Reduction of testicles on a course of steroids

Reduction of testicles on a course of steroids
Reduction of testicles on a course of steroids

Find out why testicular shrinkage occurs on a steroid cycle? Is this the norm or pathology? And what is the correct way to restore such side effects of steroids? A decrease in testicular size during AAS cycles is the most common side effect of steroid use. Of course, this process can occur not only because of the use of anabolic steroids. We also note that if the athlete takes timely measures, then the atrophy of the testicles will be reversible. In turn, for other reasons, atrophy may not be such. However, we are more interested in the problem of testicular shrinkage on a course of steroids and measures to eliminate it.

Reasons for a decrease in testicles on a course of steroids

The athlete trains with a tourniquet
The athlete trains with a tourniquet

The decrease in the size of the testes is directly related to the process of spermatogenesis. The higher the degree of atrophy, the lower the fertility rate. But this was a digression, and now let's move on to the question of the reasons for this phenomenon.

There can be a lot of reasons, as we said above. Among the most common should be noted a decrease in the blood supply to the organ, chronic inflammatory processes, a poor nutritional program, radiation exposure, a high concentration of follicle-stimulating hormone, etc. There are about fifty reasons for the decrease in the size of the testicles.

If you are having this problem, then it is likely that steroids are not to blame. It is necessary to understand in detail what is happening. But now we will only talk about the use of AAS. Only those drugs that reduce the secretion of luteinizing hormone can cause a decrease in the testes on a course of steroids. These include all testosterone esters and methandrostenolone. Also, steroids with high progestogenic properties - trenbolones, nandrolones and oxymethalone - are distinguished by a similar effect on the body.

You must remember that if your problems are caused only by the use of anabolic steroids, then atrophy is reversible in most cases. It cannot cause infertility or impotence. However, it should be recognized that with an advanced form of testicular atrophy, it can be very difficult to restore their performance.

How can testicular shrinkage be stopped on a steroid cycle?

Anabolic steroids in pill form
Anabolic steroids in pill form

To solve the problem of testicular shrinkage on a course of steroids, you will need to use drugs. Now we'll talk about them. The most popular among them is chorionic gonadotropin (hCG or simply gonadotropin), and for this reason, it is with it that we begin our review of medications.


During AAS cycles, especially of a long duration, the use of gonadotropin is mandatory. The drug not only stops testicular atrophy, but also improves the process of spermatogenesis. By using the drug during cycles, you help restore close to normal testeculum size.

If gonadotropin is used post-cycle during recovery therapy, your fertility will be restored. At the same time, it should be said that about 20 percent of athletes do not have problems with spermatogenesis when using AAS.

It is necessary to use the drug twice a week in an amount of 500 IU. The cycle duration should not exceed 21 days. Otherwise, the effectiveness of using the drug drops sharply. Let's also say that when using "eternal" cycles of steroids, gonadotropin should be taken in cycles of three weeks, after which a pause of the same duration is required.


Gonadotropin cannot be called a cheap drug, but menotropin is significantly superior in this indicator. It is necessary to use this remedy in cases where gonadotropin did not give a positive result when restoring the process of spermatogenesis. This is the main purpose of menotropin. For obvious reasons, restoration of spermatogenesis will also stop testicular atrophy.

Testis compositum

This drug was created by Heel, which is engaged in its production. Thanks to him, you can also stop atrophy. Among the main advantages of testis compositum, two should be highlighted: its cost is low and the drug is practically free of side effects.

At the same time, it has a weak effect on the process of spermatogenesis in comparison with gonadotropin. It is clear that it is even more inferior to menotropin in this indicator. Testis compositum has the following effects:

  • Promotes vasodilation;
  • Has a trophic effect;
  • Has antioxidant properties;
  • It has a detoxifying effect.

This is quite enough for the atrophy to be stopped and the testicles to return to their normal size. Many athletes fear atrophy when using AAS. But if you do everything right, then the recovery will take place quite calmly and quickly.

If you cannot calmly observe how your testicles shrink during a course of steroids, then you should exclude from its composition those drugs that lead to this. Today, a fairly large number of anabolic drugs are produced, and there are no problems with their acquisition. To carry out a high-quality and safe steroid cycle, you need to have minimal knowledge in the field of physiology, be tested at least three times and carry out the correct restorative therapy.

Thanks to this, and also with the help of the medications reviewed today, you have absolutely nothing to fear. Rumors about the development of impotence or infertility when using steroids are greatly exaggerated. As for impotence, there can be only two reasons: psychological and problems with the prostate. You already know how to restore the process of spermatogenesis after reading today's article.

For more information on restoring the size of the testicles, see this video:
