Dairy products on a diet

Dairy products on a diet
Dairy products on a diet

Find out if you can include dairy products in your diet if the goal is to get rid of excess body fat. The dairy diet is not new and has been helping people lose fat for a long time. Note that previously, when using this nutrition program, it was necessary to consume only dairy products on a diet. However, now it has been refined, which has increased its efficiency.

Advantages and Disadvantages of a Dairy Diet

Milk is pouring into a cup
Milk is pouring into a cup

Like any nutritional program, the dairy diet has certain advantages and disadvantages. We will talk about this now. It should be noted that in recent years, some nutritionists increasingly have doubts about the advisability of using dairy products on a diet. But people continue to actively use them. Milk is a supplier of many nutrients, and there is no point in giving up on it.

Benefits of a dairy diet:

  • Provides the body with protein compounds to prevent muscle loss.
  • It contains a large amount of calcium and this has a positive effect not only on the state of the bone structure, but also contributes to an increase in the rate of lipolysis.
  • Due to the absence of solid foods at the time of using the dairy nutrition program, fat burning is more active.

As for the disadvantages of a milk diet, they are as follows:

  • Due to restrictions on the use of certain foods, the dairy diet belongs to the hard group.
  • Milk does not contain plant fiber and for this reason it is necessary to limit the time of using this nutrition program.
  • With a large amount of consumed dairy products, various disorders of the digestive system may appear.

We have already said that the dairy nutrition program has helped a large number of people lose fat. Thus, its effectiveness has been proven in practice, which is very important. At the same time, you should be aware that there is no nutritional program that will be effective for all people. You need to take into account the characteristics of your body when choosing a diet to combat fat.

Since the dairy food program is a fairly strict diet, there are several contraindications to its use. Do not stick to it if you have problems with the skin. If stomach surgeries have been performed, then the dairy diet should not be used. Also, you should not use it for those people who are contraindicated in monotonous food.

Dairy Diet Examples

Milk and different types of cheeses
Milk and different types of cheeses

Today, several variants of the dairy nutrition program are used. The most severe of these is the one that involves the use of only dairy products on the diet. The duration of such a mono nutrition program should not exceed three days.

Nutrition program for three days

Cottage cheese, sour cream, milk
Cottage cheese, sour cream, milk

This is the simplest nutritional program that only consumes milk. It is necessary to start using the product at eight in the morning, and the last intake should take place no later than 20.00. On the first day of the diet, you should drink a glass of milk every two hours. On the second day, do this every hour and a half, and on the final day, every 60 minutes. You should also use a multivitamin during this period.

Nutrition program for five days

Yogurt in a glass, hard cheese and cottage cheese
Yogurt in a glass, hard cheese and cottage cheese
  • Breakfast - a glass of yogurt (not fatty), green tea with lemon and prunes.
  • 2nd breakfast - one glass of kefir.
  • Lunch - vegetable salad (tomatoes and cucumbers), soft-boiled egg, cottage cheese (low-fat), fermented baked milk or kefir.
  • Dinner - cottage cheese, a glass of kefir (milk can be used), grated apple.

We have already noted that the modern dairy nutrition program has been significantly improved, and you can consume more than dairy products on your diet. Only alcohol, fatty meats and flour products are strictly prohibited. You should also eat low-fat dairy products.

There are no other serious restrictions and you can eat fruits and vegetables, as well as non-fatty meat. There are many similar mixed dairy nutrition programs. By the way, dairy diets are actively used by show business stars. For example, it is known for certain that this nutrition program was used by Paris Hilton.

Also, dairy products on a diet can be used for gaining weight. The main difference between this nutritional program and a diet aimed at getting rid of fat is that there are no restrictions on the fat content of milk and its products. When using it, you must consume milk at every meal.

Even pro-athletes use similar nutrition programs. For example, Arnold Schwarzenegger believed that milk was a must-have for bodybuilders. There is no doubt that this person understands a lot about bodybuilding.

How to eat dairy products on a diet, learn from this video:
