The role of androgen receptors in muscle growth

The role of androgen receptors in muscle growth
The role of androgen receptors in muscle growth

In this article, you will learn how to properly influence androgen receptors to maximize muscle mass and strength. It is safe to say that androgen receptors are protein. It is known that protein is regularly found in muscle tissue, but receptors disappear, and new ones appear in their place.

The number of androgen receptors

Testosterone tablets
Testosterone tablets

When does the number of receptors remain the same? Only if the rate of synthesis is equal to the rate of decay. Loss occurs at the moment when the decay rate exceeds the reduction synthesis. This is precisely the pattern seen when taking supplemental testosterone.

But this problem can be easily solved - it is necessary to develop competent training. A situation where fusion is faster than decay is theoretically possible. In practice, such results are difficult to achieve. Most often, there are fewer receptors than needed.

In order to have more receptors, it is necessary to reduce the rate of decay. The metabolic rate of receptors is high enough, in an hour they die and grow again. If this exchange of decay is slightly reduced, then there will be a lot of receptors. After a long study, a special HSP protein was discovered. During exercise, it is synthesized and prevents androgen receptors from being destroyed. Due to this action, their density increases significantly.

Long-term training stimulates the growth of receptors. Therefore, experienced athletes have more of them than a novice bodybuilder. Even a weekly pause does not affect the density of receptors in the professional's muscle tissue. Of course, the introduction of androstenedione contributes to a decrease in their number, but it is quickly restored due to synthesis. It is important not to interrupt training for a very long period, otherwise the androgen receptors will decrease.

Muscle cells and their components

Heavy weight training
Heavy weight training

From the above, we can conclude that testosterone must meet with its receptors in order to get the desired result. The difficulty lies in the fact that the receptors are hidden in muscle tissue, testosterone makes its way to them through the cells. But it is not easy to get into the cell, as it is protected by a membrane.

Due to this, the integrity is not violated and unwanted microelements do not enter the cell itself. In the natural environment, the cell is available for testosterone and androstenedione, but as soon as oversaturation occurs (this is due to the chemical injection of anabolic steroids), the cell blocks the intake.

Hormonal receptors are found not only on the cell surface, but also inside the nucleus. For example, growth hormones and insulin do not seek to enter the cell, their receptors are considered membrane, they are located on the surface. But testosterone needs to get to the nucleus to get to the receptors. Today, these data have been revised, now doctors say that growth hormone also needs to get through the membrane in order to start acting.

If the drugs remain only on the surface of the cell, then the athlete feels a surge of energy. In this case, training takes place with more tangible weights. But muscle tissue does not grow, therefore, power loads are empty.

The hard way to the core

Fish oil capsules
Fish oil capsules

Only theoretically can it be assumed that the membrane is easy to overcome. But in practice there is a different picture. There are channels on the membrane that open when the cell needs certain components.

At other times, these channels remain closed, testosterone cannot get into the cell and enter the muscle fibers. Doctors have not learned to force these channels to work. But scientists know how to increase the potential of the muscle membrane, which also promotes muscle growth.

The functionality of the membrane depends on the permeability of its fat layer. It can be controlled by consuming the right fats. This requires fluid components, it is determined at low temperatures. For example, if you put butter or cheese in the refrigerator, then it will become hard, which means that the fats are not fluid.

But fish oil will not change its physical state, such fats are called polyunsaturated. Bodybuilders prefer to use these very foods, they reduce the fat layer of the muscle membrane, and testosterone freely flows to the right place.

Sow palmetto for bodybuilder

Dwarf Saw Palmetto
Dwarf Saw Palmetto

This substance is actively used to treat prostate function. Doctors make drugs from it that have helped more than one patient with this unpleasant disease. Not many people talk about this, but bodybuilders after a long course of steroids suffer from prostate disease. This is due to the fact that oversaturation with hormones provokes an increase in this gland.

In this case, the athlete feels unpleasant pain during urination. Doctors say that you need to consume palmetto sow to avoid these male problems. But the extract blocks the growth of muscle fibers. Consequently, the intake of anabolic steroids becomes irrational.

Of course, after you quit taking sow palmetto, the growth of muscle tissue remains the same. It has long been proven that the drug reduces the conversion of the hormone testosterone to dihydrotestosterone. Initially, it was believed that it should stimulate the work of muscle tissue. But in practice, everything turned out to be more complicated. The fat included in the composition prevents the adhesion of the hormone to the receptors. This adversely affects the growth of muscle mass.

Sow Palmetto is a preparation based on plant extracts of the fruits of the dwarf Saw Palmetto, which perfectly relieves prostate problems. But bodybuilders need to be careful with such a substance. Better to find an alternative or just accept the fact that health is more important than muscle gain. You cannot give correct advice here. It is important to pay attention to health problems in time. Otherwise, dysfunction of one organ will lead to intermittent work of the whole organism. Then you can only dream of pumping your body.

Remember that the hormonal system works in a logical way. It is impossible to deceive her, but there is an option to direct the action in the necessary direction. It is impossible to understand the operation of the device if you do not delve into the device in detail and competently.

How to increase testosterone levels - watch the video:

The human body is a machine that will work correctly if you know how to act on it and fix minor breakdowns. The growth of muscle tissue depends not only on the correct choice of training, proper nutrition, daily regimen, but also on the work of the hormonal system. Disruptions in the work of hormones are fraught with serious diseases. Therefore, an illiterate influence can only aggravate the situation. You need to value your health and pump your body wisely.
