Diet for acne on the face: products, menus, results

Diet for acne on the face: products, menus, results
Diet for acne on the face: products, menus, results

What is an acne diet, which foods in the diet are allowed and which ones are prohibited? An example of a meal plan for a week, potential results. It is necessary to minimize the amount of refined sugar, which is certainly included in all of the above products, including homemade jam. Only dried fruits and fruits should be eaten as sweets.

In addition, you should not eat other obviously unhealthy foods - fast food, soda, juice in bags, chips, etc. Also today, nutritionists in anti-acne diets recommend giving up milk and products made from it, or reduce them to minimum. This is due to the fact that the current milk contains hormones that are fed to cows to accelerate the growth of muscle mass. These hormones can only make things worse. If you really like milk, replace it with goat or vegetable milk - nut, soy, rice, oat, etc.

Diet rules for acne

Steam cooking
Steam cooking

The acne diet is, of course, not only a list of permitted and prohibited foods, it is also a number of rules that are very important to follow for a really good result.

Let's take a look at the most important ones:

  • Fasting day … It is best to start your diet on a fasting day, which will trigger a powerful cleansing process. It can be carried out on prunes, apples, beets, watermelons. However, practicing such mono-hunger strikes is allowed only if there are no health problems.
  • Correct heat treatment … All dishes should be cooked either steamed or in a slow cooker. Such processing allows you to save more useful components in products. In extreme cases, you can use the oven, but you definitely need to refuse frying.
  • Minimum spices and oils … When cooking, try to use as little salt, spices and oil as possible.
  • Drinking regime … It is very important to follow the correct drinking regime when dieting, this is especially important when increasing fiber intake. You need to drink clean water at the rate of at least 30 ml per 1 kg of weight.
  • Alternating products … Try not to eat the same food, use different foods from day to day. This will help you get all the vitamins and minerals you need and will keep your stomach from relaxing.

Another important rule is that you need to listen to your body. If, while following one or another dietary recommendation, you have unpleasant symptoms, you should stop following it.

Please note that in the early days of the diet, the skin condition may not improve, but, on the contrary, worsen. This is normal and is due to the fact that the body has begun to intensively get rid of toxins and toxins.

Menu for the week of the right diet for acne

Rice porridge with raisins and apple
Rice porridge with raisins and apple

People who have never tied their hands with the rules of a healthy diet, in the first couples, believe that such a diet is very boring and unpleasant, but there is little truth in this. Sure, it takes some time to learn new recipes and master healthy cooking, but it's worth it. However, so that it is not difficult for you at the beginning of the diet, we will give you an example of a simple diet for a week.


  • Breakfast: oatmeal with dates and nuts;
  • Lunch: fish soup, boiled egg, a couple of slices of whole grain bread;
  • Dinner: steamed chicken cutlet with a large portion of fresh vegetable salad.


  • Breakfast: cottage cheese casserole with raisins without sugar, a cheese sandwich on rye bread;
  • Lunch: turkey soup, whole grain bread with chicken breast;
  • Dinner: boiled beef garnished with steamed vegetables.


  • Breakfast: fruit salad, peanut butter sandwich;
  • Lunch: rabbit soup, whole grain bread, vegetable salad;
  • Dinner: buckwheat with baked chicken breast and broccoli.


  • Breakfast: rice porridge with vegetable milk with raisins, fruit;
  • Lunch: chicken soup, boiled egg, whole grain bread;
  • Dinner: vegetable stew with rabbit meat, cutting vegetables.


  • Breakfast: fruit salad, hot cheese and tomato sandwich;
  • Lunch: fish soup, cheese sandwich, green salad;
  • Dinner: boiled rice with green peas and turkey.


  • Breakfast: steam omelet, cutting vegetables;
  • Lunch: barley porridge with rabbit meat and vegetables;
  • Dinner: fruit salad, cheese sandwich.


  • Breakfast: oatmeal in water or vegetable milk, fruit;
  • Lunch: turkey soup, whole grain bread;
  • Dinner: steamed fish and vegetables.

Please note, this is only the basis of the diet. The acne diet is not a weight loss diet, you don't need to starve. Feel free to add healthy snacks, including high-calorie ones - nuts, dried fruits. Drink green and herbal teas, self-made compotes without sugar. It is also good to drink water with lemon and ginger. Also, try to learn new recipes. You can make your own raw candy with nuts and dates, homemade chicken breast pastroma, and experiment with salad dressings to keep yourself from getting bored. Indeed, ideally, you need to ensure that a healthy diet is not an episode in life, but a constant practice. Having mastered many healthy but delicious recipes, it will not be difficult for you to eat right on an ongoing basis. Thus, you can save yourself not only from acne, but also from many other health problems.

Acne Diet Results

Girl eating orange
Girl eating orange

First of all, it is worth saying that you should not expect an instant result, your task is to improve the activity of the intestines and free it from harmful substances, and, as you understand, this does not happen quickly. In addition, as we said above, at first, the skin condition may even worsen. However, in the long term - in 1-2 months - noticeable results await you.

If you are not distinguished by strong willpower, be sure to allow yourself "cheat mil" - this is how it is fashionable to call the planned violation of the regime practiced in diets today. This means that 1-2 times a week you can eat something forbidden - for example, ice cream. This will give you the strength to stay on the correct diet in the future. And, believe me, it is better planned to break the rule once a week than not withstand prolonged restrictions and break completely.

How to eat on a diet for acne - watch the video:

An acne diet is an important step in the fight against this skin problem. Rashes are, in the overwhelming majority of cases, a consequence of improperly working intestines. Thus, by normalizing the work of the digestive system, you can achieve cleansing of the skin of the face. The diet generally follows the basic "tenets" of a healthy diet and consists of a balanced diet without fasting. Ideally, you need to adhere to it not only during the period of getting rid of acne, but all your life.
