How to overcome your fear of communicating with a girl

How to overcome your fear of communicating with a girl
How to overcome your fear of communicating with a girl

Fear of communication with girls in guys and the reasons for her education. The article will give recommendations to those young men who have decided to radically change their personal lives and find their happiness. The fear of communicating with girls is an unpleasant feeling that young people can have after any life situations that happened to them. However, in some cases, such a phobia arises solely due to the character of the guy himself. To normalize the contact of young men with the beautiful half of humanity, it is necessary to deal with the voiced problem for its optimal productive solution.

Causes of the fear of communicating with girls

Shyness as a cause of fear of a girl
Shyness as a cause of fear of a girl

In each situation, one should look for the sources of the formation of a phobia, which prevents a person from enjoying life to the fullest. The fear of meeting and communicating with young ladies in young people is usually based on the following reasons:

  • Fear of rejection … Not every representative of the stronger sex is ready to hear “no” from a lady he likes, painlessly for his pride. If the attracted object of passion has at the same time a very attractive appearance, then a stereotype is created that such a beauty already has either a husband or admirers available. Consequently, a young man has a fear of communicating with such a person who attracts admiring male glances always and everywhere.
  • Dependence on the opinion of the environment … Some young people are very worried about the question of what their closest acquaintances will think of them in a given situation. They are especially worried about criticism from friends, because the advice of parents is often taken with hostility by young people. At the same time, the fear of meeting girls can be imposed by more successful friends in love affairs.
  • Fear of communicating with people … This kind of social phobia can significantly complicate possible contact with the girl you like. A young man with such a mental pathology is afraid to communicate not only with the opposite sex, but also with any person in general.
  • Diction problems … If a guy lisps or stutters, then this will definitely not increase his self-esteem. Even with a very attractive appearance, he will be embarrassed to approach girls, fearing to be ridiculed by them for this speech defect.
  • Physical disabilities … In this case, we can talk about both a problem imagined by a young man and a serious injury in a young man. In the first case, it is enough to simply rethink your priorities in relation to life. In the second, you cannot do without the help of a professional psychologist, because the described fear can lead to an attempt at suicide.
  • Low social status … Not all young people can boast of a stable financial situation. Many of them study full-time, which does not allow them to have a substantial extra income in their free time from lectures. For some guys, this fact is not a problem when dealing with girls. However, over time, young men begin to understand that not all young ladies love financially insolvent young men.
  • Bad experiences in the past … We all learn from our mistakes, realizing over time the fact that everything is not smooth in life. The fear of communicating with girls can develop when there has already been a case of the lady's incorrect reaction in response to an offer to meet. Even in the relationship formed in the past, a painful breakup of the couple could occur, in which the chosen one hurt the guy's pride when parting.
  • Excessive shyness … Not all young men can boast of a lively character and the ability to easily communicate with the fair sex. Some overly impressionable males from a young age blush and go numb at the real opportunity to talk and share impressions with an interesting girl.
  • Inability to voice your thoughts … You can be a generally recognized handsome man in the eyes of ladies if he does not have the ability to put together even two words in a phrase. However, the appearance of a man in many cases quickly becomes boring if there is nothing to talk about with the young man. In addition, when meeting a special person, such verbal lugs can lose to talkers who, with excellent oratorical abilities and the gift of persuasion, have a more modest appearance.

Note! Guys have no less complexes than girls. In some cases, solely with the acquisition of experience, a real conqueror of women's hearts grows out of a once immature personality.

Varieties of fears of communicating with girls

Numbness as a form of fear of a girl
Numbness as a form of fear of a girl

Fear of acquaintance and further relationships with the fair sex can be classified as follows:

  1. Fear-numbness … In this case, you should talk about those guys who fall into a stupor at the sight of a person who is nice to them. At the same time, they do not experience any fear, but simply are not able to be the first to start a conversation with the object they like. Such an idol will definitely not attract the attention and interest of any coquette, because girls love self-confident representatives of the opposite sex.
  2. Panic fear … Young people with increased anxiety will always be frightened by the upcoming communication with an interesting girl for them. If an energetic lady herself is able to be the first to start an acquaintance, then in the future a rather successful couple can emerge from such an experiment. Otherwise, the young man remains a bachelor for life, even if there are a large number of attractive persons in his environment.
  3. Demonstrative fear … Guys of this kind of character, having any of their hidden complexes, always show with their whole appearance that it is good for them to be exclusively in the company of themselves. You can calculate them by the phrases “why do we need those girls”, “the female sex is only capable of gossiping and looking in the mirror” or “a real man can never be squeezed by any freak.” With all the seeming bravado, such pseudo-macho, deep down, want to get acquainted and communicate with the fair sex, but they are afraid of any mistake on their part, even if the development of acquaintance is favorable.
  4. Fear-cyclical … In this case, an animated film immediately comes to mind, where the pony was very sad that he had to run in a circle if he had another dream. Young people, with their existing fear of communicating with the opposite sex, often repeatedly refuse the opportunity to meet an attractive person. The reason for such a refusal of personal life is quite commonplace: the fear of being ridiculed and rejected by another spectacular lady.
  5. Hermitage with fear of communication … The sounded factor can be called the finish line, which determines the impossibility of acquaintance between representatives of the opposite sex through the fault of the young man. If the fear of being rejected becomes an obsession with a guy, then he withdraws into himself and abandons all attempts to establish his personal life.

In no case should you cultivate the described phenomenon in yourself, because being alone if you can correct the situation that has arisen is an illogical behavior for guys. People in their prime should flirt and communicate with each other, which is considered natural during youth.

Ways to Deal with Fear of Girls

If the guy is determined to get rid of the described complex, then he should seriously engage in his self-improvement. This process will not require large financial costs, but the young man will have to apply willpower unambiguously and in large quantities.

Self-directed actions to eliminate fear of girls

Sports as a way to overcome fear of a girl
Sports as a way to overcome fear of a girl

Representatives of the fair sex do not immediately attack with mockery of young men who behave correctly towards them. Therefore, a young man should take the following actions when the problem is voiced, how to overcome the fear of communicating with a girl:

  • Improving appearance … At the same time, you can even choose a rather unusual image for those around you, but clothes must be clean when going out. Using a good perfume also does not hurt when it comes to attracting attention from spectacular girls. In addition, these factors significantly affect the increase in self-esteem of a young man, who will feel more confident at the sight of flirty ladies' looks in his direction.
  • Expanding your horizons … In this case, reading fiction and watching high-quality cinema will help. Any girl will immediately like a young man with whom there is something to talk about. Even a silly girl will be mesmerized to look into the mouth of a guy who talks a lot and to the point. An intellectual woman is instantly captivated by this, because in our time not every person is engaged in self-development. At the same time, the complex young man himself is aware of himself as the initiator of a conversation, which can lead to friendship and even love relationships in the future. Hobbies also play an important role in communication. For example, if a guy knows how to beautifully play the guitar or sing songs, is the organizer of hikes or kayak trips, it will always be interesting with such a person.
  • Anecdote or interesting phrase in the topic … The main thing in this business is to win the initial interest in your person from a pretty person. They are met unambiguously by their clothes, but a pleasant impression may last only on the basis of this factor for a short time. You should stock up on a set of interesting jokes to make the girl you like smile. However, in this case, it is necessary to clearly remember that black humor and greasy statements will definitely alienate the person you like, who will consider the boyfriend an elementary boor.
  • Sports activities … Any manipulations to improve your body will add confidence to each person. Yesterday's "goner" will definitely appeal to girls if he is in excellent physical shape after training. If there are no restrictions for health reasons, then you can even engage in hand-to-hand combat. Young coquettes love young men who can stand up for them. In addition, in the same sports section, you can establish communication with the person you like, relying on common interests.

Help of psychologists to eliminate the fear of communicating with girls

Self-training to overcome fear of girls
Self-training to overcome fear of girls

Specialists are always ready to help those who need their help. If a problem arises, they advise you to act according to such a program in order to get rid of the sounded complex forever:

  1. Learning body language … In order to find out for sure whether the young person you like or not likes, it is worth carefully observing her first reaction. If a girl looks at a young man and smiles invitingly at him, this does not mean that something amused her in his appearance. You should forget about all the complexes and try to start a conversation with an attractive object for flirting. If a girl constantly straightens her hair and clothes when looking at a young man, then she is unambiguously tuned in to communicate with him and should not hesitate. When a young lady is the first to ask a guy questions and is interested in his life and hobbies, then the acquaintance can be considered successful.
  2. Gaze technique … You also need to be able to look at a sexually attractive object correctly so as not to scare him off with your ridiculous behavior. First, you should not look away when the girl looks the guy directly in the eyes. She may draw the wrong conclusions in the form of the fact that she is a bore-shy or even a secret maniac. Not an option would also be to loop the gaze on any part of the body of a young person, which will look like either a mockery or an outright sexual assault in her direction. You definitely need to look at the girl clearly, as if enveloping her with a look. At the same time, she will not feel aggression towards herself, but she will definitely notice a frank interest in her person.
  3. Auto-training … It is necessary to love yourself and your body, because the nature itself endowed the young man with the available data. Therefore, it is worth starting the mechanism of positive thoughts to the maximum. In this case, phrases like “I can do everything”, “I have no equal” and “all the girls are ready to meet me” will not hurt. With the problem voiced, you can not be afraid to develop the Narcissus complex in yourself, because with low self-esteem in a young man, such a phenomenon is unlikely to occur.
  4. Seeking help from a friend … In every male company there is a craftsman who does not see a problem in meeting and further communication with girls. At first, it is worth visiting all parties and parties with him in order to observe his behavior. In addition, next to such a generally recognized macho, even his silent friend will seem to young ladies to be rather a mysterious person than a notorious person.

How to get rid of the fear of girls - watch the video:

The fear of communicating with girls is often invented by the very victim of the voiced phenomenon. However, this problem cannot be considered an insignificant factor, because it can deprive the young person of the opportunity to build full-fledged relationships in the future.