior. Even as an adult woman, most "princesses" continue to exploit a child's model of behavior and thinking: everyone should satisfy my needs and desires just for what I am. All I have to do in return is smile sweetly. Not more. This position makes the princess completely helpless in front of the real world with all its problems that she is not able to solve on her own. Even the smallest ones.

Important! No matter how attractive a girl or woman is, the Earth will still not begin to revolve around her. And there won't be enough princes for everyone. This is a fact, the realization of which can lead to anger and even alcoholism or drug addiction.

How to get rid of princess syndrome

Raising a daughter
Raising a daughter

It is very difficult to return the princess to objective reality, so all parents of girls need to carefully monitor their daughter from childhood. And if the "royal" habits have already begun to slip in the child's behavior, an urgent need to take action.

How to prevent the development of princess syndrome in a child:

  1. Review your parenting principles … Praising and telling your daughter that she is beautiful (smart, talented, etc.) is good. But not all the time, all the more if this is actually not the case. There are no absolutely perfect children, but at the same time, each child has its own flavor, which should be developed and encouraged.
  2. Set limits … If cartoons are to blame, set time limits for views. And ideally, try to captivate the baby with other characters and activities. Today there is a mass of children's content, among which you can find an interesting alternative for the "princess". If the girl is addicted to cosmetics, explain that even children's varnishes, lipsticks and eye shadows can be far from harmless. With desperate resistance, you can make a small discount to a little fashionista - to allow her nails and lips to be painted on holidays, important events, etc.
  3. Redefine your child's wardrobe … It is not necessary to completely change it, just soberly assess its practicality and necessity. Likewise, fluffy dresses and skirts - save them for "going out" occasions. To look like a princess sometimes, "on occasion" is not as dangerous for the child's psyche as being one every day. And stop buying your daughter a lot of "cute" things and clothes not for her age (dresses and skirts that are too short, revealing swimwear, etc.), cultivating in her a sense of superiority and extreme attractiveness.
  4. Talk to your surroundings … Communicate all changes in your daughter's upbringing system to grandmothers, grandfathers, relatives and friends, so that the restrictions you have introduced are used by everyone.

Only a specialist can work with an already formed adult princess. It is impossible to help her on your own. Mainly because she herself does not see her problem.

How to get rid of princess syndrome - watch the video:

Like most psychological problems, Princess Syndrome is easier to prevent than to get rid of. Therefore, the best pill for this mental illness is the trust between the daughter and the parents, as well as the latter's real view of the capabilities and natural data of their child.
